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Everything posted by Nagletz

  1. Autumn Assault returning maybe? Or sell me that skin at least...
  2. I can say the same about Scout. Why nerf and remove op guns, if you can buff underpowered guns to compete them?
  3. There is a lot of ways to balance it. Currently, I don't see any reason that Kev3 should compete CA3, it's a risky mod, and ppl choose it on their own risk. Any kind of buff may made the game unplayable for non-kevlar users, so it's better be left untouched. (or if u so impatient, make very small movement buff, like I said before, but not sure about it already)
  4. Just speed penalty, and nothing more.
  5. I meant that Ursus's spraying does not give any accurate shots, due to high bloom. Also: Uh-huh
  6. Hello. Since i hope to hurry up the weapon balance, and see my beloved non-meta\underpowered\"just bad" guns adjusted, i wanna share my opinion on recent changes. First of all, some disclaimers: First, i'm a legit silver (for now), i'm playing on bronze server, and only sometimes in silver ones, and never on gold ones (way too impossible to play there ). Second, as follows from the previous note, all of these guns were tested on bronze servers, but as i observed, most of high-end silvers and low-end golds (iirc) play here, so don't think i was matched against noobs only (just IMO). Third, i don't play meta guns (and changed guns also) much, and my conclusions about some of them may be wrong for you, but again, that's just IMO. Fourth, i'm not gonna repeat the numbers like "bloom delay 0.1, ammo count 400" or so, mostly just opinion and suggestions. Fifth, my English is bad Now i can get to the point: N-TEC 7 "Ursus": Still playable enough, burst-shooting, tap-shooting is still a thing, spraying - never was good tbh, and become worse, but still helpful in stress situations, but requires more... luck. RNG was always a thing, but don't sure Ursus was needed like so. OCA EW-626: Become new pmg, but haven't seen people killing someone with it at max range, and didn't managed to do so myself. OCA EW-626 "Whisper": Still can't understand how default OCA and this one have different effective range, but yet again, no one plays on such ranges with them. Still good gun. Colby PMG: Really needed nerf, thanks, but still usable, thanks, BUT accuracy should not be touched, i have feel that someone who was making changes just wanted to burn PMG alive if it ever existed, lol. Obeya CAP 40: Changes is so small that i can't even recognize them, don't even know what to say... It was a good gun, but now it's a bit better. FAR: Unnecessary changes. Now the difference between changed N-TEC 5's and FAR's max bloom is not so noticeable as it was. I'd prefer the N-TEC 5 over it, and we all know why. As an addition, i suggest buff FAR at other place: Range, ROF, accuracy, but only one of it. N-TEC 5: Was a good gun, become a better gun. With no reasonable alternative, as follows from previous note. Leave it as it is. ATAC: Same as goes with PMG, it was needed to it. With a slight disgust i tried it, and all i see is worse bloom which make people actually aim. But people still use it. And it is usable. Colby SNR 850: Not gonna lie, no one uses JG-snubbing on bronze, but i had pleasure to observe such tactic in FC and had mixed feelings about it, why someone even need to kill with secondary, main reason that people play FC - role maxing, and Gunslinger never was a necessary role to me. Can't see reason that people used this mechanic. Back to the point: it needs to be buffed somehow as soon as possible, no one used it except newbies back in 2011. Necessary nerf but without buff. Why? OBIR: I can agree that reserve ammo change was reasonable (less camping), but, bolt timer is a... terrible mechanic. On all weapons. It literally makes you helpless in cqc, in most of situation i was in. Revert it. Stabba PIG: As was discussed before, it didn't needed such change and im 100% agreed on it. Revert. If you want to make to prevent people and make not skill-based mechanic more skill-based (lmao), maybe look at the Percussion Grenades first? Revert it. N-HVR 243 'Scout': No one asked these changes, but i'm happy with them. Also it become more newbie-friendly, and silver-friendly (like me ). Also it makes 243-SD less underpowered as it was before. I'm glad, leave it like this. N-HVR 762: Unnecessary nerf, without necessary buff. Revert it either bring us back jumpshooting and quickswitching (or remove bolt timer at least). Otherwise i can't see the point of using it instead of Scout. Still good damage? Come on, i can't even say "85" to my teammates anymore S1-NA 'Manic': Still usable, but i can't say when i get it in my hands next time. Why nerf the gun which was not even a meta? It's thing was good jumpshoot accuracy. Really can't get why. Revert it, pls. Joker SR-15 Carbine: Big thanks for increasing the reserve ammo count, but it's accuracy was good enough to compete OSCAR before, isn't it? Leave it and don't touch anymore. ACT 44: I refuse to understand, why cut off it's effective range? If equip time is understandable for me (but still unnecessary ngl), range shouldn't be touched. Revert it. Colby RSA: Same unnecessary changes, especially accuracy while walking: it was really hard to me to shoot someone while peeking of the cover. Revert it. ISSR-B: Still a good gun, yet again, unnecessary small changes, but i can thank you for that very smally buffy . Leave it as it is now. Jumpshooting Accuracy Changes: none of these guns needed this, none of these guns used so. Disagreed. Ammo Capacity Changes: was mathematically reasonable, but why nerfing....SBSR? FAR? Any reasons? As a conclusion: Most of the nerfs was unnecessary, either not needed so. I'm not really a meta gun user (SBSR Coroner is my main gun, imagine that), but never liked when you guys touch something what should not be touched, maybe you should make a little poll for any of changes? Just to be sure that players allow them. I know, Silver's opinion and Gold's opinions can differ very much, but we all people, didn't we? APB is not a perfect game, and i can't remember when it was, players was always divided in opinions, and misunderstanding become a common case here. Ngl i was being toxic myself too, up to now But i think we deserved a little chance to make APB we dreamed of. Let's not waste it. Thanks Little Orbit for all their work and effort spent on the game, i hope you will listen not just the only ones you listen to now, and pay a little attention for us, average players. Thank you for your attention, tried my best to explain all my thoughts. Nagletz.
  7. Rare game have this, why he thinks apb should? rofl
  8. Obeya is a intimidating weapon in a good/macroing/cheating hands, but it's well balanced at the same time. And nothing more. Please stop whining about this, we don't wanna game where every gun is bad like Harbinger now, don't we? (btw pmg and atac still good)
  9. Not really a gold myself, but is it ok that my skill depends on a weapon I use? Like, I'm used to play good in silver server with Obeya and wasn't losing my threat naturally. Now I'm playing on bronze with underpowered guns most of the time, and almost not becoming gold... IMO golds are people that can handle any gun in game, even worst ones. (and I hope LO will make any gun usable for that)
  10. Don't forget Norseman and Death and Taxes, I would like to use them on my other guns too Don't forget Norseman and Death and Taxes, I would like to use them on my other guns too Btw make Harbinger skinn
  11. I have whined about that inb4, they told that these weapons "are not forgotten", so we have to wait more, I hope not for months lol... And I'm still imagining my SBSR is lighter then it's now Merged. I second this, one of the best looking guns in game, also great choice for maxing rifleman role but you like cqc and tired of smgs Also, perhaps we need more feedbacks about current gun changes, maybe I'll do mine... if I force myself to it.
  12. But not the bundled ones, which is a bit disappointing. Also, LO have to include every single item from "Clothing" page in Armas, I don't think much ppl buy them, so why not?
  13. You know me personally, and i'm never used it and not going to
  14. I'm sure LO will revert some of these changes they made, I mean, there is no reason to make meta bad if non-meta bad too, lol... Only nerfs I can agree with is pmg and atac changes. They could start with only buffing underpowered guns, and then look at the meta... people would liked that, but it didn't mattered for people who simply don't own these guns, much of these guns are armas/jt store only (why the fuck btw?). But ok, i still have no choice but wait lol
  15. I can disagree, seen at least 5 golds in bronze which playstyle like actual golds, no mistakes, almost no misses, extremely high game sense etc. Also not to mention so called "smurfs", who plays like cheaters (majority of bronze server name them so), they create new accounts, taking JT trials, play for a while (stomping more like), quit, repeat. That's even worse than dethreating tbh. I wish I know their main... who knows, maybe someone here do that...
  16. I second this. Perc nades are quite annoying, yes, but they still present some cqc fast-paced play style. There is no PIG's fault that ppl abuse it. PIG is still very good in quickswitching after some sniper/shotgun shot, making insta stuns. After the nerf, I doubt it can be used so.
  17. Bring NFAS it's old glory, I wanna rage quit at it again xD Srsly, only automatic shotgun which is still decent is Ogre. The chances to get kill with NFAS is the same you mentioned, just a bit better lol. Also, why Thumper can't be automatic? It's basically NFAS, and it's unique mod reminds me the one which New Glory has imo. This thing is unplayable...
  18. Maybe they buff it someday, but now... i think pmg users have to get rest
  19. Nagletz

    Dirt bikes.

    My opinion is no.
  20. Nagletz

    Dirt bikes.

    I have a better idea: End the quarantine so ppl would stop get insane like this... ngl it's funny but I still feel sorry for him.
  21. How insane man must be to wish about men wearing dresses lol... Use kilt bro.
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