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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. That's probably true, I'd only rate a few as top tier, and I'm not one of them.
  2. Everyone I work with in SPCT still plays the game regularly. And no one was added just for "being famous". Every member has extensive knowledge of the game, it's history, weapon / vehicle / mod stats, advanced game strategies etc. And on top of that they are willing to give their personal time to do the incredibly tedious work of testing for bugs.
  3. My apologies, it seems between my posting the link and now it may have become unavailable. I will check again when I'm home and let you know if I can find a working link.
  4. Configs seem to be a bit wonky lately. For some players one thing works like auto Sprint or hold to crouch, for others it doesn't. Same goes for mission info, killfeed colors etc... Unless you did something incorrectly, it's possible this quirk is your problem.
  5. CookiePuss


    As I understand it, you may reroll so long as you are legit, if banned more than once and identified as the same player, you may expect to be banned anytime you start a new account. I understand that Citadel has cheating issues, and I feel bad for those playing there. Jericho may be dead, but at least it's more or less cheater free.
  6. I hope you received the tin foil hat back in the day...cuz you need one.
  7. No one ever has, or ever will get banned for unintentional teamkilling. Nothing in the ToS says otherwise.
  8. Start the game from the program file.
  9. If this was directed at me, I had nothing to do with your ban. Nothing at all. Why do you keep bringing up cheating? It's a completely sperate subject. As for Pound getting griefed, players have been banned for that. In fact many switched to alt accounts so they would only get banned on those. Bottom line is this:you knew the rules you were warned you were temp banned you chose to continue doing the very things that got you warned and temp banned you were finally banned for good This isn't bias. You were given every opportunity to change your behavior. You chose not to. There is nothing more to your ban than this. And you have absolutely no one to blame but yourself.
  10. I agree. Phasing is going to be a rude awakening for all these vets playing in bronze. I hope they are ready for it.
  11. Wonka my man, I'm not sure why you think LO is biased. I'm sorry you were banned. I really am. And I will miss fighting you in game. But it seems your ban was fair. Why did you try to game the system as you did? Pushing the boundaries as far as you could, and then beyond. You are quite smart, you had to know better.
  12. @Aeronaut you dork I posted one link for the blog posts and another for the forum! If you weren't so attractive I'd be angry!
  13. Well that means you likely have at least 500 hours in game. I'm not sure why you think it fair to be fighting players who have just started.
  14. Yeah sorry about that. I took everything way too personally yesterday. You guys were right to call me out.
  15. Nope. It takes a LOT to get perma banned for griefing or dethreating. Like you have to get warned, sometimes more than once, then you get temp banned, sometimes more than once, and if after all of that you are dumb enough to keep breaking the rules, you might get perma banned.
  16. I'm pretty much retired now, I don't need any more money, and there's really no market left. I just wanna give stuff away so players who might not be able to afford cool symbols cant get their hands on a few. What if I offer foot pics?
  17. Sorry guys, got a bit emotional there. I guess I'm just worried that "I didn't need to test it" isn't going to be enough to guide LO where we want them to go.
  18. Oh I get it now, this is just the bronze district Sexual Chocolate members sperging out... carry on.
  19. I have no problem with the BRs either. You folks need to grow up.
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