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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. While I obviously understand the appeal, its hard enough to get backup when you need it as is.
  2. Lily was responding to your original post which mentions percussion grenades (400 damage each).
  3. Ahh... good point. Ophelia and Birth then. Any Bloodrose will do as a sacrifice
  4. Probably someone slow or poorly conditioned, cuz you don't have to outrun the zombies, you just have to outrun your friend. Maybe one of the Bloodroses.
  5. I definitely think removing names from dislike was a good idea, and I'm sure its prevented a great number of squabbles. But when I think someone has made a good point, or was funny, I kinda wish they could see it was me giving the positive reaction. Perhaps the two are inextricably linked?
  6. See, Im afraid to even make a joke now... is that still allowed?
  7. Oooh, I was actually wondering that myself. So we can't post, "Very good thread, thank you." We now can only use the "thanks" reaction. That's pretty lame tbh, makes things so much less personal. Too bad they can't / won't enable positive reactions to show names.
  8. Regardless. G1 agreed to the ports because they were out of money. My point wasn't that it was profitable, but rather it kept the game alive long enough to be purchased by LO.
  9. It also creates unfair matches. I'm not saying whether or not it should be changed, but that is the effect it has on game play.
  10. More likely without the money from the port, APB would have shut down well before LO came along.
  11. I mean if you only play for your displayed threat I dunno what to tell you. The gulf between Gold 1 and Gold 10 is already so vast, I can't understand getting any kind of ego boost from being gold. Not to mention APB is a rather casual, RNG based shooter in the first place. I'm not sure pushing for it to be more competitive is the answer to our population/popularity problems. Then again, I'm not a game dev and have no say in what happens anyways.
  12. The Following has been added to the forum rules as of today... Spam: Replies which could be summarized with a reaction. Repetitive and/or non-contributory threads Necroposting: Avoid posting in threads older than a month, unless you’re adding significant relevant content. Cheat Sites: Posting about or linking to cheat sites is prohibited. If I've missed anything lemme know and I will update the thread.
  13. I personally would like to see N5 / P5 only activated between missions, not during. Seems odd to punish a player for doing well. Making it activate between mission could be a reward as it gives you something fun to do while waiting. (Also, only allow out of mission players to attack / be attacked by N5 / P5)
  14. Even without IR3 the base accuracy + bloom makes the ATAC inefficient at best as 50m. The extra bloom IR3 adds worsens that problem so at 40m it becomes inefficient, and by 57m you are missing most of your shots. Not to say you can't use it, go with whatever works for you. Just know that it is likely doing more harm than good. CJ3 has the same bloom issue, but at least it makes the gun more viable up to 30-35m. If you have 3 slots, HB1 is an option as stk isn't increased until HB2. Though I personally wouldn't prioritize it over HS3 and Mob Sling.
  15. The lack of any real cooldown timer is a common complaint. As is, you can spam remote det as fast as you can respawn your car. The suggestion has been made to match the remote det cooldown time with that of the meteor mod (90 seconds).
  16. If you want an ATAC, I would say 2 slot minimum. You don't really want red mods on the ATAC, so I'd say hunting sight and mob sling would suffice.
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