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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. Kevkof


    If you don't know the email address of your actual gamersfirst account (your steam account is just a way to get there, can be on a different email address) you'll have to contact support they should be able to help you out with issues like this. You can contact support on the link in my signature or on https://support.gamersfirst.com
  2. These two are from this thread (on page 4)
  3. Kevkof

    Password expired

    You'll have to contact support to get something like that resolved. You can either use the link in my signature or https://support.gamersfirst.com
  4. Isn't this just part of the privacy stuff they did to the friends and search options?
  5. Kevkof


    Taken directly from Battleye's FAQ:
  6. put your cursor behind the mention and hit backspace twice (worked for me)
  7. I just did the same process (Changing the email of one of my game accounts), worked without any issue. So that would lead me to believe this was a weird, onetime issue. Not something they forgot to make. My best guess for a fix would indeed be to wait for support to get back to you
  8. Matt addressed this back when they first took over. Since the laws in Europe haven't changed much since then I'd presume his statement is still the current way they'll handle it.
  9. Kevkof


    It can also be nice in cars with limited storage, to be able to hold a large item
  10. Anyone know what the context is on this? When firing the sound on the client side would be so low it's barely audible. Server sided it was fine, so others were able to hear you shoot just fine.
  11. oh...if so then last night i 2 shot someone with my tasz20 stock at a 30m distance... After the update the CSG (even with IR3) should be 10 shotting at 25m
  12. In the 'Search' Tab you can check a box that shows what district you're in, if that's not checked (which is default) you're not able to join the player that way
  13. I think that update already happened: Selali edited his/her post
  14. That's if you hit the majority of the pellets of course. These tests just show what's possible. Not what can easily be achieved ingame
  15. Just putting this out there: From the EULA (if you want to look it up, it's section 25.1.4 Article 12), So you're free to ask for a refund, but they don't have to do any such thing
  16. If you have the one with IR3 would be great too Did a testing for that this morning: (This was in the Testing A district, shouldn't be important)
  17. If you have the one with IR3 would be great too since the spread so small with the shredder, just do +7.5 for all of them. Can't test it out right now
  18. Without IR on the shredder it hits as follows (on OTW)
  19. That'd be priceless if that's how it went
  20. A while ago I gifted someone the Pestilence Overalls (character bound), I still have the cheap option for account bound
  21. This can also occur if you gifted a character bound version to someone using the Armas Gifting system (If I remember correctly)
  22. Summary: Trying to add offline player to friends gives 'no character named X' Description: When you try to add a player to your friendslist that isn't online at that moment in time it gives you an incorrect error message. Steps to reproduce: - 1: Launch the game and join any instance - 2: Attempt to add a player who's offline to your friendslist - 3: Notice the error message How many times have you recreated this bug: 5/5 Results: It shows a error: Expected results: There should be an appropriate error: '<Name of person>' isn't currently online
  23. Yes, it would be optimal. But if you're putting OTW on cloud servers you need to bring the live servers over to that as well, otherwise you'll end up with inaccurate tests. They wouldn't be representative of the live servers at all
  24. There are commands to accept group(/groupaccept) and clan(/clanaccept) invites, but none was added to accept friendrequests(/friendaccept). I'd love to see that added to the game. Might seem small to some but still
  25. isn't that pretty much the point of having bloom?
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