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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Would also like to point out "buying g1c with steam wallet" doesn't allow you to decide an amount Sometimes it says "buy 500g1c" others "buy 100g1c" of course this is most likely due to "selecting a joker box or 500g1c item". My point being there should be a choose how much g1c to purchase when buying g1c from the in-game steam browser.
  2. i thought having /smoke copied to clipboard was enough, meanwhile in not so lazyland you had macro's to make sure you leave them with a Display of dancing prowess.
  3. The russians do have slightly higer rank (he's on my friendslist ingame currently on the nekrova server) The word around the server (in russian) is that staff had the power to just increase their rank at will.
  4. To direct link images (at least the way i do it) Right click on the image and click "Copy Link Address" and paste that in. Nice car and +1 for not taking screenshots in editor It makes it stand out more. And to everyone else, PLEASE use spoilers (if i was a moderator i would put posts with 5+ pictures into spoilers)
  5. Repair a door using a crowbar? I think you got close though y00d maybe wants to use "crowbars" instead of ram as an enforcer..
  6. Brilliant that way if they can ddos the entire playerbase at once.
  7. 1 legendary to the first person that can translate what y00d says.
  8. I'd argue the "gasmask" for enforcers would be more used in riots then the visor mask (in the riot artwork) considering weapons like the "OPGL-CD" that dispense tear gas were used in riots in the past. But if your looking for Face protection while still needing the ability To blow raspberries These 2 packs each have a helmet that might be what your looking for. Football Hockey
  9. tried a few emails still haven't received the newsletter. (when the website first went up) gmail didn't seem to work for me.
  10. Zolerox

    Table Concept

    On their own not much they usually have a thread to go with them, if you read what i said They are for "game suggestions" i use pictures to show my idea "in effect".
  11. Zolerox

    Table Concept

    The only part i understood , yes Like Shepard (his is 100x better according to me) i do also make "concept art" but my style blends into apb ui with minimal change. Here's two of mine. some concepts for game changes that i prefer to illustrate using images (i plan to make more in the future when i have time)
  12. I was willing to overlook that if they brang in Floods of content. I don't think everyone should be too disappointed "mid level contacts" maybe bring back the Han Cellante?. *gonna go do some research into apb's console version (can't play it here my region doesn't have it)
  13. Zolerox

    Table Concept

    Why upload a Russian version to an English forum (and upload it to a website littered with adult ads). It was made by my favorite Russian ShepardHS Source The thread is a community effort , a lot of fun everyone having a go at their Version of the scoreboard concept. He's made several versions and so have the other users. He also made one to go along with is "scaleform ui" concept (lovely guy all around) tl;dc We get nothing till the new engine upgrade (hell they can't even have all 3 fightclubs open at the same time because the UI is so hard coded. P.S @Yood at the very least when you paste images > right click "open image in new tab" > and paste that image into forums.
  14. Well if you had been subscribed to the APB newspaper "zolerox post united" you can place your cursor over a topic for a preview before clicking, You could have been saved.
  15. "unolayable" I'm expecting that to be a player title obtainable from riot mode.
  16. *fixed it. April 1st is 1 day, is it really event worthy? (st patricks day got an "event") Legendary trading was used as a april fools joke "LEGENDARY WEAPON TRADING [ONE WEEK ONLY!]: Adding the ability for players to send their Legendary Joker Box weapons to any other character on the same world." Source
  17. That could work, Demerit for someone '500 meters away from the objective for 2 mins' something like that.
  18. Anyone who redeem the 2nd code got premium.
  19. Even just the Redhill color theme would look like. (might just come out as a russia flag skin then...) Floral skin looks good, sitting here hoping the arg skin has in it's description "CLDA" just to taunt those that couldn't figure out the clawdia password, Snowball description v2 "this Skin is formed from the tears of those that couldn't figure out the CLDA password"
  20. Zolerox

    New car request

    Bring back Han cellante And wait for Riot's "mirage"
  21. VAS C2 3 slot CSG slotted LCR Kurai Wheel kit (debundled from the uber bundle) just some ideas.
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