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  1. Please read everything before commenting What if Little Orbit: - deletes APB Reloaded completely (including accounts, progress etc.) - develops the game entirely from scratch with Unreal Engine 4/5 - compensates every player after release of the new game with the amount of credits they spend in the old version of APB This way devs don't have to waste their time by working through junk code from RTW/G1 times. Instead they focus on developing the game on current technology with clean code. Also it might be easier to find new employees since new blood devs are more likely to have learned working with newer versions of Unreal Engine rather then older versions. And with the compensation, starting from beginning won't be a big deal for players since they can re-purchase everything. And they can re-explore the game with all it's new features and optimizations while working their way back to the top.
  2. Tomorrow, on Wednesday, the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held and - as always - it is taking place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not any "open world crime" is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be the Waterfront Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. In line with the established tradition members of LAPD Squad will take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we hope to see you on the streets. In any case please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! --------- * Please make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" (19:00 GMT) as well as "Chipp's Car Club" (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST!
  3. This is my personal belief and hope what is happening. The game is free for now with a relaunch on the horizon. With the relaunch, will come advertising and a push for new players. Once this happens the game will be moderated properly. From protecting new players from farmers, from griefers and cheaters.With the all round goal of having a fun competitive game. A couple of things that may happen... People may be given a warning before 2.0, that if they are up to anything to drop it right now as community standards "will" be enforced. I am sure the usual suspects will be looked at closely. How do you find the usual suspects ? Give free premium for a period of time and study the player database and get to know your clientele. Use analytics from the player database and study the players who see who is having a negative influence on the server for what ever reason from griefing, dethreating to cheating. Through this, you can start a high priority list in which any individuals who peak in any of analytic recordings will be informed that they are on the watch list and is under probation for a time in which they need to be on their top behavior..... Instead of banning for griefing, tweak the existing game system and put them on a kick list, meaning that anybody can kick them from the team, even with no demerits. Trade lock them, put them in negative escrow on their account for a time period, as well as freezing their legendarys. Until their time has passed.
  4. The fact that you think so means that you don't understand the situation APB was in at the time. I can speak about this because I saw everything it lead to and I've experienced it first hand. Players were being targeted for harassment because of FairFight bans which had a high probability of being false positive manual bans and weren't deserved in the first place. Players got doxxed, their private pictures leaked and posted all over FFbans, their relatives were harassed, players were DDoSsed and so on and so forth. G1 employees got their share of the pie as well. Some of them were doxxed and they even had death threats sent to them. Just like I wrote to Eviltara, its very easy to be ignorant of targeted harassment online when you have not been targeted yourself. Add to that the fact that the very owners of the game were the ones who set things up that way and let the players tear each other apart for the sake of protecting their fragile egos for years. Most of the people who camped the website on a daily basis and made insane "investigations" on FFbans in an attempt to ruin people's lives because of an APB ban (which is likely false to begin with) were all mentally ill in some shape or form. And do I even need to mention the fact that there were running ads on the ffbans website which were generating revenue for the owners of the website so in reality they were making money off of APB's toxicity and mentally ill playerbase? No, this is the worst thing that has ever happened to APB and it effectively killed the game due to the incredible amounts of toxicity it introduced to it. Everything was based around ffbans and who was banned/how many times. And lets not forget the amount of mentally ill people who cheated and got purposefully caught over and over again just so they can get attention in the community. There have been many names over the years which only became known because they've been on FFbans. Positive or negative attention doesn't matter to these sorts of people, as long as they get any at all. Most of us here hate cheaters more than anything but cheaters don't deserve to be publically doxxed with their home address, phone numbers and their relatives becoming targets because of a ban on a video game. No one does in fact, no matter what they've done simply because it leads to nothing good. It does not fix the problem. The only thing it does is it lets silvers feel better about themselves because daddy G1 manual bans the same group of people over and over again to make you think that the anti-cheat works. APB is a game with a small community and it always has been. There is always bound to be drama and tension between players in such a small community. Giving players such a huge incentive to be infinitely toxic to each other is a recipe for doom for the game. All of this is the reason LO did away FFbans and public bans in general and this is the only way to go with this game. If a player is cheating then they deserve to be punished by having their account permanently suspended and thats that. They don't deserve to have their lives ruined or to be scared of consequences for their relatives over their game ban. If you think that they do then you're simply being immature and a part of the problem.
  5. I can't login to my account because of google authenticator because my phone is broken and I can't get code. The app was not linked to any google account. Since I couldn't log into the account I was having problems with, I sent an e-mail to G1 support with the e-mail of that account. It will be 1 week but I can't get an answer. i miss the game please help
  6. Played APB since early 2016 on another account. Happy and sad to say this is the first time this has ever happened.
  7. im a bit confused now. yep true is money makes the world. and the game was dead in that point , when it was closed. okay graphics and gameplay and whatever were and are compared to other games , lets say, not such a burner, but there were and are much more games out there , which are even worse than FE is and was. mean i played apb before i joined FE and there are ppl who say apb is xxx. the money is the point for every business. what was the reason , that ppl played FE, when the game was able to pay the bills and made enough profit. so if there is a chance to start from this point, yes maybe then it could be a success. but who is willing to spend money to get the game back running. if u start it just for fun or nostalica. it will not run very long. u need a plan, which makes sense, a story to attract customers. u need to do what u do, when u launch a product on the market. advertisment,market analysis and all that stuff, for which u need money. i am sure one of them, who would like the idea and spent money on it. but im not that rich that u can call me an investor, as most of the ppl here on forum. 50 euro ok, if its available on steam f.e. but will that help ? guess no. if i see a message on steam FE2 on a beta or whatever will be launched this year, i im in, any way if i get my old account back or not. more i cannot promise, they found out i had cancer a year ago, they treated me ok, but u never know. i have still hope and well im on extra time now, so i wait the things to come. and hope is always the last, what dies. yep if there are no npcs then in the game , i dont mind, i will shoot instead my friends sry lads( Dave, Shaun ,Rubber, Eric, Crepping etc). just give me a horse, not old nag please. a franklin rider and rifle, even a slugthrower is ok, then we can ride into the sunset. and maybe have finally a party on malibu beach, never found a beach there...xxx hell
  8. People who still somehow keep saying that the FairFight era was good have no idea what they're talking about. Its easy to be a silver who'd never even be suspected of cheating (let alone banned) and watch better players get banned publically. You get to feel better about yourself and you live in your own little bubble where you think who everyone who kills you twice in a row is cheating while you can't even hold gold yourself. Granted, there were justified bans but when they would just ban people at random they're bound to eventually catch some real cheaters by accident. But then there were actual blatant ragebots playing for months or years under FF on the same account. Me and many others have known that FairFight didn't work and FF bans were not to be believed for years before LO came around to prove it, due to the fact that most of those bans were manual. A lot of them were repeated bans on players they "suspected" but had no real evidence on (myself included). Its just that you don't truly see it until you get targeted by it yourself. Me and many others were targeted but most people didn't believe us. Now you have the new owners of the game telling you that we were right all along but the little bubble is still too comfortable to leave for a lot of people. Also, you need to realise that just because you don't see the bans publically doesn't mean that they don't happen. Just because you don't see something with your own eyes doesn't mean that its not real. Now you just simply don't have the comfort of feeling good about yourself when you see X player banned who beat you 2 days ago. Lastly, I want to address the whole controversy about people getting their FFbanned accounts back. There is no reason to be mad about that because APB is a F2P game and if people wanted to keep cheating after LO (and a lot of them definitely have come around to cheating again eventually) they can keep making new accounts or buying accounts with R255s on them full of Armas items and we will all still have to deal with those players. Which account they play on or what name they have really makes no difference.
  9. But it is a fact. Even if we skip unbans of some subtle closets, a LOT of long time known RAGE cheaters got their accounts unbanned. Matt Scott made some story out of his head about getting FF banned without cheats but did not provide any proof like stream or record what he did to trigger ban. I mean if it is such a deadly bug that shreds legit people there is no reason to censor it and releasing to public will force anticheat devs to fix it which is a win-win situation. Screenshot made from a post in some third party discord group? I will take it as 100% proof, hahahaha. You can dislike devs/owners but love the game, surprise!
  10. Hello Dear APB Community. I'm coming here led by frustatrion and desperation. Maybe someone of You had the same Issue and has been banned aswell for the reason of a payment reversal? In 2016 when the game was kinda alive I loved to play it. When I went to the Army I got more and more Inactive so I stopped playing back in the days at some point. A friend has told me somewhat in 2017 or 2018 that his Account has been suspended and that I should check mine aswell. I didn't really care in first point, because I wasn't playing the game anymore. Anyways I have checked if I could login, but I couldnt. I have just created a new Account and had some fun playing again. Kinda nostalgic I still didn't want to level all contracts again so I have contacted the support about the Issue. They have told me that there were payment reversals and that a payment has been retracted. I answerd the support and told them that I wasn't even playing the game but they just told me that the ban will remain and that they are sorry. I'm kinda sad about the actual happenings back then and just contacted the support again now, because my friend has been unbanned. How can it be, that he got unbanned ( for the same issue he had been banned ) ?? The support denies to tell me what the amount of payment reversal was, because then I would simply buy out the Account. I have spent ALOT time into the Account and have bought premium many times, also the Key to the city package with the lovely Paca Vaquero and other lovely stuff. Maybe anyone had the same problem about a Account suspension I'm kinda curious about this. Share your Feelings & knowledge with me. This is the first time I'm posting here in this forum, i just found out it exists. Please no hate, if I have done something wrong with this post just contact me about it. Best regards, a unguilty player with hope for a unban.
  11. The Jericho serves has very few people playing, why not close the Jericho and migrate the account to the citadel, it discourages you from wanting to play in the serves because the ping will be less and not have people to play even when it was supposed to be busy!!
  12. enthusiast people left the game. Old OG players who played for years left. People who believed in this game left. The 300-400 people that are left are believers on heavy dose of copium(i was a part of it) and cheaters that have fun with goin blatant because this game has no anti cheat, 0 moderation and priorities. I am done the amount walling new re rollers/bought accounts with smooth aim is just sky high they are not even hiding it. And no reporting doesn't do shit only reporting griefers are the tickets they look at. You worked on so much stuff in the live version expect for the one that mattered a anti cheat. Bring back EAC client side it did more the BE client and server side combined. Even when EAC is free for developers you guys are so greedy that you still won't touch something that is free. As a Beta veteran you guys are the same as the old G1 team feeding us promises but never fulfilling them.
  13. The weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held on Wednesday and, as always, takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be the Financial Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST!
  14. a few months back i lost access to an account. support did anything and everything in there power to tell me i wasn't the owner of that account even when i told them all the names of my chars for apb and fallen i even asked them since they needed my ip to check my other accounts and that would prove the one i am missing was infact mine. well turns out LO needs your ip to prove you own an account but can not use said ip to check to see if that account logged in with it or any other accounts in which to prove it they also had two people answer me. first one as i recall had no idea what i was talking about or was just plain stupid and the second one was more bent on being as useless as he could be. so yea do not even lose access to your accounts because they wont help you and pray some man child doesn't get mad enough that your better then him and steals your account. and one more thing if i recall right they also told me i couldn't prove the accounts i was showing for and saying were mine which i could log into and still can could also not be proven to be mine which in turn means they think you stole your own accounts to play there games, because logically i would still a free to play games account under my email address to play the game with the chars i made because i am to lazy to make my own email address to make chars to log in and play on. step up your support LO there about as helpful as pouring acid on an open wound
  15. Someone was griefing my clan and random grouped players, all because one of our clan members wouldn't date them. (Online, not IRL). It took about a year for the first ban under G1 ownership. Not sure if their second account got banned or the griefer got bored.
  16. Any form of disrupting (griefing) another player's game experience for any reason is absolutely unacceptable and should be dealt with accordingly, and by that I mean with a permanent ban. I do not know why and how, despite their direct stance, the Support or GMs aren't taking action to tackle this issue with great haste, especially in evident cases, but perhaps a temporary expedient could be not to stream your gameplay. Yes, I am aware of how it sounds, but it will definitely hinder griefers' actions if you are being targeted via streams, and will practically indicate an immediate action has to be taken by the company, once they realize the game is not being streamed at all. You can hear certain individuals openly saying "I am going to stream snipe you now" and then they grief you knowing there will be no repercussions for their misdoings. I am also well aware of the Naming and Shaming policy, but let's be real, everyone would be pleased to see a post by LO saying "We have taken action against X number of offenders for griefing and they have been permanently banned on their main and all associated accounts" without even bringing up their names. I am clearly not a savvy but how difficult could it be to finally deal with those nuisances and make an example of them by punitive sentencing? *insert "It's time to stop" meme*
  17. just crying couse he los this account ... smh
  18. On stream i have said that this thing that they were going to do was utter bullshoot. Contacting saleli is mostly contacting a wall. people can contact him constantly for measurments that are falls or about something else. if u have to check everything than u need a person 24/7 focused on that. so they wil not do it. same with GM's u don't have any GM"s that are on certain hours in the game. so u can't contact those becous u have no idea who those people are. Reason for that is that they are under rules that protects there face. something that they tried to correct but is so hard to controll by only a few gm's + those people come back to the game anyway under an other account with a vpn.
  19. All they ask for is ips(geo location), transaction ids(found in email), date of birth, and date of account creation(found in email).
  20. I think its a great idea. Players have cheated and grieffed for years, made a lot of money off our backs to buy better weapons. Got banned and then got their accounts and weapons and money back. Players who have been good, nothing...
  21. prepaid gift cards, expired or replaced cards, joint paypal accounts, and authorized users could all be exceptions to that nor do i imagine orbit would want the increased security risk of circumventing their transaction systems, there's a reason they do refunds in g1c
  22. Because only you own the credit card linked to an account?
  23. how would this possibly prove that you're the account owner?
  24. I can say that i would be ashamed to know who Teach peoples behind the tickets. (not an offense, just what i think) I had lost the access to icloud after losing my iphone, i needed to wait for Apple to recover it and they did it, called me this morning, talked a bit vocally and i could log inside my authenticator, and get the access again, in the meantime i opened a ticket for asking to disable my 2FA, and not only the support answered 2/3 days after my ticket, which is not useful for who needs a fast help, but they also asked me questions that shouldn't be took into consideration and skipped others. In add, After i updated the ticket saying i had recovered by myself, ( THANKS to Apple) and not to LO, specifying i wanted the ticket to be close and i didn't needed any more help, they answered me with this: "Hello ************, unfortunately, the information you provided doesn't match any of the accounts we show in our system. Let us know if you need any further assistance. Regards, ************" 1. I know my account, my brain is still capable of recognizing things; 2. They didn't even answered to my successful recover but instead just put up some random throwed stuff; 3. Support Never asks for last 4 numbers of your credit card nor sends a verify addebit to your bank to Verify you are the owner but simply asks about useless things that doesn't even count if you don't answer to the Only essential one for them, Transaction ID/s. (((SUGGESTION FOR THE FUTURE))) Transaction ID.. something that is Only present inside a useless, buggy, broken, messy, not understandable automated empty message you get in your e-mail when you charge G1C. (BTW the Game Name is still missing LO, congrats, that's listening.) I am 100% sure what i told in the answers to the questions, because upon checking by MYSELF, i clearly knew i was right, bday, registration, old tickets names and what, character names and servers. But, Clearly, someone don't know how to work, or someone at LO didn't teach them enough/at all to answer like that. ((( IRONIC ))) I must say something, i am CLEARLY not the owner of this account, naaah, i am just somebody who randomly wanted to recover a random account which Casually had every single information, and thanks to my authenticator recovery could log in back and disable it, re-enabling it in a more safe and protect way, to AVOID situations like that, because i know, i knew, LO would act like that. ((( IRONIC ))) Little Orbit, i Beg you, BE and DO BETTER, this is atrocious and horrible. That's also why i never contact support, because i know alredy what i am going into. p.s. Oh and i guess, thanks for the help.. p.s.s. Keep asking the same childish questions, not the real serious ones, who cares about credit card infos and purchase history. Support Vote: -1/10 Feedback: Forget to contact them.
  25. tradelock can also be approved if there are some fraud purchases were used on that account.
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