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  1. So error code 10004 account in use by other device. i try to switch characters n get booted to log in. relog in twice n get the same. smh You people have really botched this game
  2. It's because everyone in Little Orbit is incompetent. The trade lock is suppose to temporarily prevent trading on your account when it thinks you are logged in from a different location. Often it gets triggered for stupid reasons. For example, I get trade locked when Windows updates, and when connecting an external hard drive.
  3. This type of thing, I might have considered helping but I had only a few hours notice. I didn't see the Notice Posted until that morning, leaving me but a few hour to set up an otw account. These things need to be set up in advance, as in you already have a group of players who have set up otw and are sorta in a club to be ready for otw tests. If it it still available i will go set one up for the next time. Meaning I'll have to pick an Email, make a password, go thru email verification, then come back n make a name and character set up. Then I'll have to write it all down n hope i don't lose it. Last time I tried to help I got almost banned for bringing the character into the regular game so I could have some cloths. Anyone even looks at me funny n I'll quit otw Ah cant find the DL on the browser, i tried, so screw it.
  4. Would the stuff we purchase on Console would count for the loyalty rewards on PC once we merge accounts?
  5. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    Umm... I've got a steam version of the game and when I start it there is a steam login button but when I press it, it gives me an error "PASSWORD EXPIRED." (error code 11002). It says to change my password for gamersfirst account, but after I changed it it didn't do anything, the error is still there.
  6. Mitne

    Steam account link

    I changed my password twice for Gamersfirst account and never had error, only prompt to type new password when I tried to login through Steam. This is bizzare. If you have time to kill, I would recommend clean reinstall of APB first. Doesn't hurt to try.
  7. Would you like me to tell you a joke? One small company spent money to implement an anti-cheat that blocks players for no reason. Do you think this is the end? No. This small company knows about the problem, but does nothing to solve it. Yes, I am aware that this will be fixed soon. But when? When? This problem has been present in the game for more than a year. Has the game been losing its audience for more than a year? Explain why the hell you are doing further development of the game? Who are you trying for? An idiotic anti-cheat is emptying your pockets right now, and nullifying the results of your work. This is absurd. I was banned permanently. I've been playing since its launch, I remember when it was paid. My account is over 10 years old. Of those 10 years, I spent about a year in the game. Short-sighted developers and cheaters will soon destroy the game. The direction of the vector is set definitively. A little explanation. I call cheaters people with Flavs configs, macros, bug unions and other scum. Scum who use the vulnerabilities of the game for superiority, and hiding behind excuses about poor optimization and other nonsense.
  8. Мой аккаунт был заблокирован, как я понял навсегда, поскольку нет информации об окончании trade блокировки, прошу помочь мне с этим! Translate: My account has been blocked, as I understand it forever, since there is no information about the end of the trade lock, please help me with this I'm telling about Trade-lock (trade-ban) nickname: thoughts
  9. FitForReverse

    PS4 Migration

    Has anyone been able to migrate their PS4 account to PC? The migration button does not show up when signing in to the Gamersfirst website. it worked fine for Xbox for me, and we are a week past February 1st. So I'm just wondering if it was delayed due to an issue or if it just doesn't recognize I have characters since I created the characters a few days before Feb. 1st. I went on twitter to the official APB:R page and Matt Scotts page, and in the comments of their latest posts there were 2 or 3 people stating they couldn't migrate PS4 either. But in the replies to one guys comment he said he got it working. So now I'm a little worried it might be that my characters/account is too new.
  10. Old APB had a wanted system that wasn't neutered and the aggressive out of bounds system didn't exist. Those 2 things alone are pretty substantial changes from the current game.
  11. This is a great question. We tested a variation of this scenario and it worked. We will make sure that players can select the same PC account to merge their PS4 characters to.
  12. Yea. Twice aint worth anything. We both know to understand the game you need at least 500hrs of playtime. Maby he does have a personal account and we dont know it? But going off the decisions hes been making and the shift away from what APB is. I would have to say no he doesnt play nor does he understand what makes APB APB.
  13. We already have PS4 Founder titles on consoles, I assume the same with Xbox, maybe made them Account wise not character wise after a merge, and there's still question about duplicate nicknames after merge
  14. so i did all the steps according to the instructions and it said that my characters are migrated and when i logged into my gamersfirst account none of my characters were there
  15. Hello, i got banned/blocked around 6-7 years ago for "real life money trade" or something like that. I really dont know what is talking about because i was 13 yo kid while that ban happened. so the options are that someone used my account / faked the sell offer somehow / my account comprimised. today after 6-7 years im in my third ticket with a request to unban my account so i can play APB again with all my nostalgic stuff but no one wants to help me. Please ANY MANAGER - try to help me with this situtation. Im a combat soldier right now in real life and sometimes i just want to spend sometimes playing videos games, and one of them is apb. I hope anyone can see it and help me here. thank in advance
  16. What about those of us that have both Xbox and PS characters? Would we have to make separate accounts for each console to migrate them into? Or will it be a mash up of all consoles characters?
  17. What about people who plays both, console and PC? Looks like we could "add" merged characters to our existing PC account but what with those with maximum character slots?
  18. 90% are blatant cheats, and there is no AC or Report. So it is War it is not about the obj or mission. Its about killing as many hackers as you can before the time runs out. The sooner LO provides aim assist or LO version of smooth aim, available to all veterans the better. Until then I do things my own way. So I risk my account, only legits are gonna get banned cuz LO favors the hackers, So Ban me then. Im gonna DO what I have to Do. Tired of LO catering to criminals. They have nerfed kevlar so it takes the same number of bullets to kill with kev 3 as it takes to kill me on fragile, n ya need fragile cuz the servers run so patoottie that you run slow all the time, whilst the golds speed hack and get away with it. Then sit in chat n call names of people who arent hackers or buying into their preteen retoric. The Back up option is good but they dint fix the basis of mm. its still a bunch of golds on one side starting out vs a bunch of bronze cuz LO let them into bronze district n then lets them hack with no consequences. From the looks of it, they let all the actual hackers back in but not the legits they banned. U people get not a Dime until I am granted the same hax as u let them have, for free.
  19. two questions: 1.saw on yt apb playn on ps5 and xbox series x-these 2 also gone right? 2.how many console accounts was maded in total?(both xbox and ps)
  20. Yes I've always desired a server like that. Add also it's restricted to people who've premium or unlocked a decent amount of account rewards and MUST RANK of 200+, cuz anticheat is total dogsh*t, so server for pro with GM Support must be 24 h for 7 days, EVENTS every 15/30 days . . . and pay these GM, paid them fairly enough to not make they think of doing a shabby job, I want a little of little of earnestness in their actions, money is the best fuel and assurance for it.
  21. PUBG doesn't do much more. You can click "No" on the Wellbia anti-cheat installer and PUBG runs without issues. The devs refuse to block high latency players, or even attempt to block VPNs. According to Battleye, 99% of the banned accounts are from China. That means those few permanent ban messages I get are only the 1%. Those are just blatant cheaters. I tried playing on the Asian servers. There were at least 2 squads blatantly cheating, like camping a tall hill and head shotting everyone in line of site 500+ meters away. At least they can't punch people out of the plane anymore.
  22. Did you buy the account from the guy who hacked you? If they can't confirm that is you, it is probably due the IP and email used for creating the account. The other possibility is that you have been downloading cheats and got keylogger. What kind of hacker would even care about an obscure game like APB?
  23. Lets get into what I got out of listening to the video. The long and short of it is, We know about all the issues and plan to fix them but we are short staffed, we haven't figured out how to fix most issues, and there is no time table for the issues we can fix. For instance' We know the police lights and rendering of the new car is not finished, the finished work is just sitting there, we just havent gotten to it yet. We asked for an anti cheat that caught aim botters, teleporters, we din't give a hoot about people using layering programs to make symbols, people going out of bounds was never a biggie, kick em from the server then, So they give us a patootie named anti cheat, that was completely ineffective towards aim bots and teleports, but banned a few honest players who never used combat cheats. So now we gonna have an Unbanning with some exceptions. Gonna throw out the patootie named EAC, put a new one. When,, soon. This is what I got out of it was that We'll get to it when we get to it. Which riled me a bit because if the police lights and kits are just sitting there, Then Please put them in IMMEDIATLY. Additionally I told you people EAC wasn't working, and instead of throwing good money after bad, why not just Resegregate so all the hax will turn gold n can bot n corner pop themselves, while the legit players can play in peace like before. But NOOOOO We can't because pop is too low. Why is this? Because even the hackers are leaving because of lack of interest, like game development. They are leaving because less and less legits play, and between that and MM everyone is waiting forever for a mission. So if I have to wait to get hacked for a miniscule amount of tickets and chump change for game cash, I'm probly gonna go play another game or take a nap ect. I did however like his idea of small worlds. Otherwise my mindset is that the hackers have taken over and nothing can be done, and so if I'm bored enough to come in and do joker job dailys, I may find some fun in trolling said hackers. I have very little confidence that anything significant will happen 'soon. It is Sad.
  24. 𝙒𝙊𝙒 𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙔 𝙃𝘼𝙑𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙇𝙀𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝙈𝙔 𝙈𝙀𝙎𝙎𝘼𝙂𝙀 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙏 𝘼 𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉𝘾𝙀 𝙄𝙏 𝙎𝙀𝙀𝙈𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙔 𝙒𝘼𝙉𝙏 𝙏𝙊 𝙃𝙄𝘿𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙔. Maybe spend the time on Fix the game ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APB NEW ENGINE promise to: !!!!!!!!!!!!! APB CHEATING SIMULATOR !!!!!!!!!!!! 95% Is Cheating ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanna enjoy a no legit matchmaking? Do you want to play with Hacks and not be banned? YES YOU WANT TO BE A GOLD GUY ON APB! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nah aimbot doesn´t exist on Apb some guys said... NAH the videos you can see on Yt with AimBot, Wallhacks and macros are science fiction montages!!!! If you want to cheat APB SADLY is your game, just play leggit one match on a random day in the week, in one match you will see: - Gold guy making 32 kills. - A guy with terrible macro, pistol is more fast than png now - The guy who allways know where are you. - Server no account your shoots. -----------------------------------------(my only game last week and the last game at this was the same) Its a day a day for leggit players----------------------- But well.... everybody who really plays know it -----------U N P L A Y E A B L E-----------
  25. Game isn't worth the cheats to beat the oligarchs they let hack. I mean its not even a game anymore its just a sand box. LO destroyed most of the game by letting golds that mostly hack or have to hack to get gold, letting them into bronze district because they cried for it. Then instead of fixing the problem they caused by letting golds into regular servers, that messed up mm, and instead of fixing it, they make it to feed said golds. So thats how they fixed what they broke by letting golds in, so they tweek mm to suit the golds and feed them, they never banned any hackers only a couple of legits. So eac never detects anything, which i think was on purpose. They let friends call people names in chat. Golds and it seems staff hate legit players venomously. Report is out because matt said eac was not a version we could use, and that it is being taken out meaning the report wont be handled by the eac company if read at all. And LO manually reading reports wont happen for years because of all the tickets they are behind on. Be years before this other AC will be put in, and years more after that to put LIGHTS ON THE CAR. But no we gonna help the hackers n put that on the back burner while we help golds with mm first. LO's threat system is a scam, they let hackers hack so induce legit players into buying said hacks. So they can ban the accounts like mine where I've spent over 3 grand, they figure i have to start over n spend another 3 grand. I got news for U crooks, I aint spending a dime now. Ive changed all my character names so none of you LO Gold Hacking Sociopaths can call me names now. All of you belong in Prison for Wire Fraud, You Reap What You Sow
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