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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I use nvidia control panel to force nvidia AA
  2. Was just on 3.5 this morning. Things are going well, thanks for asking.
  3. Making consumables permanent make for fairer gameplay. New players are already at enough of a disadvantage vs experienced players as it is.
  4. Mouse myth: Higher DPI is better. You see this misleading info a lot. Here is an article explaining why that is false. https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-mouse-myths-busted/
  5. Right, but with a spread of 150cm @10m, giving it more range than that matters less because you'd be missing nearly all your pellets at the previous 27m max range. (when compared to say range changes for a weapon like the cr762).
  6. The pellet system itself was a buff to all shotguns, Ogre included. Range nerf is largely pointless due to the large pellet spread of the Ogre. Fact is its always been a bad gun, maybe you are just noticing it for the first time.
  7. 400dpi 7 / .75 sense/marksman Mouse Enhancer Pro Glorious Model-O mouse also mousefix was confirmed by Androvald to have no effect
  8. While I too would like more interaction between us and the devs, I do want to mention just how hard they are working. I wouldn't want anyone to think otherwise. Truly they are making sacrifices irl for this game.
  9. Honestly I'd prefer even one of the Raptors or ATACs for a starter weapon. VERY easy to use, but with obvious downsides. Want to make up for the downsides? Try a more difficult AR.
  10. The OSCAR is 4 bursts to kill (7stk). The data within the DB comes directly from the devs. https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Rifle_Oscar
  11. You tell me, as a vet I have zero business in a bronze district.
  12. I think you can delete the instrument folder without worrying as that's not the same as removing ambient sounds.
  13. Basically this^ While easy enough to do...it IS a no-no. So if you do it, know what you are risking.
  14. That isn't what Matt said, and people are punished, even perma banned for dethreating.
  15. Don't get me wrong, players like you will always complain, it's what you do. However by removing threat based districts as seperate player pools for matchmaking, you remove the ability for a player to easily put themselves into a pool of players where they do not belong. They will always be matched against the overall pool of players meaning that getting "easier" opp through dethreating will be much more time consuming. It won't be as simple as losing a few matches on purpose, players would have to spend significantly more time lowering their threat for it to make any noticeable difference as far as the opp they receive. tl;dr remove one reason for dethreating (unfair matches) and people will be less inclined to WANT to dethreat, and by expanding the player pool to all available players, you make it much more time consuming for players who try to dethreat to actually get easier opp, reducing the INCENTIVE to dethreat
  16. Phasing WILL bring better matchmaking, which in itself will reduce the incentive to dethreat.
  17. Agreed. It will however eventually implement phasing, allowing matchmaking to select from the ENTIRE pool of online players, as opposed to the max 40 opp now.
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