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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. This just in, people aren't nice on the internet. Stay tuned for more painfully obvious facts.
  2. I wanna ask about unjust laws, but the idea of arguing with some kid gives me a headache. ,,,carry on
  3. Is this a defense of shitbags that dethreat to play in bronze?
  4. We have that already. Go ahead and stop using the advanced tab for district select... lemme know how it goes.
  5. Just make a /report and move on. It sucks, but that's all you can really do. Players DO get banned for this behavior, so just be patient.
  6. This just in, businesses try to make money, and people choose whether or not to give it to them. Stay tuned for more things you would think are obvious, but apparently aren't.
  7. End loot boxes! Close casinos! Ban liquor stores! Take my wife's credit card! Oh and most importantly RAISE MY KIDS FOR ME!
  8. This ESRB description is pretty funny. What a weird agency. Rating Summary This is an "open-world" action game in which players assume the roles of enforcers (members of an unspecified law enforcement division) or criminals as they move through the environment and engage in missions. Players use realistic shotguns, machine guns, and grenades to kill adversaries in frequent gun fights. Successful hits result in large spurts of blood that sometimes splash on the camera. The game allows players to shoot or run over civilians, who cry out in pain when attacked. Enforcer characters can arrest criminals, and are able to execute them after cuffing their hands. Some missions involve transporting packets of drugs to a particular location; the words "heroin," "hash," and "crack" can be heard during some dialogue. Dialogue also contains the words "f**k" and "sh*t."
  9. In their defense, the lore is next level terrible. Feels like it was written by a 14 year old.
  10. Just a thought I had while pooping. Maybe we could get a sizeable number of volunteers together to help with any new players who might stumble their way into our game? Unofficial help is great, and I'm a big fan of it... I'm just thinking how nice it'd be to have more than the occasional GM ( ) to answer questions, at least during prime hours.
  11. Just unboxed an ware monitor. I am pleased with my purchase. (Don't worry I got it at a huge discount!)
  12. We are lucky Summit is into the game. Unless of course his experience is a bad one, then the whole thing backfires. Honestly, sometimes Im not sure its worth the risk.
  13. There are people who only play one faction?
  14. You aren't sure you are going to keep playing, but you are asking about buying weapons? ... I like you.
  15. Yeah I definitely wouldn't recommend using something like that then. Sounds like the kinda thing you get banned for.
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