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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. You're hacks are so good you're indistinguishable from a silver.
  2. Dunno about you but still see a lot of IR3 ntec. I will still use the mod, since I enjoy the range, just gotta use pistol more /shrug The N-TEC has lower TTK than the other ARs and you needed to tap fire at range so it's average TTK was not affected.
  3. I understand, I'll just use the N-TEC, N_HVR 762, and maybe the Obeya if I'm feeling a bit frisky. As far as realism goes, shotguns should be 1 shot kill at 25M, further if it's got a choke. The HVR should be 1 shot kill at 1000M, and all other weapons 1 hit kills at 100M except maybe the shorter barrel pistols. Suppressors should increase damage and range since they increase the bullet velocity. Also you should be left with a huge gaping anus after extracting the OSMAW from it.
  4. All the buyers of the original Jericho kits should also get a refund. They changed the looks of the kit significantly, reduced the amount of parts you can swap, and then deleted threads asking for it to be reverted.
  5. The range changes made sense. They just needed to do something with the preset weapons.
  6. I guess I'm the only one who's OK with getting placed against high skilled players no matter what my skill is. They need to bring back the tutorial district. That went a long way with helping out players get a grip of the game's mechanics before joining the real action.
  7. The smooth framerate option adds a bit of input lag which is why I said that.
  8. CJ only increases the maximum bloom, not the bloom per shot, although it might appear it does due to the increased rate of fire reducing the time available to recover from bloom. The issue is it heavily impacts the performance of all weapons. There's many Armas variants that are now duds because the rate of fire makes them significantly worse than owning a non slotted version. If we could have the option to disable preset mods, that would balance out the changes.
  9. Weird. I'm trying to reproduce this but can't. Do you happen to have a controller plugged in?
  10. I still don't see the point to the IR change. It didn't have a downside, but it worked pretty much equally on all rifles and ARs. It's a useless mod if you mostly play cqc,. All this change really did was make the N-TEC more controllable at range for noobs, while nerfing every single preset weapon that has IR on it. I would remove the rate of fire nerf, and use a different downside like recoil or a slightly increased bloom per shot.
  11. You mean slapping IR3 on everything to gimp yourself? Most the changes were to Armas weapons so the average user doesn't have access to them.
  12. Thinking about it, shotguns wouldn't be OP if we had the old weapon stats. back.
  13. I remember when the Joker Carbine was 5 shots to kill. That .6 ttk was so nice.
  14. Aside from unique mods, I think primary Armas weapons should have all the slots unlocked. I say this because there's a few weapons that have reskins with unlocked slots, but the original weapon is not available open slotted. Opening slots on all weapons would give the customer more choices.
  15. Triksterism's suggest provides less input lag, but if you don't want to mess with the Nvidia profiles you can do this: Open the BaseEngine.ini (APB Reloaded\Engine\Config). Find this line: "MaxSmoothedFrameRate=62" Change it to: "MaxSmoothedFrameRate=121". You can set this to almost any value under 145fps. In game, enable smooth frame rate. Your fps should now be capped to 121. I have had way smoother FPS since the last patch. I still get the stuttering from the garbage collection, but otherwise no complaints. I did notice that Dynamic Shadows have a small impact on fps when there's a lot of transparent objects in view, like when overlooking the park on Financial. You could try disabling them.
  16. The only weapon I can find that sticking IR3 on doesn't neuter it is the N-TEC and scoped version. Edit: Also, shotguns are stupid overpowered.
  17. You kill the range of the Obeya putting HB on it. I guess this change forces weapons to stay within their intended role instead of being able to take on multiple roles. I wonder how the SHAW will feel with IR3.
  18. By increasing it's ttk to higher than an N-TEC?
  19. You can also rip a lot more models if you have the retail install disk or the RTW client.
  20. Server sided actions do not always reset the AFK timer. I've been kicked for inactivity while shooting players in missions.
  21. did you just compare the connotation and history of a swastika to fictional lore of a video game? The lore refers to sexual abuse with some contacts, which I'm sure a lot more players have in common than a backwards swastika that was used 60+ years ago. Guns have been used to kill throughout history, yet here we are playing a game, with guns...
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