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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I see what you mean. Have you tried removing fog? IMO it makes the game look better and it can boost framerate by as much as 20 FPS. Its hard to give advice on hardware as APB seems to run differently on every PC running it. (Unless you want to copy someone's full build, in which case I would ask @SKay to give you his specs)
  2. That, and the fact that it would serve no purpose whatsoever.
  3. If you want increased fps without the advanced launcher or a config, try lowering your resolution in fullscreen mode. Should see a significant increase. Also, for what it's worth OCing my CPU from 3.7Ghz to 4.5Ghz yielded little improvement.
  4. I think premium is only worth $0.25/day or something like that.
  5. Damn you, I shot cranberry juice out of my nose reading that. ^this this a thousand times this^
  6. Too true. Soul Glow in APB when?
  7. Come on guys,this is a massive job and the staff are working their asses off. I know it's an inconvenience, but LO is not the enemy.
  8. Well if you do reroll, hopefully some version of Randy Watson is available.
  9. Anytime. If you ever want to double check stats, APBDB.com has accurate and up to date stats.
  10. Please don't drag me into this. If you caught a ban, that's on you and you alone. Though if I'm being honest, Jericho won't be the same without you. Might be better, but definitely not the same.
  11. Talking with you is a fantasy become reality.
  12. ISSR-a are assault rifles (and not great) ISSR-b are sniper rifles (and stupid good)
  13. I too enjoy fantasy vs reality. Quality thread.
  14. If you think this you haven't been in silver recently. And obviously I could turn around and use the "you just want kills for your next role" on any veteran who plays in bronze. Also, for anyone waiting for phasing to solve this problem, who is it you think phasing is going to put you up against? Spoiler alert: It won't be the noobs you are facing now, so you might want to get used to finally facing the players you should.
  15. I just wanted to encourage everyone to try out the changes, and then give as constructive of feedback as you can. Please don't get so frustrated you just stop caring. If the changes are as bad as they may seem on paper, we should be able to make a clear argument as to why these changes should not be implemented. So please, don't give up just yet. Always feels weird agreeing with Hex, but he's hit the nail on the head with this one.
  16. We don't have 4 levels of districts to play in. We have 2. This is the reality, 2 sets of districts. Is everyone with me so far? Beginners should not be placed into silver districts. This means beginners should play in bronze districts. New players should not have to face players with years of experience and possibly thousands of hours in game. APB has next to no new player retention. This is a direct result of veteran players playing in what is the only set of districts new players should be in. If you aren't new, stay out of the beginner districts. If all veterans played in silver, matches would be more fair for EVERYONE. Even now silver districts often have more silver players than gold. If all veterans played in silver you wouldn't be facing top tier golds ever time like in the fantasy scenario vets who play in bronze like to talk about. FFS, this is about as simple a concept as there is. I honestly cannot believe anyone is confused about it.
  17. Dont get discouraged. We can be harsh here, but its mostly in jest. Try to learn from those who replied, and go from there.
  18. Dont get discouraged. We can be harsh here, but its mostly in jest. Try to learn from those who replied, and go from there.
  19. Save the bullshoot. Can =/= should Its not rocket science.
  20. Aero playing with high sens mouse in the tub -2019 (colourized)
  21. Excuse me sir, can you exlpain how the Mobile Radar Tower works?
  22. Save your excuses, homie. You don't have to be breaking any rules to be a bad guy. By staying in bronze, you make matches less fair in both Bronze and Silver.
  23. Only because players like you refuse to do the right thing.
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