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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. Summary: /latencytest gives unclear location of the file Description: When doing a /latencytest an unclear location for the results is given to the player Steps to reproduce: - 1: Join any instance - 2: Enter the /latencytest command - 3a: Wait 10 minutes for this to finish - 3b: Enter the /latencytest command again to end the test early How many times have you recreated this bug: 5/5 Results: The following message is shown: Latency test complete. Please send C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\Latency-2018.09.03-00.40.06.csv to customer support. Evidence: Expected results: The correct location should be given in a clear manner Latency test complete. Please send C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Logs\Latency-2018.09.03-00.40.06.csv to customer support.
  2. That gold goal is until the time it resets (on monday morning, eu time). You'll get your tickets in the mail then
  3. Kevkof

    Thank you mod

    The absolute best time to close that thread
  4. The matchmaking is closely tied to the threat system, they need the new engine to implement district phasing which should improve the matchmaking and combined with that they might rework the threat system though that's not really the issue. The main issue is the low population per district which leads to skewed matchmaking
  5. The thing they want to implement to hopefully resolve those issues is only possible in unreal engine 3.5 and above, so we'll need to wait until that's done I'd assume
  6. h ow about we stop this soon™
  7. Not sure if you'd even get an answer for those though. Maybe a 'Thx for reporting"
  8. Be sure to remove the folders for steam and APB Reloaded when you uninstall them, before installing them again. Maybe that fixes it
  9. adding it afterwards would require another round of testing, because you'd be testing the core mechanics first with the rankless test but then all the rank related limits/feature with a ranked test. Seems like double the trouble
  10. Only the weapon balance changes were brought to the live servers, some of the other testing (such as the trading system) still has to be done on OTW itself
  11. You can test these weapon changes on the Live servers, you don't need OTW anymore. Just join a weapon prototype district
  12. People who don't use all the consumables, though they could just remove the stack of 500 they have and start going up to 500 again (and then loop this until we die, or the game does)
  13. This is the same rank limit that's on the ingame marketplace though. So it makes sense
  14. The initial 5.9 GB is downloaded at your full speed, but the last little bit is a bit slower usually. But not much (from my experience). This is what it looked like when I just tried it. you see it flash once or twice and then it just works. You might just have to fully uninstall the game and install it again. That seems to me to be the easiest solution (if you don't mind downloading another 6 gigs)
  15. It usually does that a couple times during the first install, after a couple it should just load the remaining little bit (between 50-200 MB usually). But I'll try running the full install again on a system to double check
  16. yes, otherwise you can't send the item to other characters on the same account
  17. This could be caused by automatic weapons sometimes sounding like they fire an extra shot, but not actually firing that extra shot. As you can see in the video and the image of the audio track, this is easily reproducible. Note the ammo count when I'm shooting.
  18. What about the second kill though? That one is just the shredder, 4 shotting that green
  19. That would indeed be the issue, noticed no crashes of HWMonitor v1.35.0 When I ran the game in full screen mode
  20. time never stops ticking, not even in APB. That said, servers are up, so you can continue your sales
  21. Are you running the game in fullscreen? any other details I could use to test if this is a global issue or something on your end would be great. I'll test those later then
  22. Do you mean this program? I have it open 24/7 it never crashes on me when I play apb (or anything else) I'd have to assume the issue doesn't really come from apb then
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