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Everything posted by Nagletz

  1. Aren’t game already sold to some sort of fake Chinese company? If yes, it is the end... right?
  2. There’s not gonna be any new content until the engine, but better yet, LO can’t provide us simple qol changes which is just a few numbers in code lol...
  3. Well, before unsegregation we had relatively stable pop, only then we started rising it, then we started losing it again (approx. after Halloween event ended).Perhaps people quit due to even more terrible matchmaking, add some closet or not closet cheaters up here. Add some average apb problems had since release and here we go.
  4. You know situation is really bad when Cuve himself starts these topics...
  5. idk, i got bored on 9th char agreed with glaciers tho
  6. So true, LO won’t take any actions against cheaters unless you spam them hard with reports/support tickets.
  7. I’ve seen this guy once... in the chat.
  8. Same... i didnt played any mission today means i never lost. ez.
  9. Such a great learning curve, “now carry 3 bronzes in your team against 3 golds”. Hardcore curve lol...
  10. Not like i've wished for it... another event that i'd eager to complete on all of my chars, no thx. I had enough on Halloween...
  11. Keep in mind that most of golds don’t want to see silver/bronze teammates in a match (especially against golds, especially against premises), nor playing against same silvers/bronze, this is boring. So yes, I’d agree on that.
  12. They brought servers back to life few months ago.
  13. m8, ppl using forums just to waste time, no? im literally waiting for mission rn
  14. I was quite bored after spending like 400 hours in it, and I didn’t even touch Online mode, because it’s literally have nothing interesting except for cars, which could easily spawned in sp via trainers, and it’s still boring... idk, maybe I just didn’t had a good taste on GTAO, but I don’t wanna spend time on another game, which also have it’s flaws but different kind... Telling you this could be reason for many players waiting for GTA 6... well, after huge fuckup R* did with it’s classics, doubt that anyone still does...
  15. APB already is better than Cyberpunk and Trilogy for me, because even APB doesn’t have such amount of bugs like mentioned games, and if APB will shoot, it possibly hype up... well, if everything go right. Right now it’s way too hard to see bright future of this project, so nothing to discuss furthermore. Right now all we left to do is wait... be ready for the worst and hope for the best.
  16. True golds wouldn't ever play on bronze districts tho. But it depends on what and who defines someone as "true gold"...
  17. Current districts is a mess, and yea me and my friends literally been talking with a cheater this week, he couldn't form a word... all these guys are sociopathic. No wonder these guys are so closet about them cheating... i hate humanity sometimes bruh
  18. Dud, there was no hackers in bronze districts... in fact it was only districts for legit players except for random smurfs. The silver one? That’s a totally different story...
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