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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. You get the ntec after what, 12 kills with the STAR? They quit because 12 kills got them an OP gun?
  2. Yeah the internet is no place for snowflakes. Not sure how they play any online game tbh.
  3. Boredom is a bad, yeah. I just dont see why people would be more bored because they suddenly have access to more weapons.
  4. Im not sure many new players quit because one of the first guns you get is OP.
  5. The Joker Store is an important part of APB being successful. Even more so now that permanent weapons are available. I like to rag on freeloaders, but they make up a sizeable portion not just of APB's pop, but the pop of all F2P games. If in the end making JT a lot easier to obtain means more players, Im ok with it. Lord knows Im tired of fighting the same 20 people on Jericho.
  6. Yeah we must be playing different games then. Pointman + Fang has been meta for quite some time now.
  7. Are you saying good players cant use OP weapons? Because that has not been my experience.
  8. Oh Im not saying anything about your skill my man, I dont think we even know each other, so Ive no idea. The nano was a reference to the OP nano of old, ditto for the TM. I could have said Yukon as well, but I was never a big fan.
  9. Probably gonna sit in your locker right next to your TroubleMaker and Nano. I hate when I accidentally buy "OP" weapons too.
  10. Which discussion is that? The one where we already have a 100m LTL?
  11. I think most of us despise bloom period. I'd rather a game where I aim at enemies. In APB you just bloom at them, and often enough RNG decides who wins and who loses. Its quite frustrating at times.
  12. https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=64&subcatID=290&productId=3435 You're welcome.
  13. Please tell us how you would handle the 807 tickets currently existing.
  14. And a dethreater. Nice. No wonder no one pays any attention to your posts.
  15. What even are teammates? Have you never HB'd the DMR for the lolz?
  16. Anyone who has to change will be given a free name change, go ahead and add NA or EU if you want and its not already taken.
  17. Nothing has been finalized yet... here is the post in which Matt first discussed it.
  18. You have been playing in bronze district for the last 5 years? That's messed up. Also... if the golds are so easy, how do you end up silver?
  19. 3 things I hope never change... Luxy Yood and you
  20. You don't have to choose between the 3 ways to get tickets. Once you've done your dailies, and completed your FC, now instead of waiting for one or both to reset, you can continue playing the game and earning tickets. It HAS to be a chore, it HAS to be slow, otherwise why ARMAS?
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