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Everything posted by Sniperturtle

  1. So, which gun do you want "balanced"? I mean, i have an unexpected canidate in mind, but then i don't really care because i own the gun... still wondering which gun you think is the one outperforming the others?
  2. He didn't do anything the like. If LO hadn't "bought the game" it'd be goner 3 years ago. Not sure if you still remember the constant ragehackers popping up every 5 minutes, the constant ddos attacks by people who were determined to shut this game down for some reason, and the overall lack of communication and progress. LO got a smelly carcass and managed to revive it for 2 years, and that's what Matt Scott did. You can disagree with the changes (though i find them inconsequential tbh) or critizise that LO didn't go far enough fighting off cheaters and defending new players, and putting an end to the dethreating issue. But to say that LO killed the game is plain unfair.
  3. A good CEO or manager will never write or say anything that could be interpreted as stagnation, unless they mean it. When i read the last updates on the topic it says "STAGNATION" in every post. I draw my conclusions.
  4. And there is no way to fix it past what was done. So either you appreciate it for what it is, or you play something else.
  5. Isn't Alyx kinda HL3? Nothing wrong with japanophiles (or whatever -philes ((okay, fuck pedos))) but the rest is absolutely horrible indeed. Most annoying about it is they are not even trying to hide it. Just blatant in your face cheats. Before you could at least imagine it was a really skilled player, now everyone just knows.
  6. Funny how so many people still believe it will be coming. Ladies and gentlemen, you are witnessing the final days of APB. Turns out it's not only lonely at the top, but also at the end.
  7. The question here is what is your "disconnect" related to, does the game dump you in the lobby or do you get a CTD. If you get a CTD is there an "out of memory" issue (some posts here seem to imply that)? If the latter is the case what GPU are you using? Newer nVidia GPUs can not handle the way APB stores data any more, ergo at some point you just run out of memory. That won't be fixed in the current game engine. I play on my laptop with an older nVidia GPU and i can play for hours on end not experiencing a single crash. On my desktop i have a newer GTX 1660 and i get a crash on there every 20 minutes around with the message stating "Out of memory" on desktop. You can increase the time to the crash slightly by using nVidia Studio drivers instead of Game Ready drivers, but not by much. Other options are to use Advanced APB launcher and turn down all textures to the minimum to keep the usage of memory low, but eventually you will end up crashing either way - it just takes longer. At this point you might be off best making a dedicated PC for APB with the specifications of a 2012 PC using one of the GPUs listed as supported in the APBCompat settings.
  8. Shouldn't you be happy that anyone at all is playing on Jericho at this point?
  9. There won't be an engine upgrade. Enjoy this game until it's gone.
  10. Sounds like a problem we had before. By the way: The creation of Skyrim from scratch to shop took six years. The creation of Fallout 4 seven years... Elite Dangerous Odyssey expansion took less than 6 months from announcement to alpha stage and will release next week... just for perspective - still believing in the engine upgrade? Ultimately i don't care what LO does with their IP, and if they want to let it fall to decay that is clearly their decision. I spent enough money on this game to warrant the creation of multiple triple-A titles, what LO does with it is none of my business, but if they want to keep receiving my money they should definitely get a move on.
  11. As of now Citadel districts suffer from long spikes of lag, feeling like ddos attacks. Usually servers will stop responding, packet loss goes up to 55, ping goes from 30 to 180, actions on server are delayed by 5-20 seconds, people warping around, stuck with their face in a wall, etc. Played in district for 1 and a half hour, at first everything was fine, then we had one of those lag things appear lasting a minute maybe, and then another one lasting around a minute too eventually kicking me and most likely everyone else from the district. Inbetween those two the server response and performance was standard.
  12. You have 2 choices: Get up close (car rush) and cut them down with SMG or shotty, or stay at 75m range and use anything from Obir to HVR to make their lifes miserable. Either way, OPGL has basically only one use and that is to prepare "entrenched" positions for storm. Out in the open it's always a risky weapon to use.
  13. If i give brandnew players all weapons, and the not yet created "M1Abrams" car and put them against random rank 125 silvers with just what they have now, the new player will still lose 90% of matches. This fixation on gear is a mistake all new players make, and this included myself back in the day. The game is not meant to be "perfectly balanced" because that would break the teamplay element where teammates have to account for the individual weaknesses and strengths of their co-players. Does this create shit moments? - Yes certainly. But it also creates legendary moments. Sometimes you're the dog, and other times you're the tree - nuff said.
  14. You say the population is low, and to undermine your claim, you show a district selection tab showing multiple instances spun up but empty. Thing is: this could only be the result of a global disconnect event, because you would not get multiple instances of the same district unless one of them at least was full. Anyways point taken, it could be better.
  15. That's a spiral of death though, you need new players in the game, you can't keep new players when you submit them to steamrolling, you lose new players to steamrolling. If you don't believe me go look at the Steam reviews, and count the occurences of the words "p2w" and "cheaters". Now in the former case it's 99% new players who got steamrolled by dethreaters, and in the latter it's a solid majority of players who got their booty kicked again by dethreaters WAY over their skill level. You have no chance of EVER populating this game again unless you fix the underlying issue, which is making sure everyone is faced with appropriate opposition and a bridgeable skill-gap.
  16. They seem to be working on it, but personally i have already given up hope by now of ever seeing this "Engine Upgrade". What's more, since i upgraded my PC with a new graphics card i can't even play this game on my PC any more and i have to play on my laptop instead, which handles it fine luckily. Putting it bluntly: This game is getting so old that current hardware doesn't support it any more. Let that sink in for a moment.
  17. The "trick" is that handgun allows you to strafe faster than any primary, so what these people do is strafe like mad while peppering shots at you. Assuming no "deeper magic" is involved (which often is the case actually).
  18. DMR Alig OSMAW Concussion Grenade Pick your taste.
  19. It's those guys that play like bronzes and shoot like tripple platin-plated golds. And you're like: "Dude come on... seriously now?"
  20. Gosh, finally i am not the only one who keeps saying this.
  21. You're not alone with this, it's an old and known problem. Allegedly this is caused by you hitting the Sprint button (Shift) after you start holding down aim, and since sprint has a higher priority than aim it will kick you out of aim. I have this happen randomly too, can't confirm or deny whether it is actually linked to the sprint button, because usually it happens when i am in a tight spot anyways. I assume it could also come when you have a sloppy connection and the server isn't sure which one you pressed first.
  22. It didn't need a damage nerf or the switch-lock imho. The damage based on bloom is the perfect solution. ...and guess what happens when you "stand still". Especially in CQB
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