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Everything posted by Nagletz

  1. So, LO, just interested, which guns gonna be changed next? You made Harbinger a good secondary, made Scoped, Tommy and Misery decent guns to use, and it's a good sign. Keep going with non-meta, you doing well with it. And no more meta balancing, pls.
  2. If they make it, it's good. if not, I wouldn't bother. LO has lost much money already from free premium, and it's not something that could help, I think. The ARMAS itself is bothering me. Outdated gun stats, many guns missing, proper bundle contents required, some prices are makes no sense, some items are hard to find via bad naming/photo, more and many more issues. I'm not even talking about new content (which was a thing back in 2019), or at least old content to be able for account-bound purchase. ARMAS must be fixed. After all these years under LO's management, I got one thing: they do care about any aspect of the game, they do try to fix some, but never ever paid attention to Marketplace. Just IMO. Thanks.
  3. This nerf gives shotguns a chance. And ATAC to dominate.
  4. It's a decent gun now. But recoil still needs to handle.
  5. Seems illogical, yes, but does it matter? APB never been p2w just because half of Armas guns was bad, and still bad.
  6. Since you mentioned EOL series... maybe it's EOL weakness than grenades op-ness? Nobody prefer EOL over any other explosives (and ofc grenades themselves). Dang, nobody EVER prefer it... Windup messes these guns up, otherwise they could have it's niche. By the way, why they ever do need their unique mods? They doesn't really affect anything, each grenade launcher is a separate unique gun. Quite pointless decision. Same with the many other legendaries, most of the mods don't do anything but list the features of the gun, "based" on some other gun. If those mods would've deleted, there would be more variety of gameplay.
  7. Crying is wrong too. Don't touch nades anymore pls, all of them is perfectly balanced for now, I think. Wanna be anti-vehicle grenadier? Use conc. Wanna deal damage to many people? Use frag. Wanna spam nades to make ur enemy move his fat as ? Use low-yields. Wanna be annoy... mobile? Use perc. Wanna play for fun? Use 8-ball That is how I see the situation with nades now. Just IMO
  8. Who the hell thinked that SNIPER rifle's silencer have to decrease effective range is a good idea... it have to be changed a while ago. Silencers are useless btw, maybe radar invisibility would help..
  9. That would give more ways to troll people. APB's community did rot enough at this point. But I have question to LO: how CS must be filled with such tickets to make you do so? Or am I missing something?
  10. No, Obeya is still op... Btw apbdb is not a reliable source of information (take Coroner as example). Guns' stats with certain numbers have to be implemented right in the game, in the inventory. It would help to new players and veterans too. And don't forget about ARMAS, some stats here wasn't changed for years, shameful, isn't it? (Saying it again: Pls rework ARMAS, for the love of God!)
  11. I'm a little bit concerned about new Scoped NTEC, isn't it going to be op?... I mean, read changes again, it overpowers average NTEC in many ways. Well, time will tell...
  12. Read the patchnote again pls.
  13. Even if damage nerf is ok, since many veterans asked for it, but there is no reason for leaving that weird damage-accuracy penalty as it is, Scout is still a thing anyway. Give 762 users a chance.
  14. Thanks for making Harbinger, Tommy and Misery decent guns. Thanks for nerfing Scout and OCA. Thanks for RSA, PIG, Percs and Scoped N-TEC. No thanks for heavy HVR... it suffered enough at this point, why you hate it that much? Also, still waiting for non-meta to be buffed. How many time you guys need for it? Week? Month? Year? Half of ARMAS is still useless.
  15. Green waypoints is very helpful. Blue ones is not. No need to make text walls to make us understand this. Get rest of apb bro, this game can make you schizophrenic.
  16. Can agree, but it's because devs touched their favorite meta-ez guns where they shouldn't be touched. But if they buff the non-meta, people would have alternative to compete with meta.
  17. Every week is just usual maintenance and it makes me sad... because too many time needed to realize that oca and scout buff was unnecessary, to say the least lol. Revert all changes to pre-LO, nerf PMG, ATAC, MAYBE even HVR and N-TEC just a bit, and buff all of the non-meta/bad guns. But no, you need to make it complicated... I bet if I was in charge in all of those changes, things would be better. Damn, most of us players could perform it better. Why doesn't LO understand...
  18. Add weapon balancing to the list, after all this done, new content only needed. And then... then we left to wait of computer games total replacement, I think...
  19. I have feeling that contacts progression in apb needs a rework, like, few of the highest tier contacts are just fixers (or psycho thugs like TipToe), and they are a lot harder to pledge than leaders of organizations, why?
  20. I consider this topic as a quick reminder for LO, as they removed joker boxes, the only way to get it, and didn't bother to include 4-slot Fresno anywhere. Account-bound car in Armas would be a good solution. Add joker ticket alternative to it and this game will be a bit better.
  21. Nagletz

    Valhalla's Chosen

    Make it 9 stk and put normal runes on Odin, done. Armas weapon should be good, right?
  22. Thanks a lot, guys. It's not true, I'm still buying expensive stuff in Armas, and hoping the new stuff will appear in it someday.
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