Lign 361 Posted July 15, 2019 41 minutes ago, TheMessiah said: When player become gold threat in bronze district-disable hes/shes option to start missions in bronze district.Player will have to manually switch to silver district if want to keep playn.This will reduce the dethreaters significantly simply because takes much more time to dethreat from gold to silver-than become gold from silver.The time difference between 1st and 2nd is at least double-triple.Thats how many players will quit dethreating cause not gonna be worthy wasting theyr time Or quit the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen of Love 455 Posted July 15, 2019 Ok, maybe is not easy win, but should be easy have fun. Is not fun when a Silver original meets Goldies Lowrank with 100% hit ratio and score is near 45-0 Is not fun when a Bronze with 2h of gameplay meets Goldies maxrank and score is near to 50-0 Something could change if team are mixed (note: not balanced at any costed, just mixed) In this way: the Goldie maxrank have to team with the poor bronze ,so bronze can support without stress the battle. Goldie doesnt like the team? can go in gold/silver district with just goldies around. Silver original (proud to be) have an oppo that allow a bit of action and some goal. remove district segregations, anyone everywhere, so the MM can REALLY do something. Note: Gold rank should be irreversible. Or system will dont work. Never. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cr0 328 Posted July 15, 2019 (edited) On 7/14/2019 at 3:39 AM, CookiePuss said: So I recently got some friends to try APB. I'm a gold player so I was not able to help them learn the game. Within 2 weeks every person I persuaded to try APB had uninstalled. On 7/14/2019 at 6:03 AM, CookiePuss said: Edited July 15, 2019 by SilverCrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted July 15, 2019 6 minutes ago, SilverCrow said: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bishada8800 22 Posted July 15, 2019 (edited) 16 hours ago, VickyFox said: Lol there is it! Yeah you can rename districts and delete or even add some threat levels... It won't change a thing as this doesn't solve HOW people dethreat! The issue is two fold. One is that bronze players by default join the medium threat district rather than manually selecting the low threat district (my suggestion you quoted adress this) The second issue are dethreaters. This is where "banishing dethreaters", the "carrot on the stick" and the "whip" comes in as I posted on at page 2: 16 hours ago, Darkzero3802 said: Unless the community is willing to change it wont happen. Threat segregated districts is how this dethreating problem started in the first place, all thats going to do is make more ppl dethreat not to mention lower overall district populations. Yes LO needs to make a hard stand on this issue and enforce punishments but as I said above unless the community is willing to change and stop this it will continue to be a problem, much like hacking. They will change with the right incitements and the correct punishments. And if district population become an issue (it really isn't in Europe where I play) then they should go down to two districts instead of three: * Current Green District = Delete * Current Bronze District = Rename to Low Threat (open for Green and Bronze players) * Current Silver District = Rename to High Threat (only district where silver and gold players are allowed to play) * Current Gold District = Delete (this is similar to how it is today with the difference that silver and lower gold players would not be allowed to play in the low threat district) 8 hours ago, SquirrelFace said: Hide threat, hide names during missions (red bar instead of name), prioritize quantity when matchmaking (3v3, 4v4, etc), and bring back the training district that actually let you screw around before playing for real. We tried this (Open Conflict Districts, remember?). The conclusion was that it was TERRIBLE(!) 4 players were "worth" 4 players no matter the skill. 3 elite gold players could be matched against 4 bronze and 3 elite gold players had option to call for backup (not needed!) What they should do is quite the opposite. In reality 2 medium silver players is "worth" about 1 medium gold player (1 gold and 2 silver vs 2 gold is a "fair" and quite fun matchup for both parties) But currently matchmaker value numbers higher than skill. In-game right now 1 silver player and 1 bronze player is "worth" less than 1 gold player and the solo gold player have the option to call for backup (not needed!) Edited July 15, 2019 by Bishada8800 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darkzero3802 615 Posted July 15, 2019 41 minutes ago, Bishada8800 said: They will change with the right incitements and the correct punishments. And if district population become an issue (it really isn't in Europe where I play) then they should go down to two districts instead of three: * Current Green District = Delete * Current Bronze District = Rename to Low Threat (open for Green and Bronze players) * Current Silver District = Rename to High Threat (only district where silver and gold players are allowed to play) * Current Gold District = Delete (this is similar to how it is today with the difference that silver and lower gold players would not be allowed to play in the low threat district) That requires LO to actually do something about this and sadly they have yet to nor can they so long as GMs have no power to ban or suspend and are essentially just special players with a title, oh and Matt isnt actually actively trying to change the community culture for the better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Microtea 23 Posted July 15, 2019 On 7/14/2019 at 4:39 AM, CookiePuss said: And yet, every match was stocked with players who have hundreds if not thousands of hours in game just stomping on new players. In every single game before generation of lazy crybaby zoomers took over it was like that, you get owned by experienced players until you become experienced player yourself, leave or adapt. On 7/14/2019 at 4:39 AM, CookiePuss said: Using all the r195+ mods, rocking legendaries, and just going fucking HAM on any noob they find. Only spotter is overpowered and game breaking. Most of legendaries are worse than regular weapons. On 7/14/2019 at 4:39 AM, CookiePuss said: These are the players killing the game, the ones who have done more damage than hackers, and they should all be ashamed of themselves. Cheaters killed the game a long time before "these players". On 7/14/2019 at 4:39 AM, CookiePuss said: Players dethreat as if its a normal part of the game and for some reason Little Orbit does nothing about it. Because, it's normal part of the game due to broken threat system which "rewards" you with gold threat for doing nearly nothing? On 7/14/2019 at 4:39 AM, CookiePuss said: This all occurred during roughly a 4 hour (FBW only to make it more fair) play session on this smurf account. Imagine using best pistol in the game and calling it more fair lmao. Gratz, you just pushed it few units closer to graveyard. On 7/14/2019 at 4:39 AM, CookiePuss said: nothing is done about it. Just like with cheating. Same players are not just playing but even openly streaming with blatant settings for more than year meanwhile Matt Scott On 12/18/2018 at 9:28 AM, MattScott said: cannot blindly accept this as a reason to ban someone. TL;DR: Just git gud, m8. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaxJedburgh 18 Posted July 15, 2019 On 7/14/2019 at 1:00 PM, CookiePuss said: It's a problem for anyone trying to get into APB. Bottom line, if you ever play in bronze district and you aren't new, you are a piece of shit. Then I'm a piece of shit. Note: any bronze scrub with a Star has a better than 50% chance against any of my played load-outs, in either ROF or Range. If I play silver district or higher, it's because my friends are there, but they understand that this means I'm dead vs anyone who's Gold or Silver. Just dead. I play Bronze missions to give myself a near to even chance, as I get older I know my reflexes are not going to improve. I'm as "good" as I'm going to get. Not even disappointed about that: it's a fact of life. (Sucks to get old, can't reccomend it.) As I've stated on other threads like this, I'm one of the dudes who is happy to answer new player's questions and takes the time to do so. If there were No Experienced Players on Bronze district the only place that could happen is Social District, logically. Sure the tutorial could be better or whatever. But sometimes you just want the answer to your question and it's easier to ask if anyone knows, right then and there. Yes, I'm being specific in response to a broad general statement. I can only speak from my perspective, and I don't neccesarily play apb the same way as others. True. But I play within the guidelines and the rules, always. And I play for the fun of it, to relax. Winning a close match or losing a close match are equally exciting to me. A Tie means both sides deserved the win. Excitement Plus! Sustained annihilation of New Players is the polar opposite; people have been known to quit when that happens to them, as Cookie pointed out. Worse, it's both boring and lame. I've never been good enough to even consider de-threating, and play every mission as hard as I can. Because suck or not, I love the game and want to encourage others to stick with it by helping where I can: Bronze District. That's my five cents, anyway. Jed. PoS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hexerin 1150 Posted July 15, 2019 2 hours ago, TheMessiah said: because takes much more time to dethreat from gold to silver-than become gold from silver.The time difference between 1st and 2nd is at least double-triple. You clearly don't understand how the threat system in this game works if you actually believe that. 10 minutes ago, MaxJedburgh said: If I play silver district or higher, it's because my friends are there, but they understand that this means I'm dead vs anyone who's Gold or Silver. Just dead. I play Bronze missions to give myself a near to even chance, as I get older I know my reflexes are not going to improve. I'm as "good" as I'm going to get. In before you get piled on by the ravenous pack of idiots who can't understand that there's reasons other than exploiting for easy wins that someone might dethreat to play in bronze. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted July 15, 2019 6 minutes ago, Microtea said: In every single game before generation of lazy crybaby zoomers took over it was like that, you get owned by experienced players until you become experienced player yourself, leave or adapt. Cool story, dethreaters still killed APB. 9 minutes ago, Microtea said: Cheaters killed the game a long time before "these players". The data does not support this claim. 9 minutes ago, Microtea said: Because, it's normal part of the game due to broken threat system which "rewards" you with gold threat for doing nearly nothing? It only seems like gold is easy to get because you are stomping noobs all day. Stop fighting in the beginner district and then tell me how easy it is to get and maintain. 10 minutes ago, Microtea said: Imagine using best pistol in the game and calling it more fair lmao. Gratz, you just pushed it few units closer to graveyard. Im not sure if trolling or stupid, but not using a primary is a massive disadvantage. 11 minutes ago, Microtea said: Just like with cheating Cheaters are regularly banned. Dethreaters, even though breaking the CoC, are not. 12 minutes ago, Microtea said: Most of legendaries are worse than regular weapons. This is true, however the number of car surfing volcano users shitting on bronzies is ridiculous. 9 minutes ago, MaxJedburgh said: Note: any bronze scrub with a Star has a better than 50% chance against any of my played load-outs, in either ROF or Range. Im not sure what you are trying to say here... that there are different weapon classes? Also, what does RoF have to do with anything? 4 minutes ago, MaxJedburgh said: If I play silver district or higher, it's because my friends are there, but they understand that this means I'm dead vs anyone who's Gold or Silver. As the wise MaxJedburgh once said "you get owned by experienced players until you become experienced player yourself, leave or adapt" 11 minutes ago, MaxJedburgh said: I'm as "good" as I'm going to get. If you arent purposely deathreating, and really are just bad... then I guess that's fine if you stay in bronze. Good point. 12 minutes ago, MaxJedburgh said: the tutorial could be better agreed 13 minutes ago, MaxJedburgh said: Then I'm a piece of shit. I should have reserved that for dethreaters only, as you stated some players just aren't that good, and naturally find themselves stuck in bronze. Ok, Ive got some meetings for the next several hours... I'll check in later for anyone who has responses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hexerin 1150 Posted July 15, 2019 2 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: It only seems like gold is easy to get because you are stomping noobs all day. Stop fighting in the beginner district and then tell me how easy it is to get and maintain. It's hilariously easy to obtain gold and then maintain it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Havana 216 Posted July 15, 2019 On 7/14/2019 at 7:02 AM, Bishada8800 said: GREEN is the beginner / low threat district where you find beginners and bronze players. Bronze is the MEDIUM threat district where high bronze, mostly silvers and the occasional low golds fight it out. Silver is the high threat district where you can find all elite gold clan players, regular gold players and some high silvers. (Gold is almost always empty - it is only used for racing, ram raiding and pre-arranged match-ups) Agreed. Dethreating should be a banishable offense. It hurt the game more than cheaters. To be fair, you are a gold player in a bronze district. Adding to the problem. SPCT at that. Agreed. But it is not too late to change. Just because its been this way for a long time does not make it right. To be fair, there are a lot of random low to medium silver threat PuG players (even with hundreds of hours or high ranked in-game characters) that are simply not ready to fight teamed up elite gold players that coordinate with voip. They need to rename the districts and change default districts to make it more obvious for new players where they should play: * Current Green District = Rename to "Low Threat" (make it default for current bronze players) * Current Bronze District = Rename to "Medium Threat" (make it default for current silver players) * Current Silver District = Rename to "High Threat"(make it default for current gold players) * Current Gold District = Delete OR * Current Green District = Delete * Current Bronze District = Prevent silver from joining * Current Silver District = Prevent gold players from joining * Current Gold District = Only mission district for gold players (the effect is identical, it is only the wrapping that changed) To discourage dethreating they should use a mix of carrot on a stick and whip. Carrot on a stick: Perhaps consider giving gold players some sort of advantage, such as faster XP and APB$ per mission or maybe 1 JT per mission or whatever. Whip: At the very least make it harder / more time consuming to dethreat and disable "ready" ("K") if you become gold in medium threat district or if you become silver in a low threat district. Been saying this for years, and forum gurus like Cookie crap on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Microtea 23 Posted July 15, 2019 35 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: Cool story, dethreaters still killed APB. It is your false and subjective opinion without any proof. 35 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: The data does not support this claim. ??? what data ??? where ??? 35 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: It only seems like gold is easy to get because you are stomping noobs all day. It is your salty and wet dream without any proof. 35 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: Stop fighting in the beginner district and then tell me how easy it is to get and maintain. ??? Imagine calling fight club "the beginner district". Do you even APB or just live on forum? ~9k posts in 2 years speaks for itself, huh. 35 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: Im not sure if trolling or stupid, but not using a primary is a massive disadvantage. If you calling FBW "a massive disadvantage" you should git gud in game instead of forums. Blowtorch is the only fair weapon in bronze district (if you want to make it really fair instead of pretending to be fair) 35 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: Cheaters are regularly banned. Dethreaters, even though breaking the CoC, are not. I'd link some twitch clips which are nearly year old with BLATANT cheaters which are not banned yet but name&shame .... Tfw when cheater protection works better than anti-cheat protection :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Glubbable 41 Posted July 15, 2019 24 minutes ago, Hexerin said: It's hilariously easy to obtain gold and then maintain it. It took him this long to finally realize one of the problems plaguing this game. Honestly, it'll probably take him a few more years to learn of all the other issues plaguing the game. Honestly, this display of behavior now explains why Matt doesn't listen to the community outside of his fuckups. SCPT is full of players in Ivory Tower Position of this game. That are probably telling him that nothing is wrong and that they should ignore what is said on the forums because "they don't know what they're talking about" syndrome. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 269 Posted July 15, 2019 Hi @Mina_ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted July 15, 2019 2 hours ago, Hexerin said: It's hilariously easy to obtain gold and then maintain it. If that's true, then it's the threat you deserve. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eisena 86 Posted July 15, 2019 I can't achieve Gold rank. And I have been here for over 8 years now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fortune Runner 796 Posted July 15, 2019 11 hours ago, UubeNubeh DaWog said: What about some changes that can be put up for discussion? Short term solutions vs long term solutions. thats what some of us are trying to figure out. 5 hours ago, TheMessiah said: When player become gold threat in bronze district-disable hes/shes option to start missions in bronze district.Player will have to manually switch to silver district if want to keep playn.This will reduce the dethreaters significantly simply because takes much more time to dethreat from gold to silver-than become gold from silver.The time difference between 1st and 2nd is at least double-triple.Thats how many players will quit dethreating cause not gonna be worthy wasting theyr time that not ok because people who get forced gold from being carried or golds dethreating and making the innocent become gold when they are not supposed to be. its easier to see who belongs in silver district by who has become gold daily in bronze and making a protocol to where they can not choose bronze any longer from being too good. that way the innocent people who were forced to be a different threat do not get punished for no reason. 4 hours ago, Bishada8800 said: The conclusion was that it was TERRIBLE only for people who did not know ho to play. the rest loved it on jericho and some complained missions were empty because of open conflict back then. 2 hours ago, Microtea said: It is your false and subjective opinion without any proof. 10 years of proof but there is no proof? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted July 15, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, Microtea said: Imagine calling fight club "the beginner district". Imagine thinking fight club has anything to do with threat. Also, since you asked I have nearly 6,000 hours in APB. And the number is way higher for post count, my first forum account dates back to 2014-2015. I don't really know what to say about the FBW thing. I didn't want to go into bronze and just shit on people, but I also didn't want to do nothing and ruin the experience for anyone grouped with me. It was important to me that I try to find a balance. Also, I would love to watch you stream blowtorch only... You know just to see how fair it is. If you don't think it's easier to attain gold in bronze vs silver district, well I guess thats your right. Seems highly counterintuitive though. Cheating has always existed in APB. Dethreating has not, all you have to do is match that with pop. I'm not sure why you equate some players not being banned with no one being banned, but again that's your right. Anyways back to meetings for me. 2 hours ago, Glubbable said: It took him this long to finally realize one of the problems plaguing this game. Honestly, it'll probably take him a few more years to learn of all the other issues plaguing the game. Honestly, this display of behavior now explains why Matt doesn't listen to the community outside of his fuckups. SCPT is full of players in Ivory Tower Position of this game. That are probably telling him that nothing is wrong and that they should ignore what is said on the forums because "they don't know what they're talking about" syndrome. It's as if you cannot read. It's clearly acknowledged that this has been going on for years. It's actually stated verbatim. SPCT has some of the most knowledgeable and also a few are among the most skilled players in the game. That being said, we are only testers. We just find bugs and report them. Edited July 15, 2019 by CookiePuss 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mozie 54 Posted July 15, 2019 So how should LO fix this problem? Lock districts based on rank? Ban dethreaters? Disable dethreat? Let's talk bout the solution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6183 Posted July 15, 2019 (edited) 6 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: If you don't think it's easier to attain gold in bronze vs silver district, well I guess thats your right. Seems highly counterintuitive though as of the last info g1 gave us on the threat system, the larger the gap between two opponents threats the less a higher threat player will “upthreat” from winning or the more they’ll dethreat from losing so even a lower win rate in silver should theoretically increase threat faster and increase threat higher than a higher win rate in bronze Edited July 15, 2019 by Glaciers typo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fortune Runner 796 Posted July 15, 2019 2 hours ago, Glubbable said: It took him this long to finally realize one of the problems plaguing this game. Honestly, it'll probably take him a few more years to learn of all the other issues plaguing the game. Honestly, this display of behavior now explains why Matt doesn't listen to the community outside of his fuckups. SCPT is full of players in Ivory Tower Position of this game. That are probably telling him that nothing is wrong and that they should ignore what is said on the forums because "they don't know what they're talking about" syndrome. CookiePuss and others have said in the past this was a problem. the community gave the same answers in this thread that do not work ( some of which caused this problem ) as they did in the past. A few new ideas since then are in this thread now that we have a company that will actually try to do something at least. on a side note: can you tone down your attitude please? the way you worded that comes off as a jealous "have not" attitude and it makes it hard to take you seriously. otherwise if you point out good things you would repulse people too much and it would go unheard. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wHisHi 206 Posted July 15, 2019 15 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: Imagine thinking fight club has anything to do with threat. Also, since you asked I have nearly 6,000 hours in APB. And the number is way higher for post count, my first forum account dates back to 2014-2015. I don't really know what to say about the FBW thing. I didn't want to go into bronze and just shit on people, but I also didn't want to do nothing and ruin the experience for anyone grouped with me. It was important to me that I try to find a balance. Also, I would love to watch you stream blowtorch only... You know just to see how fair it is. If you don't think it's easier to attain gold in bronze vs silver district, well I guess thats your right. Seems highly counterintuitive though. Cheating has always existed in APB. Dethreating has not, all you have to do is match that with pop. I'm not sure why you equate some players not being banned with no one being banned, but again that's your right. Anyways back to meetings for me. It's as if you cannot read. It's clearly acknowledged that this has been going on for years. It's actually stated verbatim. SPCT has some of the most knowledgeable and also a few are among the most skilled players in the game. That being said, we are only testers. We just find bugs and report them. I thought Im cool with my 2000 hours Boss, be my mentor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasco14 9 Posted July 15, 2019 I think this problem can be solved by creating a limit rank district, for e.g only player with rank 9-50(green/bronze/silver) can play there,or if the player have a KDR lower than 0.35 he will just have access to bronze district. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noob_Guardian 418 Posted July 15, 2019 People want to blame cheaters, while they did have an impact, the impact the community itself has had on the game is what made it crumble (at least for joker/jericho). Face off in silver district as a new player against half the gold pop and you will see why noone continues to plays this game. You don't get a chance, they don't bother to teach, train, or help you. They won't even take it easy on you. You just sit there and die all day until you leave. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites