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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Illuminati confirmed. You should have consulted a lawyer before spouting off. Would have saved you from looking foolish.
  2. This has been brought up on the forums several times already, and LO is aware.
  3. They don't supply nades the same either. It's a limited amount. I just hate not being ables to access my inventory. APB is a slow patootie game already, and having to constantly drive to car spawns and such to change weapons slows it down even more. Switching to orange ammo just removes all other orange mod options. Just a shit idea imo.
  4. Mobile cover is broke. Don't even equip it. Consumable ammo boxes also suck atm. Cannot access inventory anymore. Good luck!
  5. I don't understand, can you explain what you think the reason no one plays APB is?
  6. Lol... Are you saying video game companies are bribing politicians?
  7. apparently we can discuss bans now so... yay?
  8. It's probably the most complained about weapon at the moment (the Fang). It's the one weapon that is almost universally thought to be out of balance and overpowered. Giving it out to everyone, while hilarious, was not at all a good idea. Imagine giving the OP version of the Troublemaker to everyone, or the OP version of the nano. You don't need to compare the test version with the original, you simply need to test the prototype version and give your feedback on that. I think LO didn't want to use OTW because people have to download and install a seperate client to use it. And I can only assume making the weapons only usable in the prototype districts is not an easy task. Though after this debacle, I wouldn't be surprised if next time they find a way to do it.
  9. No one has received a ban, even a temporary one, for UNINTENTIONAL team killing.
  10. ^this^ Once you go above 60Hz, you will never want to go back. Even jumping to just 75Hz feels better. Won't make you a pro gamer or anything, but it's just a better gaming experience.
  11. They have a different moderation system as well. Have you even been paying attention?
  12. CookiePuss


    Absolutely no self awareness. None at all. I guess this means you are done with APB. See ya.
  13. CookiePuss


    So basically you are salty as fuck no one wanted you as a GM (obviously they made the right choice), so you either made up a story about some mysterious new cheat, which you refuse to give any details about, either to us or LO because butthurt... or even worse, you aren't a liar and you are protecting these "10 people" cheating, all because you lack the qualities required to be a GM and LO saw you for what you are, petty as fuck and completely untrustworthy. Way to make yourself look like a real scumbag with a single post. Bravo.
  14. Without going into what you claim happened in the past, LO's support system is entirely new.
  15. Honestly, the Obeya is possibly the best weapon in the game.
  16. I'm not sure why you would lie. I would ask for proof, but obviously you wouldn't give any. LO investigates reports. No one ever has or ever will get banned off of reports alone. Reports simply flag accounts. Support staff then examines the reports, and if they are unfounded, not only is the player not banned, but over time the person making bad reports will find their reports are worth less and less. This is exactly how you would want the system to function. Anyone who says otherwise is simply lying.
  17. That's more of a dev question. They are the ones putting in the hard work. We just confirm that stuff is working for them.
  18. No I mean, you are in for the rude awakening of finally fighting the players you should be.
  19. That's how you win APB. You are granted your freedom.
  20. But you are exactly the kind of player I was talking about.
  21. I thought you quit... Again. I'd support that.
  22. They're just normal guns in other districts though. Not like no one had access to them before.
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