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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Name and shame isn't allowed, but that is HILARIOUS. Imagine having such poor self awareness.
  2. I will say, 2 shotting a kev3 at range and not getting a kill is quite frustrating. Might as well just use a scout at that point.
  3. The player in question was not cheating. Removing explosions is allowed and has more drawbacks than benefits.
  4. The N-ISSR-B has been available in the Joker store for some time now.
  5. Ahh... Inbox must be full again. Lemme delete some stuff, if you can please try resending.
  6. Less grindy is one thing, impossible is another. If need be, LO would make changes I think.
  7. Exactly this. Sure leasing one weapon is an easy loss to make up, but if you are leasing 1 maybe 2 weapons per class? Yeah you aren't going to have much left afterwards.
  8. Ahh... With any luck this will be an option come 3.5 I know it's been asked about for years.
  9. It's not. But at least now there's something you can't buy with irl$.... I guess.
  10. I thought they gave console players their own forum? That's no longer the case?
  11. Just delete the instruments folder. You don't have to edit anything. I've not heard a theme in forever.
  12. You leave my God damn low yields alone you monster.
  13. CookiePuss

    Old LogIn Music?

    Oh ok, no worries then.
  14. Ok... This one HAS to be a troll post, right?
  15. CookiePuss

    Old LogIn Music?

    .... Am I... Are we getting trolled?
  16. Its a fuzzy bunny move, but yeah not an exploit.
  17. Ummm... maybe grab yourself a Snickers?
  18. If given the choice, I would happily forgo the unique skin in favor of normal skins.
  19. Ayyyy, I know that clan. No shame, none at all.
  20. Not anymore. Way back in the day there were icons for it, but now its hidden from view (though visible to matchmaking).
  21. Honestly I find runners so boring, I just go make a sandwich instead of following, comforted by the knowledge that my opp is running, white knuckled and afraid, even though Im not even chasing them.
  22. Reminder that Silver 10 and Gold 1 are nearly the same thing.
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