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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. As cold as it sounds, LO is doing something for these players they do not have to do. Better to get something than nothing.
  2. @Aeronaut looks like you can access the old blog posts again, but its a slow tedious process and sometimes things just wont load https://web.archive.org/web/20160715021344/http://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2016/07/mid-july-update.html
  3. Oof... I gotta stop spending so much outside of sales then.
  4. It's just a semantic argument that gets brought up at times. They say hackers have knowledge, cheaters are more like script kiddies. It's an effort to not give more cred to cheaters than they deserve through the rigid use of language.
  5. Perhaps your u are right, I've not had experience with game balance before. But I think the idea was to remove bias imparted by knowing the stats beforehand. To force people to use the gun and decide if they did or didn't like it based on the changes alone, and not the influence of how they interpreted the stats.
  6. As of now I think you can only supply 4 grenades total from a box regardless of how many people are resupplying from it. Also, "it's always been this way" would be just as bad of an argument as "it didn't used to be this way". For me, I don't like how it has changed my gameplay experience. But again, just an opinion. Though either way, I don't think whatever decision is made on consumables will make or break the game. As for mobile cover, nearly everyone I know are all in favor of at least a delay in deployment, if not also a nerf to shield HP.
  7. That was my favorite thread, maybe of all time.
  8. Conversely, if you cannot judge range, how well can you judge any changes, known or not?
  9. What makes you think these players use or even need a macro? Honest question, I've always been curious how people determine macro over ability to simply click.
  10. Agree to disagree. More than my enjoyment I'd rather the game pick up some players. So hopefully this change is for the better.
  11. Honestly Mitne, I doubt anyone really listens to you ever.
  12. Yes because Blizzard has the infrastructure to support those devs. LO does not.
  13. Those friggin nerds. I do see your point though, while some players are testing, I wish more would.
  14. To use an oversimplified example, imagine pallbearers carrying a casket. There is only so much room around the casket, only so many areas is which a person can help out. Having 6 or 8 people is great, it means every person can help carry the load. But throw 20 people at the problem, and most of them will not be able to help in any meaningful way.
  15. I'm not sure how letting players test and give feedback is a bad thing. But whatever.
  16. There comes a point in any project where adding more bodies will not speed up the process.
  17. This does seem to be the popular opinion. I just personally don't like it. I'm a solo player 99% of the time, so I'm not able to coordinate or rely on teammates, which means I have to craft loadouts by myself. Of course, APB isn't designed for solo play, and yeah if you have a 3 or 4 man premade, you can obviously use the various mods at your disposal to more or less make up for the changes. Still, I hate that I have to either use a character mod loadout that either means i have to stand by a car spawn every match until we get opp and I can see their loadouts, or waste my orange mod slot on ammo boxes, or my blue vehicle slot since I wont be able to rely on teammates to pick of the slack so to speak when it comes to mods. Basically I'm spending a significant amount of mission time driving around to change weapons, whereas before I could do it on the fly which for me made for a much more fast pace and dynamic gameplay experience. And as far as having to plan ahead more on what I'm doing, for me that just means choosing ntec nearly every mission.
  18. Well that's why I said it's slow instead of saying it is bad. It's the change to the consumable I find bad.
  19. I mean this in the nicest way possible. You are a barely silver player even after years of playing, and you play in bronze districts. You clearly have no idea what is or isn't possible by legit players. You should not be spouting off about cheaters.
  20. Why should someone who has no interest in playing APB even want to keep their name?
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