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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Another one of "those threads" where OP never returns. The weapon is fine nerfing a gun that shoots "tear gas" seems to be succeeding in making crims shed tears long after the effects wear off. LTL is nerf guns for adults Normal guns will always win against it ,Use the weapon you're calling OP before assuming it's just the weapon (Why does a smg have the ability to hit at 95 meters Looking at you C2)
  2. "Forgive" Just make that the title and be done with it (and make it red :P)
  3. Ha! something tells me this thread came after i rocked my "stun launcher with stabba pig and percs" my 'Piss off criminals' loadout for 2 hours
  4. What about people like me who haven't logged in for years, never duped either (do know nor want too)
  5. The starter cars maybe a revamp version of those? Wouldn't mind a Varazuga 4x4 that upon activating nitro 3 does a full backflip
  6. Love it already. I've been trying my hardest to cover events and show all the rewards (shameless plug) here's my 2 previous steam guides Christmas 2018 Halloween 2018 I've also done a jokerstore guide and a guide on "those rare silencer less nano's" again showing all the rewards. If I can help in anyway hit me up. I also remaster icon's if you want those. Wiki's Mine and a dark one incase you wanted the original brightness icon.
  7. So you don't want a merge just outright delete the server so your forced to join citadel. Sooner or later it will all just be 1 server but for now (yes i do) i'd like to keep my unique items on my nekrova character.
  8. Entire "free g1c" history from watching 13 second videos (the 0-10 g1c offers) to my surveys "the none sketchy one's" i had a survey that took 5 mins , was about mc donalds and awarded 200+ g1c. wish they came back or a different way to "get g1c" (2000 tickets for 10 g1c XD)
  9. Even stranger the "schoolgirl" title shows up on male characters.
  10. When you ignore someone it's supposed to look like this He's one is broken.
  11. Consider this. The same could be done to you, would you like to be banned 5 mins after they whisper a gm without investigation?
  12. I had nothing but good from those "offers" the ones provided by "peanut labs" are vetted the ones literally 3 cm's below are not and is just a shitstorm. Never reward you with anything, ask for an email telling you to make an account, credit card details "eye color" for some stupid reason. All my g1c came from That page "freeg1c.com thing" Play a 2 min video in the background get 25 g1c, Not a bad way to earn some clothing. It WAS still working when little orbit took over (got a recent picture from my image when LO was still in control) <survey about what MCdonalds item i prefer took 6ish mins> . They did respond, it won't be back anytime soon, maybe refer a friend revamp to include g1c 1 day.
  13. "cosmetic only" so is Camo, "invisibility" comes under cosmetic, Vision is a competitive advantage. But worst of all they structure the game around these "does not affect gameplay" skins and then make the game grindy as possible to incentivise you to buy them or waste 40 hours to buy Vader. wrong game, but you get my point. I hope he comes back i was working on something but he's website went down and now i'm missing an important part. Pictures of apb assets with their original file names (cap 40 project... involves all 5 maps.)
  14. Or an even cheaper way. Borrow a EOL (or ram raid till you can buy 1 they literally drop down to 500k sometimes) then get 100kills with that. "LTL plus eol for easy kills) But yeah. No LTL or "explosives" for direct purchase on armas.
  15. Just linked my favourite song (from guitar hero :D) This will help me to get through the ddos.
  16. Thanks I hope it comes out good Any idea on how the "poses" are decided or is it all Jenz?
  17. You still gonna do another run? what time is it (or did i miss it)
  18. Little Orbit's event structure is flawed i saw this coming when epidemic came out I have 3 problems with the way they handle "event schedules" and rewards. I'll try to keep this clean and not stumble over myself (doesn't help that My account has a permanent /drunkstatus ) (had to use spoilers this got bigger then I thought it would) (click the spoilers 5778 characters of text.) 1. The rewards <characters 2142> 2. The Schedule And (won't even need a spoiler) 3. Daily Events Less of a complaint more of a suggestion, In short , Bring back Dynamic events (they caused fps issues fix that and they would be golden) Drug Mule (enforcers answer to Ram raiding alt's) and The Butcher (Easter event from 2015 re-skinned) And fix the "event tracker" and set up a schedule for daily events g1 did "player's make up an idea for a daily event" thing a while back that was alot of fun "Kill 5 Team mates" Then tiggs went crazy and gave out OPGL codes for the "get 5 explosive kills" event and we had lvl 15's destroying entire rows of cars (and mostly killing themselves in the process)
  19. When you guys get hit with ddos it also effects your other games? "fallen earth" @MattScott
  20. @LovelyJasmine Event ended yesterday. Servers are down now to remove it.
  21. You couldn't wait 13 seconds? look at the time i edited it.
  22. Happy New Year everyone It's a new year time for a new you With this 2 day premium code recreate yourself or just move that 1 symbol half an inch to the left. (2 day premium) HAPPYNEWYEAR2019 - Expires in 2 weeks "from when i posted this" Clickable link 'put the code in for me' if your new years resolution is to be lazier CLICKME Source :
  23. "Fought 100's of enemies to make it into a castle , only to find out the princess is in another castle" And here's my controller (what I use at least also got a chrome one.)
  24. sigh. You can rebind the keys DIRECTLY to your Xbox controller. Go to your controls then key binds if your xbox 360 controller is already connected the hard part is done, Click on the box you want to rebind (the 2nd box so it doesn't ruin your keyboard controls) then Press the button on the controller you want to rebind it too For example , I clicked the 2nd box under "fire weapon" then on my controller i pulled the right trigger. No idea if any of that helps, I just use the "xbox 360 adaptor for windows" i plug it in sync my controller then jump right into apb, "XboxStat" is also a nice program shows battery life as well. mini brag - won 2 matches in "beacon" using a controller.
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