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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Having multi accounts was fine then and is now. The Tiggs Box fiasco was players just being goofy. Some created hundreds and hundreds of new accounts that day. As for ban evasion... old G1, just like LO now, reserved the right to prevent anyone banned from ever playing again. Though for the most part, you are free to reroll and play legit.
  2. My only guess is it's my i74820k. I don't know anyone else that owns one, and it's the only unique thing about my build. Every other game runs as well as you'd expect, APB just goes "nah".
  3. I can only offer the numbers. If you'd like to benchmark yours, https://www.msi.com/page/afterburner
  4. As a 'non-Advanced Launcher created config' player, this is a bummer for me. Obviously LO has no choice with the program in question, I'm just curious if players who manually create a config have to worry? Also, I don't suppose we could finally get an official response on what is or isn't allowed config-wise? PS for anyone curious my specs and benchmarks for APB are:
  5. What's the point of the HVR when on the one hand you only know how much damage you are dealing per shot in some situations. Other times you just have to guess. I don't think HVR should be viable in cqc, but to say the HVR shouldn't be able to 3 shot a kev3 user at range, seems a bit much. Still wish they'd have done a damage ramp up similar to the DMR, but I suppose that milk was spilled too long ago to care.
  6. Let's see how you feel after you 3 shot a Kev 3 user from 60m and don't get a kill.
  7. In the meantime, these are pretty gud. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nddOr
  8. I feel like you should have to add "barely silver 8 year vet btw" to these posts.
  9. I'd argue the only people who even care about the titles are those who own them. Most players either couldn't care less, or don't even know they exist.
  10. One of the streaming cheaters being referred to is not only blatantly triggerbotting, but also discussing his triggerbot the entire time because he gets mad every time a red name sets it off (as opposed to a red crosshair). He is still streaming.
  11. Video may or may not be proof enough. I've seen video that is entirely unconvincing, and I've seen video so blatant even a child could spot the triggerbot.
  12. Technically true I think. I'm not very familiar with macro software.
  13. Honestly? Everyone is heard by LO. Good ideas presented well will be taken into consideration whether SPCT or not.
  14. I guess the devil is in the details. Balance might be tricky, but that's true of any new gameplay related content.
  15. You cannot exceed the max RoF of any gun can n APB by using a macro. You can set a macro for perfect accuracy at the cost of ttk on some weapons. You can also click for yourself and get perfect accuracy at the cost of ttk on those same weapons. Add in the often questionable stability of the game, and I don't think you can be so sure who is macroing and who can click.
  16. You miss the point. Behind a riot shield only a sliver of hitbox would be visible. Shotgun pellets fire in a spread. This means no matter your aim, most of your pellets either hit the shield or miss entirely. All other guns are capable of delivering full damage per shot even on a partially exposed hitbox. There would be no reason not to use a riot shield when attacking, and you would effectively remove the defensive niche of shotguns and replace all shotguns scenarios as SMG scenarios.
  17. So long as you remove shotguns completely, have at it. Otherwise in what situation would you choose a shotgun over an SMG?
  18. Sounds game breaking. Would certainly make all shotguns worthless, since even if part of the hitbox is exposed, you'd be lucky to hit more than 1-2 pellets at best. Hard pass.
  19. You can make a macro for recoil, yes. That's why I didn't list it. Though how you would tell the difference between a macro user and someone who has used an ntec for more than 10 minutes is beyond me. (Unless maybe they are streaming their macro use)
  20. Macros cannot change a weapon's max rate of fire, or bloom, or accuracy.
  21. If anyone can find it, its the prince of Belgium himself, @Kevkof. (I tried, but no luck)
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