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Everything posted by BrandonBranderson

  1. I'm thinking my idea would have to wait till after the upgrade because I doubt there's currently a system in the game for automatic map rotations, but considering how soon they're making the engine upgrade sound that probably won't be much of an issue. It'll especially have to wait till after the upgrade if that add a 4th FC map.
  2. This is one that's been suggested since the beginning. If we had a tick box for matte paint in the vehicle editor it would remove the need for the redundant parts on the Growl. This feature would add a lot of possibilities for people like me who don't necessarily like brand new, shiny sleek looking cars as much as old ratty ones. It just looks weird having a car painted to look old and rusty but it's still all shiny and junk. Of course it would be useful in lots of other ways too for those more creative than me. This may be a bit of a stretch, but a "de-chrome" option for the trim would be awesome too, so that you can pick the color of the trim instead of having a perfect chrome finish on everything. I know that this is APB, and anything that can go wrong will go wrong, but a Matte Paint tick box should be a generally low-effort thing to do compared to most of the suggestions on here. It should just be a tick box that when checked swaps the specular map of the car's body for a much more subtle one.
  3. Didn't really like Beacon all that much tbh. That's why I really only started play FC a lot when Asylum was first introduced. Baylan and Beacon were boring to me. Personally I think it would be great if they added Baylan and Beacon to one map rotation that would swap every 4 hours kinda like how Crossout swaps the availability of their Brawls but without ever closing FC off entirely the way Crossout does. Then build a new unique FC map (I know, I know, it's a ton of work to make a new map blah blah) kinda in the same vein as Asylum where it doesn't quite fit in with the main game too well and has a lot of indoor areas. Maybe take some of the locations from APB: Retribution (The iPhone game) for inspiration because most of those locations were taken from the lore, just never visited in the main game. So we'd have a rotation for more open maps based in the main two districts with the Beacon-Baylan FC, and we'd have one for more unique close quarters maps that don't take place in the main districts with the Asylum-*New Map* rotation. Maybe they could finish up that abandoned hotel map that they showed a few years back to show what the engine upgrade was capable of.
  4. Fun gun to use, and I still have my Poster framed :3 I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be added to Armas.
  5. Wheelies add a lot to the "wow factor" for a new player too. "Holy Shit!" is the reaction I always get from new players when I show them the Vegas doing a wheelie for the first time. One time, years ago as soon as one friend saw their first wheelie they immediately went and bought the G20 Thornicator on Armas. Wheelies need to remain in the game, not only because they're fun but they also help a little with drawing in new players if they see some crazy shit happening right from the get go. Barely any other games have vehicle physics like APB's (and for good reason) but that's one of the little things that adds a bit of charm to the game. What other game can you be witnessing a gun fight in the middle of a street between decked out SWAT guys and cat girls, then out of nowhere a muscle car uses an ambulance as a ramp to jump over the gunfight while performing a backflip, taking out 10+ pedestrians upon landing and exploding on impact with a phone kiosk? That's pretty much an APB exclusive situation.
  6. BrandonBranderson

    Nail Bomb

    This is an idea I had in 2013-2014ish as a new grenade type. Since LO mentioned the EMP grenade I figured this would be an interesting idea to bring back. Back then I made the stupid mistake of not reading over the picture that I selected and ended up posting a diagram of how to make one. So... oops. Anyway, A nail bomb is pretty self explanatory. It's basically a pipe bomb with nails taped around the outside which act as some seriously hard hitting shrapnel. I feel like APB is missing out on some improvised home made looking weapons and this would help a little with that. Now for the functionality of the grenade. Keep tracers in mind when you imagine this since they're coming back with the engine upgrade. The way I figured it could work is if once thrown it would count down and explode like a normal grenade, but the actual blast radius is very small, like 1m or less. The nails are where the real damage comes from. It would act like a shotgun blast fired straight up with a spread of 180 degrees. Very deadly if you're right on top of it. The nails have the highest amount of damage closest to the explosion, but the damage drops off to 0 after about 25m. I know that sounds huge for a grenade, but keep in mind that you're not going to catch every projectile from this thing, only a few if any at all. I'm thinking maybe 32 projectiles in total? And again, remember tracers, so it would look pretty cool when going off too as long as they fade out with the damage drop off. Just an old idea I thought I'd bring back since new grenades are a topic again.
  7. After giving my rant on shotguns yesterday, I'd like to just say great job on everything else. A new grenade type that does more than just explode is really interesting. It's awesome to hear how close the engine upgrade is now!
  8. SPCTs said that the Vegas doesn't do wheelies anymore. This needs fixed.
  9. This is all awesome news and stuff Matt, but please stop tinkering with shotguns so much! Before the first rebalance that you guys did they were in a pretty good spot with the only main issue being bad hitreg which doesn't really seem to be an issue anymore. Please consider just reverting the old base shotguns to their pre-rework stats. They worked fine until the rework with the only complaints being the hitreg. I don't mean to bring down the mood from the rest of the update because everything else was some really awesome stuff, I just felt that this was really important. Shotguns will not be fun anymore if you go forward with your plans. Also I just need to add, making the strife the only 2-shot shotgun is seriously a stupid idea. Shotguns are fun to use because of their high damage and impact. If you go through with this it'll feel like you're shooting your opponents with popcorn cannons. If you start to get this much backlash this quickly about one single change in a whole broad update covering a lot of different areas in the game, it's probably a bad idea. Especially when all everyone is talking about is the shotgun changes when there's news as good as the engine update being almost done. Don't apply these changes to normal shotguns, please.
  10. "Graphics" is a really broad term that just describes how good something looks. If the engine upgrade adds better lighting and shaders, then the graphics are better. Some textures are being changed as well. We saw that with the console release. LO has a team in Australia working on an Unreal 4 complete rebuild of the game, but they say it'll be years before it's done.
  11. The visuals will be improved when the Engine Upgrade is implemented, though that's a side effect and not the intention of the upgrade. When you say Textures are you talking about the character and vehicle textures? Because the world textures are pretty good already, just take a close look at the asphalt roads. They are improving some of those too though.
  12. Relentless griefing like this is just smart, but a little bit of it here and there I don't really see much of a problem with. Like going for a run with a dump truck as long as you aren't targeting anyone specific. I don't think LO has really been too strict on griefing, the worst I've heard of them doing to a griefer was kicking CH3V to force him out of a dump truck he was using to block Double B's garage for like, hours.
  13. Jesus Christ... My VRChat character would fit right in, and that says something pretty bad about the movie.
  14. Yes, it was legal stuff for a while, mostly making sure that Phoenix wasn't using stolen APB assets anymore, but after that was all taken care of they had a more fun conversation for a while, mostly talking about the future of both games. Both sides left happy. Matt knowing that they weren't going to have to deal with any legal trouble and the Phoenix team (Made mostly of APB players) knowing that APB is finally in good hands. Matt mostly just wanted to make sure the stolen assets weren't being used anymore since he knew that the project originally was supposed to be a remake of APB.
  15. Welp, that's what team killing all the time will get ya. Great job. Might want to be a little nicer on your new account. Hopefully this time you stay out of bronze too.
  16. Matt mentioned it on the old forums (which seem to be down as of right now) a little after they took over. He also talked about it a bit when him and Lixil talked to the Nekrova team (The ones making the Pheonix Project) on Discord and I was in the call at the time. So whether or not you want to trust me as a source unfortunately that's the best I can provide at the moment. He referred to it as "APB2" but said it's not to be confused as a sequel, it's just a ground up rebuild. It's just easier to call it that. I don't know if he's mentioned it on these new forums at all. And as Glaciers said he did say it would be years until it's done.
  17. Yeah that's not really how an engine upgrade works. The EU is being done to fix and update the back end systems that the game runs on. The maps really don't have anything to do with it.
  18. I think what he's mainly trying to say is that he visited a cheat forum out of curiosity and was shocked at how many of these shit bags currently exist in the game, and how rotten their attitude is towards everything including other players.. That's what I got from it anyway.
  19. You can get the 3 slot Ntec just by playing, buddy. I own pretty much everything on Armas, and yeah, the main guns you can obtain in-game are by far the best ones. A lot of the Armas guns are just reskins anyway. Just recently the only arguably P2W feature was removed, and that was the 50% Mod Cooldown reduction. Now everyone has the 50% cooldown rate. Armas guns just play differently than the stock ones, no better, and often times worse. There have been instances in the past where Armas-only guns have been overpowered, but that was always under G1. The pre-nerf C-2 TroubleMaker and the old CSG are the main two that come to mind. For the most part people will use Armas exclusive guns because they like the slightly different play style of the Armas variant. A stock Ntec can still dominate fully modded Ntecs.
  20. I like what LO have done because: Well, they kept the game from shutting down. G1's imminent end seemed like it was coming fast. I nearly shit myself when I saw a pinned post from a red name I didn't recognize on the forum called "An Open Letter To The APB Reloaded Community". I thought for sure it was going to be a post from administration saying it was all over. But to my surprise it was pretty much a "Hey APB, I'm here to save you" post from the CEO of a new company. My dread instantly turned to excitement after I started reading it. I don't think anything really caused that much of an emotional response and visible happiness in me for a long time tbh. I like that they fixed the Yukon and added a secondary shotgun. I like that they balanced the HVR a bit to avoid close quarters sniping. I like that they actually tried new countermeasures to cheating. You're seriously insane if you think there's just as many or more cheaters than there used to be. I also REALLY appreciate the level of communication they provided. We were deprived of that under G1, probably because nothing was actually happening. They also gave us a proper trade system. I don't agree with all of their decisions, and I had higher hopes that RIOT would be good, but at this point I'm just happy that they're here because without them the game probably wouldn't still be running. Sure we might have a slightly lower pop than the end of G1, but at least we're still here.
  21. No, it should be reverted to the game's original method of car surfing from before the mod existed. Remove the mod (I probably just lost a few people by saying that) and make car surfing not require a mod, but skill. Basically you used to have to walk in the direction the car was moving while crouched to stay on. That's really it. It was more challenging that way because you have to manage your movement and not just aiming, not to mention it caused slight accuracy loss by walking while crouched.
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