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Everything posted by StrelitziaDeWitt

  1. StrelitziaDeWitt


    how smole are your buses Well.
  2. Can be fixed, get a fracking microphone and have the 50% you lost be found back again.
  3. I mean why wouldn't you? APB:Forumloaded is of course a triple A game after all. Yup I'm just waiting.
  4. If you ask me we gotta intervene before you know it hexerin might get dizzy from complaining to much.
  5. Okeej wrong part but should say enough.
  6. I think that was November something with mustaches or so. - on the thread in general, I see why not it's better then some of the forum honk my horn breast cancer stuff from one of the previous years. It does hit home as well for me since my sister is diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer last month her survival rating is 25%, as long as she lives I have faith that 25% is all she needs to pull through.
  7. Man Bf1 is just like gay this, gay that gay everything, and then all the deadly diseases get thrown around like cookies for an entire hour of the game by the same folk non stop on almost all the games I get in. Gladly I can just hide the entire chat cause I ain't playing to see garbage dribble on my screen only death and destruction.
  8. Not just psychologically just the entire thing is gambling. Man if game devs want micro transactions screw lootboxes and just give us the stuff we wanna buy. Sadly too many peanuts out there buying loot boxes on mass.
  9. Been playing Battlefield 1 grand operations bought it for 10 euro's last week the entire shabang, enjoying it quite a bit but the Battlefield community makes the APB community look like paradise.
  10. Gotta adjust my views after seeing that.
  11. This is quite old, I used to pass out clan outfits to a lot of people on the same time and always got restricted with this making a time dump. That was over 3 years ago now.
  12. StrelitziaDeWitt


    Looks like a clone from all the other games in that genre, I pass.
  13. Definitely doing way better on the communication side of things. ^_^ But let's pump it up to the next level with video blogs, we know you got the tools Scott! I heard begging helps so I arranged a Lilo and Stitch to beg for me.
  14. Don't forget about the thousands of mods man!
  15. Sometimes you don't have to look far back into history.
  16. I would like to meet Infinito , he has been there running the unit with me since 2011 and he's just a nice guy. Another one would be AngelLisa also someone who took care over the unit for a long time, nice and trustworthy person and that voice of hers is so feisty.
  17. Vivox is only there for you to disable it.
  18. I hope you avoid them sidewalks like a plague, mean having to replace dem bumpers is a costly hobby. - Sadly the only drivers license I got is for driving a scooter, so no car but I do have a scooter.
  19. Come on LO how should I stroke my e-peen now?
  20. For both genders Just snatch a one-piece swimsuit from a chick. Can you imagine the news articles: "Danish lumberjack dude forced a chick out of her swimsuit and wore it himself, #MeToooooo" - On the topic I would like to see a qipao dress, more glasses with actual glass in them, rework of the tactical boots so they actually look the part. Corsets that are not made out of leather same goes for the thigh high boots, maybe just add an option for kind of fabric you want your clothes to have. more leather jackets WITH the ability to wear your backpack would be great too!
  21. I'm fine with my Kevlar but if anything as long it doesn't change how the mod works in that case they should just get another green mod in or something.
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