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Everything posted by StrelitziaDeWitt

  1. I love my anime but not to the point of weebdom.
  2. Make traffic lights great again, vote Jane Darren 2020!
  3. 1) test server 2) apparently so, I don't know, something about not full damage on the N-HVR if the crosshairs aren't tight or something. 3) Actually a lizardman is currently borrowing the presidents body. Hope that answers at least more then half.
  4. But this isn't a cheater thread? Replace cheater with scroll fire and it's the same thought process.
  5. Why are you doing this man, we were all waiting for the famous zombiebiscuit one liner yet you come with this!
  6. There is confusing If the standards are this low for being a game reviewer Maybe I should give it a whirl once.
  7. How dare you, sir... Im a turtle. Took me some time to find but man you're a gorgeous turtle.
  8. On a serial note most likely you just seeing things, sure anti-cheats from whatever are never 100% hackerproof and they never be.
  9. Even then the engine update only has a temporary effect, if LO manages to push out new content on a regular base and I don't mean only armas but content that give people more reason to play it.
  10. StrelitziaDeWitt


    Being tall isn't everything, like hitting your head more often and hardly have leg space in public transportation.
  11. im too young for this. One can never be to young to finger one of these.
  12. I reached Sniper 16 the more realistic way, all praise the mighty DMR-AV!
  13. I think we can all appreciate you not taking a picture of all the ear gunk you pulled out.
  14. Don't drink and you never get close to a hangover to begin with.
  15. Be careful Scott before you know it people will have higher standards.
  16. I beg to differ, I'm just a friendly sh!tposter so I never get the warnings.
  17. Yeah but if battle eye get's rid of that stigma wouldn't that be turned to great advertisement?
  18. Overhauled the recruitment page.
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