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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. They are not obligated at all. The law only applies to games that come out after the law is passed or games receiving expansions after the law is passed.
  2. Damn, that sucks homie. Merged. What are you even talking about? Are you wasted again?
  3. Dethreaters have done more damage to APB than G1 and cheaters ever could. The problem of no available districts when gold is caused by dethreaters. Unfair matches in both silver and bronze are exacerbated by dethreaters. And most importantly, new player retention is almost non existent thanks to dethreaters. Explaining their motives does not excuse their actions. It's against the rules and anyone doing so should be punished.
  4. Did you just call @blockblack disabled? Rood. I think you know what this means:
  5. Depends on the supressors I guess. .check the APBDB for the various supressors types and effects.
  6. If you've that many hours and you still play in the beginner district, you should be ashamed of yourself.
  7. As has been explained to you, your idea would change nothing.
  8. I don't understand why seeing an alphabet you cannot read is worse than a language you cannot read. Not being a banana, but honestly curious.
  9. I agree, and more importantly, so does Little Orbit. I wouldn't claim to know the correct path, but I am excited to see where LO takes things.
  10. That's not for me to decide, Im just a player. Though you might want to reach out to @Lixil and see what her advice is. By "unplayable" Im going to assume you mean because of low population. I too play on Jericho so I understand the frustration. Have you ever considered that silver districts are as empty as they are BECAUSE so many players dethreat in order to play in bronze? Anyways, good luck to you and if you do choose to dethreat, I'd suggest keeping it to yourself.
  11. You could add a million new colors. It wouldn't change your elo, and it wouldn't change who you were matched up against, because it wouldn't change your skill. And yeah, if you dethreat you are a bad person and deserve to be banned permanently.
  12. As is, there is a limit to the number of JT you can earn per week, per character. If you make JT account bound, you are only limited in the number of JT you can farm per week by the total number of characters on your account. It's bad for the players because the game cannot survive without players making ARMAS purchases. Not to say JT shouldn't be easier to farm. Just that a balance must be struck.
  13. The biggest issue with the shredder is its 20m max damage range and 0.84 ttk. This may give it an edge vs other shotguns (outside the DOW) at +10m range, but will still lose out to both SMGs and ARs.
  14. If you do have a reason the EMP grenade is a bad idea, please share it. LO reads these threads and any problem would be easier to deal with now vs after the EMP nades have been introduced.
  15. Not APB$, that's already largely worthless to vets, but rather Joker Tickets. Make them too easy to farm (or in this case, too quick to farm) and you create a situation where there would be little reason to purchase weapons from ARMAS rather than the Joker store. Yeah that too. Good point.
  16. Yeah but if we give the weebs swords, we'll have to give the furries tails!
  17. Reducing stutters and frame drops is the only reason to use a config. No one likes playing a broken game.
  18. Practice. All can at least be minimized by simply improving your gameplay. Die / lose? ask yourself what you could have done differently. That's really it.
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