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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. cant really comment on that Im afraid. Though I was against the most recent HVR changes, so who knows. I guess Citadel just must have a different play style. Ive never had an issue taking out Obir players, CQC or otherwise. Using it, for me, is only fun cuz of the goofy reverse QS method. Ive never been huge Obir fan as so many other guns outperform it, so its whatever really. Just another on a growing list of guns I'll never use again. I just hope the plan for balance isn't to nerf everything.
  2. I feel like there is an interesting story here, I would like to read more.
  3. Sounds like today could be your lucky day!!!
  4. My issue is this was the only reason I chose the Obir over other weapons. Not the end of the world, but I worry that taking the fun out of fun weapons as opposed to making less fun weapons more fun, is the wrong way to balance. (what even is English?)
  5. Is this a Belgium thing? Cuz I've already spoken to your prince, and he says there's nothing he can do.
  6. The rare self own. Sucks to suck I suppose.
  7. So... Someone figured out what random email your friend uses for APB, and then after that managed to brute force hack his password, just to steal some virtual guns?
  8. RIP Obir. I didn't really like you anyways.
  9. Umm... You know LO picks the questions anyways, right?
  10. Imma do the mods a solid and just ignore this. Anyways... APB amirite?
  11. That's just the testing of the latest build, and we get builds pretty regularly from the LO team. Things work probably a lot like people imagine... that is, with each build we are told what LO needs checked out and we do so. In between these periods where there may be more specific direction on what to test (again much as you'd expect) we just try to find any issues that may have been overlooked.
  12. If you start banning players for having legitimate complaints, you may as well just shut the game down today.
  13. He works for Epic now... let the grumbling begin!
  14. Most I could find in any Western European nation is France with just 8.8%
  15. If you think 3.5 will stop people from making excuses for their shitty behavior, I've got some bad news.
  16. Anytime a game developer picks winners and losers when it comes to those who stream the game, people are going to be upset. Doubly so if the streamers chosen are the ones quitting and streaming other things. And yeah, of you've ever seen his stream, he is not a friendly or kind fellah while in game.
  17. Support sucks, and has since LO took over. It's better than it's been, but wait times are still unacceptably long. Though unless LO continues to hire and train new support staff, this is probably the new norm, so may as well just accept it.
  18. What? Muslims make up less than 5% of the European population.
  19. Little Orbit isn't lying. They also have no say in when updates go live for consoles. If you need to be mad, at least be mad at the right people.
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