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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. If you have a teammate also running pointman, you can make a pretty potent 2 man team if you run the Strife. At least, thats how Ive always viewed it, as a fun weapon that only really shines as sort of a cqc support weapon.
  2. Its new, first time players that APB needs to attract. The game will never bring back enough players to be viable. Its been too long, and most have moved on with life. The portion that are "just waiting for the upgrade" is small, and even then a portion of that portion wont stick around more than a couple weeks.
  3. I heard a rumor.... that its @SKay's birthday!
  4. As long as matchmaking is relegated to a single district it wouldn't matter if you had a million overall players, APB would still be trying to match you against only a pool of 40 (50 back in the day).
  5. Not really, the ATAC and Raptor outperform the Ntec where they are supposed to. ATAC being more cqc orientated up to around 35-40m after which they drastically become less useful, and the Raptors outperform the NTEC-5 as soon as you have to tap fire the Ntec, but by 45m the Raptors start to lose out again. FAR is easily as good as the N-TEC up to 50m with even better full auto spread (giving it more full auto range for cqc), but after 50m the better base accuracy of the NTEC wins out.
  6. lol what? The Raptors can min ttk (0.75) with HS3 up to 40m... and they are the only ARs that can do this. Oscar is 0.83 ttk and only up to 35m.
  7. Sometimes I say, "You are a wonderful person, and I love you." Some people just don't know how to react to it.
  8. Not worth the loss of situational awareness for what is already a pixel perfect point and click weapon. For me and everyone else at least.
  9. To play a game just because of your name in the game? If that WAS the case, just give yourself the name in another game. GG EZ
  10. Weirdest thing I've read on the forums in quite some time.
  11. Reminder that you can turn off any and all chat channels. You'd be surprised how much more enjoyable the game is with no chat at all.
  12. Just the ones that will need to be changed anyways. COBR-A ISSR-a AR-97 Misery I'd personally like an easier to use STAR for an improved new player experience. I'd also be interested to see a Frenzy with all the same stats including ttk, but with one less stk (and obv a reduced fire rate). ATAC is fine, FAR is fine, Raptors are fine. And for me at least, regardless of what is done with the N-TEC 5 or 7, these are all things I'd suggest be looked at anyways.
  13. APB uses its own version of this formula for calculating threat: There... feel better now?
  14. tHaTs wHaT a cHeAtEr wOuLd sAy
  15. I mean... at least it's accurate.
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