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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. The thing I wonder is did he mean release to OTW for final testing or release to live for deployment? That's not specified in his post
  2. This is still in the testing phase, it would make sense for that information not to be available fully yet, though this might just be the values mentioned in these threads:
  3. This is one thing I noticed after the patch that happened about 6 hours ago
  4. per every X amount of requests they could charge a small amount (If I'm not mistaken that's how that usually goes)
  5. It would be really nice to have, but I think this will remain one of those things we can only dream of
  6. Well, as a Belgian and someone who likes to collect legendaries I would personally hate it if they follow this example
  7. Just a couple of minor mistakes, but other than that a pretty funny read. There should be a space after the : in APB: Reloaded (which also isn't in full caps). Matt Scott has never used the dual dashes. And lastly it's spelled "Little Orbit", not "Littel Orbit" at least it's still somewhat funny (in my opinion)
  8. I personally like the changes they made to IR. It changes up how some weapons should be played, without making them useless. I welcome more changes like this so that there is finally some real change to the game. I too own several preset weapons with IR3 and have tried them since the change. They require a bit of relearning the weapon but they are still viable in my opinion
  9. Almost at 6 years by now, I assumed you meant the patroller, but since I can't read minds I prefer not to post assumptions about what others might want to say. And on topic, they are allowed to change any part of the game as they see fit, without having to offer anything in exchange for that. This is quoted from the EULA that we all agreed to when we first launch the game. This is on line 531.
  10. The bodyguard doesn't even have IR on it, how would this have been affected?
  11. The Admin Tracker on the forums has been acting up for a bit now. You could use a different tracker for the time being: https://db.apbvault.net/tracker
  12. 25 boxes seems a rather low amount for a guaranteed legendary. This would floud the market completely.
  13. I have no official word on this, but I'd assume something along the lines of harassment prevention
  14. probably to be in line with the changes they made to the friends and search features, it wouldn't make sense to have the old /who with the new way those features work
  15. First of all, I'd suggest you edit your message to avoid getting slapped with a 'Name&Shame' warning and secondly you can report him/her via support using the link in my signature or https://support.gamersfirst.com
  16. I don't know why the official tracker (within the forums) has issues sometimes. The old database (apbdb.com) is no longer being kept up to date, but the new version (db.apbvault.net) is up to date and even includes all the latest changes, it's best to use that website when looking up any information.
  17. These two are from this thread (on page 4)
  18. You could also use the admin/mod tracker that's on the apbvault website, that one seems to catch all the posts. https://db.apbvault.net/tracker
  19. When you're in the bug reports section, it already shows this information at the top.
  20. I can't even count how many time's I've read this over the past couple days. But it just isn't true, The maximum 3 shotting range of the shredder (even with IR3) is 28m Edit: This is not me defending the current shredder, I believe it could do with bit of reduced range. But there's no point in arguing over wrong information.
  21. The speed at which bullets move wasn't changed, so that's not really anything that needs fixing
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