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Road Blocking as a Form of Griefing?

Is Road Blocking a Form of Griefing?  

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  1. 1. Is it?

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Whilst playing in Waterfront today, I happened upon this trio. I'm cutting their names out to avoid shaming; but in all seriousness, does a majority of the community agree or disagree with this being an act of griefing/mission blocking?


For reference, I mean this:


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thats a terrible place to block tbh, theres a way around like 10 feet to the right


my favorite are the guys who shut off the roads under the overpass, at least they're causing maximum salt 

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Press your D key for a little bit. It will turn your vehicle to the right and you can act like the roadblock doesn't even exist.

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  On 3/9/2019 at 4:40 AM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

Press your D key for a little bit. It will turn your vehicle to the right and you can act like the roadblock doesn't even exist.

Agree. This has to be the worse blocking I've seen there is a path way to both sides you can easily get around this "blockade". 


To answer the question: I don't think road blocking in the streets is all that bad unlike blocking a garage exit there are plenty of ways around San Paro if one street is blocked. The guys above aren't even blocking major street so this barely counts as griefing. And even if they were blocking a major thoroughfare like I said there are plenty of other ways around this is a minor traffic inconvenience not a major mission ending griefing session.


Yes it is a dickmove and it really depends on how long they put up with it if they are there for hours and actively causing chaos like herding other vehicles into the blockade, blasting loud music or voip spam and harassing anyone politely asking them to gtfo then its time for a GM to intervene. Other than that just go around that area is a clusterfuck on a good day so why you'd want to use it for any sort of uninterrupted travel is beyond me.

Edited by KnifuWaifu
lisa needs braces

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It's griefing, end of. They are purposely doing it to annoy people, make things difficult, and disrupt missions send the uncensored picture to support.

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If you're really having fun standing still on the middle of a road with your only 2 friends then you should start re-considering your life. Get a hobby, go out, have a drink. Maybe do something useful. 


As for you, this was not worth the tears when you could have easily avoided the roadblock.




These things just deserve shaming, like what kind of moron does this. Plus occupying 3 slots on a full server. What a waste of space.

Edited by _chain
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The vehicles chosen are cement trucks which are the biggest and heaviest in game, it seems like a deliberate move to disrupt player traffic because of this.

If a player created and based event was going on then it would be advisable to just block the right half of the road to stop NPC traffic. NPC traffic be subject to a full road closure with staggered opposing right sided blockade, but there shouldn't ever been a need to obstruct the entire road at 1 single point

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I wonder which is the most ewwish out of these:


1 » The roadblock.

2 » OP taking the time to post about the area around the most populated ga5 station.

3 » The fact that OP is grouped up with Eww....



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  On 3/9/2019 at 4:17 AM, Sergsininia said:

Whilst playing in Waterfront today, I happened upon this trio. I'm cutting their names out to avoid shaming; but in all seriousness, does a majority of the community agree or disagree with this being an act of griefing/mission blocking?


For reference, I mean this:


1. I'm in that screenshot. (not in a truck)

2. No. If it's excessive and actually blocking a (garage for example) important map location For example A OBJECTIVE (which has happend to me) then yes it's griefing. 


5 mins is a bit of fun -15 mins is a Old joke that gets more attention 30 mins it's starting to become annoying - 1 hour. it's griefing.

Edited by Zolerox
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I guess it's kind of griefing.. but dang, there are worse things to do, and I must admit I've done that a couple of times before. A Friday night with some friends, hell yeah :classic_biggrin:

Besides, I think this kind of stuff makes the district seem more active instead of everyone just seamlessly minding their own business.

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  On 3/9/2019 at 11:29 AM, Synapze777 said:

Another Millennial. Over 4000 hours in apb, I don't see this as a problem. You must be new... don't waste forum space please.

So true. Carspawn block is griefing, this.. this is nothing..

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I'm baffled by some of the replies.


All the OP wanted to know if this was concidered griefing or not. And it is, even tho it can indeed easily be countered, it's still an obstruction that causes people to deviate their track and thus lose (eventual) valuable time.


If people want to have such kind of fun, or try things out there is a whole selection of empty districts these days where this can be done.

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I test everything inside APB reloaded's universe for fun. 

Or drift in a empty waterfront district.

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  On 3/9/2019 at 1:40 PM, Zolerox said:

I test everything inside APB reloaded's universe for fun. 

Or drift in a empty waterfront district.

You..  test griefing? 

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Do whatever you want, griefing 10 people in the district wont cause life chaning disaster

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IT IS griefing in my opinion , but this type of griefing doesn't really bother me .


what really does is people ramming you on purpose with their cars .

Edited by Ketog

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  On 3/9/2019 at 1:54 PM, CookiePuss said:

You..  test griefing? 

Infact yes i do. (in empty districts mostly)

There are a few (which i won't share how and where. save that for the bug reports)


Send the mission objective 800 meters away "via teleport bug" 

Send Mission objective to default pickup location "via out of bounds bug"

Place the Mission objective in a "unreachable place" for example a roof that you can only access with a kolva and truck stacked on top of each other.

A glitch that "force ends the mission" resulting in mission banner reading "Server has killed the mission"


Of course the only information i do share is through bug reports Last thing i need is every enemy i have using all my knowledge of "game breaking stuff" I still haven't got around to reporting every single one in it's entirety.



The worst form of griefing (intentional) is when a criminal get's a "outside the mission friend" to park a kolva infront of your objective.


(and i test things like What can the cap 40 shoot past that it normally couldn't if Manipulated, how many cars does it take to block every "civilian car spawn" etc.)

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I always wondered what kind of person log in to take a truck and block the way.

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  On 3/9/2019 at 11:14 AM, _chain said:

If you're really having fun standing still on the middle of a road with your only 2 friends then you should start re-considering your life. Get a hobby, go out, have a drink. Maybe do something useful. 


As for you, this was not worth the tears when you could have easily avoided the roadblock.




These things just deserve shaming, like what kind of moron does this. Plus occupying 3 slots on a full server. What a waste of space.

While I personally don't sway either way, it can and can't be griefing, context is obviously everything.

And, yes I did just move on, and keep playing. I only took some screenshots to create the thread and gauged the community's opinion.

  On 3/9/2019 at 11:29 AM, Synapze777 said:

Another Millennial. Over 4000 hours in apb, I don't see this as a problem. You must be new... don't waste forum space please.

I appreciate the thought provoking post. I thank your Gen-X attitude.

  On 3/9/2019 at 12:00 PM, Zolerox said:

1. I'm in that screenshot.

2. No. If it's excessive and actually blocking a (garage for example) important map location For example A OBJECTIVE (which has happened to me) then yes it's griefing.


5 mins is a bit of fun -15 mins is a Old joke that gets more attention 30 mins it's starting to become annoying - 1 hour. it's griefing.


Thanks for the input though.

  On 3/9/2019 at 12:16 PM, Koda said:

I guess it's kind of griefing.. but dang, there are worse things to do, and I must admit I've done that a couple of times before. A Friday night with some friends, hell yeah :classic_biggrin:

Besides, I think this kind of stuff makes the district seem more active instead of everyone just seamlessly minding their own business.

I wish people would interact more in /d than not ;-;

  On 3/9/2019 at 12:25 PM, Outofmyway said:

I'm baffled by some of the replies.


All the OP wanted to know if this was concidered griefing or not. And it is, even tho it can indeed easily be countered, it's still an obstruction that causes people to deviate their track and thus lose (eventual) valuable time.


If people want to have such kind of fun, or try things out there is a whole selection of empty districts these days where this can be done.

I was too


  On 3/9/2019 at 11:38 AM, Lily Rain said:

I wonder which is the most ewwish out of these:


1 » The roadblock.

2 » OP taking the time to post about the area around the most populated ga5 station.

3 » The fact that OP is grouped up with Eww....



Eww found this to be a rather entertaining night until both our games crashed within 10 minutes of each other.

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In some cases you can lose mission because of this ... So yeah it is.

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I know this is the wrong opinion to have, but I think this shit is hilarious and is one of the "features" of APB that makes it feel more real and exciting compared to similar games

Edited by Conquest
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  On 3/9/2019 at 8:35 PM, Sergsininia said:

Eww found this to be a rather entertaining night until both our games crashed within 10 minutes of each other.


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