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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Remodel of snub if they ever make one. Rhino 20ds comes to mind.
  2. My character loads but Trying to use it gets an inf. "connecting to world server" I was moving legendaries when this started I better not lose anything. *edit took me 23 mins to login. *edit part 2. taking items from the mailbox takes 20 seconds
  3. Zolerox

    Money laundry bugged?

    Yes it's new, Since they added a trading system you can now Trade money (if your solo) with bounty/5 get the full rewards "x2 money" and then trade each person their part of the money (with 0% tax). Even if you're ram raiding with a group at the end the guy with bounty 5 should drop the money (outside the group by himself) so he gets the full x2, Then trade the money back to each person. p.s only getting 29.k sounds like a bug.
  4. https://will.io/apb/ It's everyone Jerichoking is not loading for anyone.
  5. Zolerox

    Money laundry bugged?

    You're supposed to drop the money OUTSIDE of the group (solo) then trade each person their share.
  6. Reading my mind, Please also find the "actor credits" for the other contacts i already know Balderama voices some of the "random voices" you hear coming from the buildings. Voice Actor Credits Minae Noji (as Veronika Lee) Unfortunatly alot of these credits are just listed as "voice" but not for who.
  7. A player did voice "Speedball" in jokerstore store so it's not too far of a stretch. Or it could be like the riot contacts and have no lines... (Jason Statham for Lucas) (Angelina Jolie for Lynette)
  8. Fight club starts with 4 people, and if you've noticed, it tends to reach 20vs20 after a while. The begining is not the ending. (riot with 4 people would be pretty damn short) Also remove that ludicrous "3 min countdown" i've lost 4 matches because we had 8 players then they left during the monumentaly long countdown timer.
  9. "EXCEPT SCOUT" exactly scout makes no sense, Hey their only human could you flip a switch and make every gun in jokerstore perma without a few hiccups?.
  10. The program "apbcatcherprogram" is what you need to close, it's not YOUR fault it's just how things are, (usually happens when you crash).
  11. Guess you were one of those people that wanted g1 to "delete the 4th mod slot" .
  12. If your slick enough you can buy A legendary for 600k do some trading end up with a lend worth 4 million and sell that Tax free. (did it this morning)
  13. The "weapon testing districts" i'm guessing will have "no threat" so there's that coming up.
  14. The "event tracker" comes to mind when I think about ways of getting more tickets.
  15. Riot's still broken just had a match on jericho (1 man/woman teams) I won got 0 standing. (also we need riot to start with 4 on jericho 8 was painfull to wait for THEN there's a 3 min timer.)
  16. Kabuki Skin Collection 799 - character bound 999 - account bound
  17. I'm also in, Jospeh is the riot enthusist for jericho, whenever riot needs players message Jospeh he can get hold of me and i'll jump on (so that's 2 confirmed)
  18. It's not ideal but this works, https://will.io/apb/ The "unknown" district is riot mode so you can see when people are playing.
  19. to answer your question, the SNUB with cj3.
  20. We had 6 and we still couldn't start it Plain and simple Waiting for something to start isn't fun, even a 2v2 in fightclub grows to be a nice populated district if people don't have to wait around. @MattScott If I gather 25 signatures can we get "riot starting with 4 players" in jericho? at the point where both fightclubs are full but 0 people in riot.
  21. jericho starting with 4 players in riot would be a start.
  22. *Confused* Clearly the best LTL loadout is Nano place OPGL-CD, this coming from someone that goes 0/14 (14 is stuns) in asylum. No other LTL can stun at 100 meters.
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