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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. This isn't done with the advanced launcher, this basically just replaces the login scene (with all those cars and whatever) with a simple grey one if you combine this with removing the first 2 loading videos your game launches a lot quicker
  2. It doesn't trigger BE otherwise we would have heard complaints about it already, but the second part (about it being bannable) would still be nice to know
  3. Kevkof

    password change

    I presume the method mentioned in the screenshot didn't work (loging in to the website and changing the password). If that is indeed the case you'll have to contact support about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsqJXGvUKt8
  4. Citadel Apologies for not mentioning this in the OP
  5. Summary: Only 2 fight club instances of each spinning up Description: When there are 2 full instances of either fight club no third one will spin up Steps to Reproduce: 1. Have 2 full instances of either fight club 2. Try to join that fight club 3. Be unable to do so Evidence: How many times have you recreated this bug: Unclear Results: No new instance are being spun up Expected Results: New instances should be spun up when all others are full
  6. This can be removed when someone with the appropriate power sees it.
  7. servers are going down in 3 hours and 40 minutes from this post. or you can check what time it is in your timezone on https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=SERVERS+GOING+DOWN&iso=20180608T11&p1=1440
  8. Kevkof

    Weird fence texture help?

    This is quoted from the OP in the BattleEye update thread
  9. indeed, there are 2 extra 'amp;'s in the links The link on the blogpost: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=SERVERS+GOING+DOWN&iso=20180608T11&p1=1440 The working link: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=SERVERS+GOING+DOWN&iso=20180608T11&p1=1440
  10. Is the constant redownloading of DirectX going to be resolved in this patch as well?
  11. I tested this the other day. Tested options: - Loading it from steam, logging in with email and password => This doesn't work - Loading it from steam, logging in with steam, opening the webbrowser manually and going to gamersfirst.com => This doesn't work - Loading it from steam, logging in with steam, opening armas using one of the ingame buttons/links => This is the only way it works, since it loads a different url, used to verify the single sign on I presume: http://www.gamersfirst.com/action/sso.php?id=<id_removed_for_privacy>
  12. This quote was taken from a different thread, but is of Matt Scott explaining why this function was removed.
  13. Kevkof

    Steam payment gone

    You need to be logged in through steam fully, not just launch the game from steam to be able to purchase G1C with steam money. Even if you login to the same account with email and password it won't work
  14. 7:00 am UTC was about half an hour ago as of posting this. We should all be good now
  15. As someone who lives in Belgium and has to try to makes sense of all the legislation here, I couldn't agree more
  16. ah, glorious plain grey. much easier on the eyes. Thanks for the fast coding @Tobii
  17. I'm at over 500, but not able to find said option oh well, guess we'll find out soon enough
  18. On the desktop version you can just hover over the title bar of the quote, that arrow you saw on mobile appears on the right hand side
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