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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. Kevkof

    Error code 10044

    Isn't there more information on the screen when the error pops up? Would it be possible to post that?
  2. Kevkof

    trade lock

    That sounds more like a permanent lock, you might want to contact support about that
  3. Kevkof

    Wmi Provider host 10% CPU

    I'm not experiencing the same issue, my WMI Provider Host stays at 0-0,4%. You can check in the Event Viewer > Applications and Services logs > Microsoft > Windows > WMI-Activity what process is actually causing the issues. That might help you in identifying/fixing the issue
  4. Kevkof

    Apb for Kazahstan

    As far as I'm aware that lock is on your government/ISP's side and not on APB's side of things. This is from a post on the old forums about this same issue:
  5. Not sure what the default key is , but it's under Controls > Interface
  6. You could use the screenshot function that's built into the game
  7. Am I correct in understanding that most of the issues mentioned are now fixed? Try running greenshot as admin, it might resolve it (no promises though)
  8. In a different thread about this someone posted something that seemed to work for them. Try that and if it works all good.
  9. This was also mentioned in the newsletter, but not everyone (me included) seems to be getting that
  10. I asked for and got specific permission from @MattScott to post regarding that. If you know anyone who had/has that issue of being kicked from the server for "Client not responding", please do ask them to see if it's been resolved. Any feedback we (SPCT) see about it will be forwarded to the staff so they can address it as needed.
  11. If we can have some of the players affected by this to try out the change that was made in today's patch. Please do let us know if this did or didn't resolve the issue
  12. This is change is indeed something they hope will address that issue. But we do need players that were affected by that issue to test it out and provide us with feedback.
  13. This is something you'll have to contact support about.
  14. This section seems to be the one you were looking for https://forums.gamersfirst.com/forum/14-server-marketplace-auctions/
  15. This is what was mentioned in the newsletter about the Alienware promo
  16. If you can't reproduce it consistently then it's really hard to identify what exactly is causing it and resulting from that fixing it. I haven't gotten one of these in a while, but it might be worth looking through the log files to see at what point it fails. Maybe that'll allow them to fix the issue
  17. There used to be the Han server, but that was merged with Jericho to allow the players there to have more population to play/interact with. The plan for the future (no timeline given for this) is to have a centralized character server with districts spread around the globe so players are able to play regardless of time and if possible the ping should be as optimal for both parties in the match. The post where Matt Scott (the CEO) mentions this:
  18. Kevkof

    Markers disappear

    If you're using a GTX GPU then you could (if you have it enabled) just save the last couple of minutes using shadowplay, that's a pretty easy way to save evidence for others to look at. Maybe we can spot something that happened on there and then that can get handled by the devs.
  19. As mentioned by others in different threads, 'Authy' allows you to back up your 2FA accounts, there's even a windows desktop client for it. For me the windows client seems to bug out sometimes, causing me to either have to wait for it to change code or just unlock my phone. But for now, I'd guess support is indeed the best option
  20. So then he's no longer allowed to play with his friends or he has to dethreat. Or they'd have to join him/her in a silver district. But neither of those is a great solution in the end
  21. If you want to get it as a r9, that's 12 weeks of grind skipped, but as @BXNNXD said it's a car, that alone is not going to win you the mission.
  22. If a group of silvers is playing in bronze, one of them gets gold. Do you kick that player, the entire group or none of them?
  23. Those aren't really pay to win though. You can get them without spending any real money in 7 weeks as a max rank. It's an example of pay to shortcut, but I wouldn't put that under pay to win.
  24. There's a button on the top right of every post that says 'report post', use that next time ... It's there for a reason. On topic: I personally don't think you should automatically get kicked from bronze when you hit gold, unless you're solo'ing. Otherwise you get kicked but you groupmates wgo are still silver are still in there. That's another thing to keep in mind.
  25. Kevkof

    Car spawners

    I could go through all the spawners again at some point in time, but here's an older list of issues with spawners and their issues for now. The issue you're referring to most likely requires them to change the map a little, which is fairly difficult to do in this current engine. But perhaps it'll be fixed or easier to fix once we're on the newer engine. Keep in mind, a fair number of these were fixed already. https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/355837-issues-with-carspawners-in-waterfront/ https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/360148-issues-with-carspawners-in-financial/
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