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Everything posted by Nagletz

  1. I'm gonna miss these Armas items. Pls make old clothing account bounded.
  2. Armas needs a rework. And account-bounded clothing, which was "uploaded" way before LO. As I see, LO making every new item in Armas with options, account or character bound. So why not do the same trick with old content?
  3. Then shield would be new meta. I see two options: 1: Delete consumables. 2: Make them purchasable through contacts Any other changes can cause more complaints from players, I think...
  4. As far as I know, any legendary, any armas gun for 15 days, few possible 1 slot weapons for permanent, and skins... in a perfect way. On my way: Only skin I won is Money (for two fking characters twice lol), 3 low-tier legendaries, N-Tec, OCA, HVR (all 1 slot, which is useless for me, since I have all of them 3-slotted, account bounded), and mentioned armas weapons... mostly ATAC variations (I don't even use ATAC whatdefok). Not want to complain, but this so called "list" is kinda poor, well, it is for me IMO there is should be some kind of system which gonna prevent giving player weapons which he own already. I know it's too idealistic and also easy way to taking legendaries only, but still...
  5. Well that's awful. What can I say, come to Russia then, we ok with this here
  6. Enlighten me pls, how governments of these countries ever able to do something with apb code and block something? Apb is not so well known game at the end.
  7. You guys must be hungry for new content huh?
  8. I can only wish at least some of these clothes were released before engine upgrade, really hoping for my VR glasses idea, but as far as I know, every new unit of contact slowly kills the performance of the game... ;(
  9. Dude, we are APB players, we ALL have ego lol, even me, even him, even you , and we don't even know each other. No offense tho, just a facts I learned few years ago.
  10. At total 3 months duration premiums, all expiring in 56 days. I prefer not to use it, or use it when I'm in the mood for some Symbol making But with extended premium I don't see a reason to activate it obviously.
  11. It's not a issue that needs a hot fix then, I think. Btw I'm a little bothered by other armas problem - why my loyalty 15 day premium rewards ALWAYS having THE SAME lease of time left, whenever I buy things and receive them? That's kinda weird... it's ok if lose my premiums, not gonna make a ticket about, but just interested why... anyone else have the same issue?
  12. You guys atleast have the game to comply on... i forgot to download the whole beta lmao 1GB\7.89GB R.I.P.
  13. I wanted it like a week ago, I even managed to make 20k jt (without hard grinding anyway), I know it was not much for old players, but now I'm even doubt what I have to spend jt on... maybe that Prototype Tech skin? I wish it was account-bound affordable though, since I have more than 2 chars...
  14. Also my apologies for not watching the stream tho. I feel so sorry about it
  15. BUT some good player with "underthreatable" level of gold can create new account and go massacre bronze all day, that's what I witnessed a few times and not even joking, these guys are playing like players I used to see in silver servers. Maybe even better... That happens rarely, but it does, sadly. Merged. Don't get me wrong, I can play good, and I used to play in silver servers with no care like most golds, but... I got... tired? I can't say a right excuse here, and I just say I'm not playing like it matter of life for me, maybe other golds play with no clue about how they play, I dunno. Playing on bronze, I don't really care about the wins, using unpopular and sometimes considered "shitty" weapons, even chatting instead of playing lol. All mentioned could be really hard for me in silver, I can call if playing for fun, you can call it however you want. Also... I'm not even dethreating anymore,I'm playing now like... silver I think. However my threat says so I came to apb to play for fun, if I playing against what I see new and very bad players, I don't see my right to ruin their fun as well, I lose to them if that's possible. I see my right to call other player "dethreater", simply because they... JUST. TRY. HARD. ON BRONZE. Are they wanna like me? I think not. Are they playing for fun? I think not. Someone inb4 excused to me: "I used to be raped like this when used to be a noob". I don't want APB to become a society simulator, not in such terrible way... About "get gud" phrase... I don't wanna be good, not against silvers in for sure. Sorry for my terrible English and thanks for reading, that was my honest opinion on this case.
  16. If threat means at least something about skill of a certain player, rank means absolutely nothing about it. Maybe you meant somewhat new rank system, but had to remind. I'm playing on bronze currently (saving up my nerves, insult me as a silver or dethreater, I don't give a hell), and I wonder some people being actual bronzes on max rank lol.
  17. Some people buying Bentley-branded couches, so... it will find it's buyer as well lmao.
  18. You guys must be really want to see those JT's in the market lmao. Btw account bounded clothing when?
  19. People are,pardon my French, wanking on the guns too often and never spot other items being outpriced... this will happen with crown, and I think LO will include half of armas gear in jt store, the matter of time. But I want these clothes being account bounded now already. I never understood why people don't appreciate them, APB is afaik the only game where I can customize my clothing. But there is a kinda character quantity gap for me to buy every item for every char. So LO, why not now but someday soon? P.S.: Gauntlet Gloves pls.
  20. But what if R&D is part of this program as well?
  21. And due to their tier placement they have to unlock items which suits... I dunno, Aletta/Gumball?
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