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  1. These are Baggy Jeans, which are currently only available from the Armas Marketplace. There are a few ways to obtain them: by purchasing the Street RX Outfit pack for 476 G1C (or 381 G1C with the Premium discount). This will give you the Baggy Jeans for the character you log into Armas with. (Pack contents will vary depending on the gender of your character.) by purchasing the Urban RX Bundle for 3,084 G1C (or 2,467 G1C with the Premium discount). Click this --> Enforcer Urban RX Bundle <-- to see the store page for Enforcer characters. Click this --> Criminal Urban RX Bundle <-- to see the store page for Criminal characters. This will give you the same clothing items as the previous option, but will also include a 4-slot Charge Mikro with cosmetic kits, and the ISSR-B "Wisp" sniper rifle, permanent for the character you buy the bundle for. (Pack contents will vary depending on the gender and the faction of your character.) by purchasing the Key to the World bundle for 15,999 G1C (or 12,799 G1C with the Premium discount). While this is hands down the most expensive option on the table, this bundle will give you exclusive 3D Glasses, three guns, two cars with cosmetic kits, two clothing packs (Street RX Outfit included), all Country Flag weapon skins and the Gold weapon skin — all of it account-bound; you will always have these items on every single character on your account, including the characters you haven't even created yet. If you only have one character and you only want the pants, I'd say the first option is the cheapest and the best.
  2. The pants are from this clothing pack on Armas (cash shop): (Street RX Outfit) https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&productId=3161 Currently costs 381 G1C as everyone has Premium active for free right now and Premium gives you a 20% discount on all Armas items. The lowest amount of G1C you can purchase is 500G1C for $6.00 so you'll have some leftovers too. This pack is character permanent and will not be available on any other characters you have or create in the future as it is character bound and not account bound. You could always repurchase again on other characters of course. Alternatively, you could wait for the weekly single-item sales that cycle every week on Armas where most items from all clothing packs get debundled and sold separately for prices as low as 49G1C a piece or sometimes 99G1C. These items are also character bound.
  3. I know I'm being completely antedoctal - but sometimes I barely get to spend an hour or two in most events, mixed with a good dose of bad skills, poor timezone, and latency issues, translates to only 1 character getting the goods and the rest getting nothing. If I wasn't so cheap I'd get those event items too as well as Account Bound items but yeah I have no idea what happened to them, they used to pop up every time I opened up the ARMAS store luring me to just pay a few hundred more to get Account versions of all my Character bound crap, but now those offers have disappeared, or at least haven't been to aggressive in their advertisement, maybe they're still around, but so is my cheapness, so lose-lose for knifu's alts.
  4. Eh, I suppose. I've had 4 R255's (2 Enf, 2 Crim), but I deleted one. It's really not that bad if you have only like, 2 characters. Was nice of LO to let us just purchase the event stuff, cause I didn't have time to play during the events. I might be full of crap, but I thought you could upgrade a purchase to account bound? I know the Clothes + Car type packs are character bound though...
  5. Maybe u guys rework armas as well? More account bound packs pls
  6. Warning: This is what I got so don't take it all as canon since there were different packs-rewards, just sharing my experience. I got a account bound Mako-Kissaki kit bundle that included the 4 slot car on for both factions and got this for two accounts. But considering I didn't had a enforcer on neither of them I was limited to the Mako kit alone which worked for me since I could dupe it and sell my creations because I had a Bishada unlocked on those crim characters. One pack was limited for 3 months (this was a direct gameplay event randomly rewarded, no clue what event it was, it was long time ago circa 2015), the other one limited for 6 months (this was also a reward but opened through a Joker Box). So I used the 3M first then when that expired I activated the other one. On both accounts the 4 slot car expired alongside the kits. You couldn't use them, they remained in your inventory but were greyed out -blocked. Same example as when you try a car (or weapon) from Armas and it remains in your inventory after it expires but you cannot use it anymore. Luckily I kept the cars and now they are unlocked and available for use. Now I do believe this is something LO enabled upon someone's request because I am pretty sure those cars were unusable for years up until LO took over. And I am glad to have those cars again so thank you. The car cannot be sold but can be duplicated so you can make other personal versions of it and it costs 1,500 in-game $. The parts cannot be altered just the livery and color options. Provided a picture of it. And yes some information could be more clear, specific and refined in some cases but equally it can be just as easily ignored in a wall of text that the user might skip or miss out or even forget it and cannot be re-read because some information is only available once during the read. So it's a win-lose situation in both...and need to be addressed somehow to appeal more the user with notifications that can separate themselves and be more clear to read and see but not be over the top so the user ignores it. So in conclusion if you (OP) have the same package you probably got a car with it and can make at least your personal vehicles that you can keep and use later on even after the pack expires, and these cannot be sold or shared. So choose and create wisely.
  7. Few years ago I got Kissaki kit for one of my accounts in this case my enforcer character, as a reward (don't remember what was the occasion) but didn't activated it because I realized really quick that enforcers still don't have a Bishada as a unlockable car. So I asked back then G1 what is the deal with that and as in most cases back then I didn't got any answer or the answer was completely irrelevant or simply link to the armas shop which also is useless pretty much because this variation wasn't available in armas and far as I checked it still isn't. This is coming from the darkest age of APB where support pretty much didn't exist. So this is sitting on my account for years and now dug it out again and I wonder if I can do something with it or kiss it goodbye. Same question applies for other cars that are restricted and many people got these random kits but not sure about the cars. Some got the cars with it some didn't and if a enfo can't get a bishada or a crim cant get a V20 then what is the point getting the kits for the opposing faction. It would be great if we get a car that we can modify and then sell it or gift it. If it's locked character bound then in this case this is completely useless and I wish we got something else instead as rewards. Also was thinking for example if it's account bound then I can make a crim and maybe use this kissaki kit there anyways? So people what is your experience with this, did anyone remembers this, got one of these and did you manage to get this working somehow or should I just forget it.
  8. afaik they're included in the kttc pack which states buyers will have "all fonts, symbols, and decals unlocked", and its an account bound purchase available here: https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=65&subcatID=204&productId=3090
  9. It seems Page 16 (Potshot) and Page 15 (Conspiracy) symbols can be bought over Armas, although I'm not too sure if it's account bound since I've never bought them myself. However, Page 13, 14, 17, 18 seems to be unlock able through certain game events that run one time per year. The problem is some people don't have the time to go through all their characters if they choose to unlock every single page of symbols before the event ends. These pages don't seem to be purchasable through Armas either. Another issue would be that some symbols are made on different characters and can only be editable through that one character instead of the account itself. There should be a way to unlock these pages account wide since not everyone has the time to go through the events all year round.
  10. Kekw. This shows how absolutely incompetent some of LO's employees at this point. Not gonna blame the whole company itself but damn.. Also, as I said few times and gonna say more, Armas needs Rework. Account bounded packs, more info, BETTER and ZOOMABLE item screenshots, less faction-exclusiveness, etc, etc.. By the way, it's 2020 and some clothing items really needs other items to be worn? Wtf,why i can't put glasses on forehead without that ugly hat? Also these shoulderpads, not LO's fault that clothing is in bad state rn, but I don't sure removing mentioned "requirements" is hard for them. Sry for bad English but I have to say this.
  11. Didn't know you could get armas guns via joker tickets. Go with G1c. Armas guns are sold by character and by account, the later is slightly higher priced but well worth it. All of the Armas guns i have are account bound. So all of my characters have the weapon/s. I have 4 Max ranks and a new reroll. I normally would say to invest in the open slots. But if you plan to reroll, grab a pre slotted version, so as a low rank you dont have to grind out cash to buy sites and other mods. Now if you want to go the joker route, get a Huntress rifle for your one character, This one shoots fast and is accurate, room for one mod, and the kill damage is almost as good as a sniper, and the mobility is high. you can run with it. VERY GOOD question. We know the 5% would goto the weapon you spend the jt's on. Where is that 1% applied?
  12. G1C is the best route, as you will get it account bound. Don't forget you also get JMBs as a reward for spending X amount of G1C too. You're better off specifically targeting a legendary you're actually interested in than leaving it to fate, as there are a fair number of legendaries which are not particularly interesting or fun to use.
  13. If you have the money, I'd always advise to go down the G1C route and buy account bound guns. The Joker Ticket system for character bound guns is mostly meant for Free-2-Players who don't want to spend a dime on the game. If you want a legendary then sure, buy JT but keep in mind that you can still buy legendaries from the auction house (marketplace in social) for APB$ which you will get anyway through playing. If you aren't desperate for any of the legendaries, it might be better to keep your money for JT in your wallet or just buy other stuff from Armas. Generally speaking, legendaries aren't that great to begin with save for the Ursus or something.
  14. Do the account bound; you'll thank me later when you're a degenerate like myself and have 7 alts. Gambling is stupid.
  15. Since there is a 1% chance for each 500 Jokertickets to get a legendary, is it worth buying Jokertickets instead of a gun I'd like to have from armas? And has anybody here even received a legendary from buying Jokertickets? I am thinking about getting the Obeya Hoplite which would be 10k Jokertickets = 2000G1C, with a 4% chance for a legendary, but buying it with 35% from armas would only be like 1300G1C and also account bound.
  16. Items mentioned last week wasn't removed yet. Not really concerned, but curious why. (also hoping for something new in Armas, LO pls make old packs account bound) Edit: They are gone, nvm.
  17. Said it before, and I'll say it again. If they added DMR-AV PR3 which added 3-Point Sling 3 or Bandolier 3, I would purchase it account-bound immediately despite already having DMR-AV PR1.
  18. Most folks on here have not worked in game dev, I have and I can tell you exactly what doomed APB and it has very little to do with the engine update. The real reason APB was doomed was because the core foundation of the game was never built properly. The only thing Realtime Worlds got right was the customization editor, an arcade gameplay loop, and a fun game world to run around in. But Realtime worlds failed to plan for the FUTURE of the game. They didn't anticipate what would happen if players who could navigate the maps with their eyes closed would be put in the same pool as new players. They used custom hacks and code to make their game work in THAT version of Unreal Engine, never dreaming it would have to be changed. They never had a plan on how to sustain the longevity of the game. The engine update is not intended to enhance the graphics. The engine update is being pushed because APB has become impossible to update and upgrade with its current code and engine limitations. Newer PC's still can't run APB well because of the shoddy code that was built into the game into the first place. An update to a new engine would allow LO to bring better performance to consoles and have a stronger foundation with which to build their game. But as everyone has noticed for the past 10 years, APB was a cluster f--- to begin with. LO signed up to maintain an upgrade a lemon. They bought a car with no brakes, a failing transmission, and glued on shoddy repairs that would never pass inspection. What LO is doing is the equivalent of restoring an old car but it turns out engine code is more complicated than a real engine. Even after LO completes this upgrade, I doubt they can truly salvage APB. The only way to put players on an even playing ground is to add new maps and make some changes to the current layouts. Right now, not a single new player will stick with the game because the veterans will outmaneuver and outgun them at every turn. The new player population needs to be kept on its own server away from the veterans who have already played the sh** out of this game. APB is a very unique game and it definitely loads faster and performs better than GTA Online. But it simply doesn't have enough depth or variety to sustain the population. The account bound guns and cars without new maps is a joke. APB is essentially a mobile game in PC form. I hope the engine update is the upgrade LO needs to truly add some support to this game, but I fear it's going to be too little too late.
  19. I'm gonna miss these Armas items. Pls make old clothing account bounded.
  20. Armas needs a rework. And account-bounded clothing, which was "uploaded" way before LO. As I see, LO making every new item in Armas with options, account or character bound. So why not do the same trick with old content?
  21. As far as I know, any legendary, any armas gun for 15 days, few possible 1 slot weapons for permanent, and skins... in a perfect way. On my way: Only skin I won is Money (for two fking characters twice lol), 3 low-tier legendaries, N-Tec, OCA, HVR (all 1 slot, which is useless for me, since I have all of them 3-slotted, account bounded), and mentioned armas weapons... mostly ATAC variations (I don't even use ATAC whatdefok). Not want to complain, but this so called "list" is kinda poor, well, it is for me IMO there is should be some kind of system which gonna prevent giving player weapons which he own already. I know it's too idealistic and also easy way to taking legendaries only, but still...
  22. I wanted it like a week ago, I even managed to make 20k jt (without hard grinding anyway), I know it was not much for old players, but now I'm even doubt what I have to spend jt on... maybe that Prototype Tech skin? I wish it was account-bound affordable though, since I have more than 2 chars...
  23. You guys must be really want to see those JT's in the market lmao. Btw account bounded clothing when?
  24. People are,pardon my French, wanking on the guns too often and never spot other items being outpriced... this will happen with crown, and I think LO will include half of armas gear in jt store, the matter of time. But I want these clothes being account bounded now already. I never understood why people don't appreciate them, APB is afaik the only game where I can customize my clothing. But there is a kinda character quantity gap for me to buy every item for every char. So LO, why not now but someday soon? P.S.: Gauntlet Gloves pls.
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