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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I mean, if people want to spend money on an inferior gun... I say let them.
  2. Way back in the day, before I started making symbols, I just did the 45 minute 100k turn-ins utilizing 5 star notoriety. Was decent money, and minimized risk. Now though, as hypocritical as it is, I would like to see ram raiding in empty districts removed from the game as it causes inflation in a game with very few money sinks.
  3. I'd rather not have the balancing features of silencers removed.
  4. That is a very interesting problem. Very interesting indeed.
  5. I lend legendaries all the time. Both to friends and people I barely know. Ive yet to be burned, but anytime I hand one over I know I'm taking the risk of never getting it back.
  6. Just finished testing the PMG @40m and man did it do better than I imagined. Without EM it came down to RNG, sometimes one clip getting a kill other times not. Certainly MUCH better than I thought. With EM it was able to score a kill nearly every time. I was unable to test the team wipe claim (only have access to two PCs at work), so I wont comment on that. I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention, seems Ive been switching to my secondary far too soon. edit: for shits and giggles I just tested the Whisper @ 40m, and while it was all down to RNG, it actually did worse than the PMG.
  7. Ok, I will try that as well. Just for accuracy, how many is an entire team in this case? Merged. I just want Genos to stop getting his patootie kicked so much.
  8. Oh I absolutely love the PMG, just a fantastic weapon. I'll give it a go, I'll let you know how it goes for me either way.
  9. The game does have like 9 or 10% fewer players since before LO was in charge. But I don't think anything done before 3.5 comes out was supposed to increase pop anyways. Side note: pop has increased in recent weeks.
  10. Probably as if they are in your mission. I don't think you are using that term correctly. What they seem to know is that as is, APB has failed. Time for change.
  11. Unreal. Christ you didn't even get a kill at 4:34. Are we watching the same video? I guess I'll test and make a video once at the PC.
  12. The loyalty one? The one you had to pay to unlock? Illuminati confirmed!
  13. Did you link the wrong video? Cuz if there was a single 40m kill in that video, I must have missed it. Sick carplay though. Also, you made the consistent kills @ 40m claim, not me. Hence the asking you to prove it. That being said, once I'm at the PC I'll give it a go... Maybe you are right.
  14. Obir and Obeya just got a range nerf though. Also, can we stop with this macro nonsense?
  15. That's not a very constructive reply, Hex.
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