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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. If you played it in normal mission districts, it had the normal live stats. They only have the test stats in the test districts. And it isn't just a range increase, its all an skt/ttk increase. Cool story. Now i hope these changes go live, you bastards deserve it.
  2. This is upsetting to me. Little Orbit has given the entire player base a chance to get involved in weapon balance. Pages and pages of people giving their opinion on weapons they hadn't even tried yet, and once testing started and people got the guns mailed to them, no one went into a prototype district and everyone just uses the free guns in mission and FC districts. At this point no matter what LO decides to do with thr RFPs, if you dont like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.
  3. Oh I don't play on low fps, my rig is good and my monitor is 144Hz. I was just telling you that getting more than 60 fps wont change what you see on your 60Hz screen... at all.
  4. I don't understand why the subject of cheaters is being brought up. Wonka is a smart guy. He knows what the rules are. He was warned. He was temp banned. He chose to keep breaking the rules. Does anyone seriously think he shouldn't have been banned? On top of that Wonka plays on Jericho. If you think Jericho is infested with cheaters, well I don't know what to say other than you are completely wrong.
  5. You realize you wont be seeing anything above 60fps on your screen right? You could have 140fps in game but it wont matter on a 60Hz monitor.
  6. Im doing some symbol giveaways and its come to my attention that I may have given away or sold all copies of these two symbols. If anyone has a copy of them I will give you $250,000 to send them to me so I can make myself a copy and then I will send your copy back. So if you have one and are up for it, hit me up here, on discord as CookyPuss#2846, or just mail them to C00ky (zero zero) on Jericho. Thanks in advance!
  7. Not the Innova to Nekrova merge, the Nekrova to Citadel merge.
  8. It is. One of my rigs recently went from an ancient gtx770 to a more modern and more powerful rtx2060 (overclocked)... I saw no increases in performance with APB, but massive increases in every other game.
  9. Nekrova merge went through so more players from Russian have come back, which should increase overall pop on Citadel. The mailed weapons are test weapons. See this post for more info:
  10. Being an off hours player myself. (mostly in the Mornings and early afternoon CST) I know what its like trying to find a populated district to play in. I feel your pain @AquaSensei.
  11. None of the problems mentioned are exclusive to Russian players, who by the way love APB just as much as you do.
  12. Wonderful work, homie. I'm really sorry to hear you've lost all of this. Currently my various mailboxes hold around 400 symbols I've created. Were I to lose all of them... well I would be devastated. As for LO I'm sure they would not have done this if it were preventable. I do not expect that to make you feel any better, but it is the truth.
  13. Oh I'm not a GM. I have no power whatsoever. That being said, I do not know what LO's stance is regarding GMs Though since they are just player volunteers, I can understand the hesitation in letting them ban other players.
  14. Yeah SKay knows a crap ton about this subject. I'll ask him to DM you if he doesn't pop up in this thread.
  15. No offense Hex, but you have no idea about anything regarding SPCT.
  16. Under LO, GMs have never been able to ban players, and even today they still can't.
  17. Hey everyone. Please try to remember two things. 1: This is LO inviting you to try things out and give feedback. 2: There is a reason these changes were not pushed out on the live client. If they are no good and we explain why, they not will go live. You have been invited by LO to help guide the future of the game. You can either REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and move on, or you can take this opportunity to take part in the future. It's your call. Also you are all nerds. Here have a gif.
  18. He is the one player whose benchmarking info I have seen that outperforms everyone else's benchmarks Ive seen. (We use MSI Afterburner to Benchmark both the current APB engine as well as 3.5)
  19. That's actually a very good question.
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