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Everything posted by Nagletz

  1. Finally someone who thinks like I do lol... attention to details! Oh btw, Matt, give us all those Halloween items in Armas pls. Account bound.
  2. Correct, but what about old rewards like Devil Wings and pumpkin wep skin? Those never appeared in Armas and it appears that player have to grind purple pumpkins for achieving those. So as horseman event now and past years: what if I want just titles for collection, but don’t want to/can’t grind it that much time?Not to mention if you have many characters like me lol. Literally have to beg LO to give them money, bruh...
  3. https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&productId=6359 Bruh moment. Same old pack as the last year, sadly I have been bought two separated ones in 2019, one difference is the “Alignment titles” which I cannot get account-bound separately (fkn crying rn). The cringe is, I still have to grind pumpkins for skin and wings, on EACH of my characters, same as horseman games. Why don’t you guys put at least bit of effort into Armas? Imma throw you money for all Halloween 2019-2021 rewards, account bounded, just don’t make me grind again. Otherwise, I would grind and suffer just to show how wrong you are.
  4. Last year I had friends’ help. But yeah, I’d rather to buy it... Armas still the same, it appears like nothing new will come...
  5. Account bound devil wings and Halloween wep skin please, because I don’t wanna grind 8 characters (planning 9th btw lol) And also titles, but maybe just put them in JT store instead?
  6. Any Armas sales coming? Or its just not updated yet?
  7. I’m afraid that first wish excepts the second
  8. Didn’t know that you are allowed to speak for entire NA playerbase. I feel so worthless rn. Literally crying...
  9. I had many conversations with na players here, it appears that they still prefer eu instead of dead servers, or barely dead (just one district full or half full in peak time). So yeah, worthless decision.
  10. Speaking of that, there isn’t too late to revert threat districts. They did that change suddenly during maintenance time after all, so why not?
  11. Lol. Honestly it wouldn't be that sad if balance wasn't against you. No matter how good you are, you can't carry bunch of silvers\bronzies when full gold (let alone premades who play with same teammates over and over again) team get matched against you. The more interesting situation gets when you get a good team, you would instantly get matched against same silvers (game gets boring), or against people who's vastly stronger than you (even more boring). Plus, there's a lot of map\mission issues which can give one side a huge advantage, despite they already can have skill advantage. Sometimes i think that its only possible to get win in def missions lol.
  12. Thanks a lot dude, my PTSD just said hello...
  13. Because they were allowed to. Golds could just join silver district and start snapping silvers playing there. The problem is, that every gold been following that trend at this point, so this whole thing doesn’t make its sense now. Same with the bronze. Segregation is not useless, it at least somehow protected people from balance issues apb has. That’s why it should be brought back, with strict threats restrictions like Gold - Gold threat and so on.
  14. Speaking of which, back in a few months,I have seen some silver 255 guy, with name exactly like yours, plus some alts of yours. No offense bud, but bronze playerbase mostly complain, because they now the have nowhere to go (but lbr solo golds are also ragequit when they get much weaker players in team, regardless of opponent team), which makes sense, but you are special... Is this decision good? Yes and no. You can actually learn to play by playing against better players, but yet again, it strictly depends on team you are in. But is there a reason to? Did they kept online? No. Jericho basically merged 2 half full districts in one, Citadel lost players because of, lbr, completely trash balance. Yes, people complain about “wizard” golds and yes, I met them too, but it would be less exhausting to meet them with team at least of your own skill level to try. As a result, you never learn anything and just gets completely smashed. Matchmaking simply does bs. If LO wants to save this game, they should... keep working on new engine, yes, BUT leave just one little dev to make little quality of life changes into current game, at least it would be more fun to keep playing and hope.
  15. But hey, Jericho players are happy now, having one () district fully alive. That’s what I clearly don’t understand in this decision, they pick minority over majority. No offense, but most of NA players already migrated to EU, some friends of mine from there did managed to max more than 2 255 chars.
  16. I still want it as a loyalty reward... let’s assume somewhere after Euryale xd
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