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are bronzes allowed to play yet?

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threat districts back or are only golds allowed to play the game still? dont see any news. no man sky getting boring now will reinstall apb if we're allowed to play now

Edited by postalgril
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Your allowed to play. No segregation as of this post but your more then allowed to play.

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good meme


but no, threat segregation is disabled for now (hopefully won't need to come back thanks to phasing... but that'll only happen eventually.)

Edited by neophobia
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nah it’s still trash

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3 hours ago, Darkzero3802 said:

Your allowed to play. No segregation as of this post but your more then allowed to play.

no tnx playing vs full team of toxic gold clans doesnt sound like fun to me

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4 hours ago, postalgril said:

no tnx playing vs full team of toxic gold clans doesnt sound like fun to me

So, which is the difference vs full DT silvers groups on bronze? 🤨

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Let me look that up real quick.. 


..computer says no.





Edited by ColorBauss
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6 hours ago, EnriquexD said:

So, which is the difference vs full DT silvers groups on bronze? 🤨

Obviously because now they are having to fight even better players.

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1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

Obviously because now they are having to fight even better players.

and the dethreaters still, who don’t even have to dethreat now

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Players: "remove threat segregation so we can play"

LO: *does it*
Players: "wtf go back"

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Threat segregation better be gone for good. How are bronze players gonna get good if they only meet scrubs? 

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8 minutes ago, Basih said:

Threat segregation better be gone for good. How are bronze players gonna get good if they only meet scrubs? 

how are bronze players gonna get good if they just stop playing after getting stomped by dethreaters and golds?

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31 minutes ago, Solamente said:

how are bronze players gonna get good if they just stop playing after getting stomped by dethreaters and golds?

and like the other side too, idg how toxic you gotta be to enjoy roflstomping new/worse players like it's some kind of powerplay

i kinda lose the will to play if there is no challenge

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8 minutes ago, neophobia said:

and like the other side too, idg how toxic you gotta be to enjoy roflstomping new/worse players like it's some kind of powerplay

i kinda lose the will to play if there is no challenge

it’s a valid point, if golds are facing low skill players more often how are we supposed to improve our own skills?

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they removed threat segregation?


lol i missed a lot

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Just now, iDontThinkSo said:

Well also with threat segregation in bronze instances you had high chances of facing golds.

I can't even fathom how long it would taken me to drop down to silver. I can assure you that those are not real gold players.


Not to mention how offensively boring these past weeks have been. I need to start playing with a controller in the majority of my missions if I wish to remain sane.

Threat segregation is severely needed or many players will suffer horrific deaths from continuous boredom.

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2 hours ago, Speedz said:

Players: "remove threat segregation so we can play"

LO: *does it*
Players: "wtf go back"

not all players.  I prefer it this way due to the minuscule population we have.  Even during prime time the NA can't create 4 full districts.  We barely make 1 waterfront and 1 financial.  At least this way I can play either as long as there is room in the 40/40 mission district.  Before I was usually locked into one mission district.


And even before the lack of segregation high silvers were going into the bronze district and basically farming the bronze and trainees.  To a bronze there the skill difference between a real gold and high silver is null because of their lower skill level.


Open districts are fine but Bronze/Trainees may need their own 'Trainee' district that only they can join.  For all I know our population in NA is so low that even separating Bronze/Trainees in their own district could be detrimental to this game.

Edited by illgot
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No one is allowed unless they fkn Magic, and no one is allowed to acknowledge or speak about the 'Magic People', n if your not Magic, we gonna nerf all your guns to make sure your patootie loose.

 APB is no longer a casual game. Casual meaning, ya come in, play some tunes, n have some Clown Fun in a mission, oh no.. no time for clowning. Its your A-game and A-Weapon, (not the role weapon you want to work)

 70% of players are new names never seen before that day, n the next day they be another 50 new names, all golds low to mid rank, n the only way to beat them is to sneak up on one n back shoot him before his 'Magic takes over n drills ya with some op legendary, that the joker wont give to 'Non Magic's"

  Oh Yea Big Pile of fkn laughs 🤗

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3 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:


No one is allowed unless they fkn Magic, and no one is allowed to acknowledge or speak about the 'Magic People', n if your not Magic, we gonna nerf all your guns to make sure your patootie loose.

 APB is no longer a casual game. Casual meaning, ya come in, play some tunes, n have some Clown Fun in a mission, oh no.. no time for clowning. Its your A-game and A-Weapon, (not the role weapon you want to work)

 70% of players are new names never seen before that day, n the next day they be another 50 new names, all golds low to mid rank, n the only way to beat them is to sneak up on one n back shoot him before his 'Magic takes over n drills ya with some op legendary, that the joker wont give to 'Non Magic's"

  Oh Yea Big Pile of fkn laughs 🤗


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the problem is not win or lose, but have fun.


and if the score is usually 23/0 there is something wrong and not fun at all. (cheater,closet )


a little rework on MM and the sys with no segregations will works perfect.


Gold no dethreatable.

Gold vs Silver = 50% health

Gold vs Bronze = 10% Health

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