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  1. Can anyone think of the cheaters and their feelings? They are victimis of today society!!! How could you dare to even remotely think to reset their gained stats... can you even imagine the amount of suffering they been through by losing their legit accounts every-single-day? How cruel... what most harms me inside is that anyone can be so goddamn cruel in this world.
  2. To reply to everyone in general, i really dont care about my account (i do have a second one, i did exactly that, i started again clean) BUT they are giving us a second chance, in my case i did what i did for 5 days, and i lost 100s of dollars on the game and 1000 hours. If im going to have a second chance im going to take it, i cant be sad for that... I do feel bad for what i did, but it has been 3 years from that, the company was doing nothing to stop the hackers, now im another person and even without playing i followed this forum and was waiting for news, i wasnt expecting my account back, but if i do, its a goal for me and i think it dosnt affects you at all... if i hack again (in my case i can say that no, im not going to hack again, but i know maybe others may think different) ill get banned again, that is the idea of Battleye. Also i must add, i never paid for a hack, the one i used was free, i say this because someone said up there that "i pay again for a hack and i hack again". In fact if hackers come back and hack again, they are going to be banned again, but those who learned the lesson (like me) are going to be good players again, and that helps to everyone, to the player base because its more people on the servers, to the company because its more users who can buy things (money), so its a win-win for everyone(unless this new system dosnt work as intended). We could be forced to stay in the police station for 2 hours a week to pay for our crimes (in game) lol.
  3. Sounds fair to me. If they earned that progression while cheating it's null. If not then fine just unban them. I'm sure they will sort out everything and see who needs to actually be unbanned. At least you got your account back... Unfortunately, a lot of people who did get banned came back cheating full force reroll faceroll. Let us see how that changes with BE/FF. They might be at the point of no return...
  4. agree unless it specifically says account wide then it's only for one char, or in FE's case whichever char you select when go into marketplace
  5. First of all - you don't own the account, so I guess it is upon their jurisdiction about what to do with it. I guess they could even ask you to pay the money and immediately reban you. (Though they should've unbanned you before atleast.) (And it definitely wouldn't add to their credibility so it is not in their interest to do so. Just pointing it out) Second thing: Can't directly quote locked threads so: I guess you are lucky since it was solved before, just pointing it out. I guess the response should cover that bit too.
  6. I pretty sure it would be a good idea to have the ability to disband a account. I want to be able to disband a few accounts because I don't use them anymore.
  7. Hey guys, Alright so! Since I've seen many threads regarding this topic, as well as separated questions we've received, I'm here to clarify this issue further on. The answer is simple. If by any chance, you tagged your submitted ticket with "banned account", regardless of the content of it, your ticket will get a reply that your account will be checked once BattleEye is in. So again, this goes for all issued bans and sadly, you guys will have to wait a bit longer. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Rest of the issues should be resolved as they come, and our support members are doing their best to catch up with a large number of submitted tickets. Also a small reminder, support does not look into any tickets during the weekend, and thus all activities on resolving the issues are done accordingly, throughout weekdays. EDIT: If you get message like this and your issue is not about banned account simply reply to the ticket. I have notified support about this thread.
  8. Did I say I supported them? Nope, lol. I just said on their current account, I DO NOT know if they are cheating or not because I have no solid proof for the account theyre CURRENTLY on. Each acc is a refresh and again, unless theyre blatant, the fact that theyre been banned before doesn't really matter. I completely understand what I wrote here and if it doesn't make that much sense to you then you're probably the problem because people do eventually change.
  9. I have mixed feelings about it. While i truly understand the apologies made by him, it doesn't mean he didn't commit a serious offense against the game. The reasonable here would be: we get you and your apologies, but your banned account shouldn't be given back to you. Let's take Ketog as a true example of second chances, he got banned for hacking, then re-rolled on another account to start clean from ground zero. Some here are using the "GamersFirst made mistakes and wrongful bans blah blah" excuse, yeah they sure did a mess with FairFight, and that will need to be reviewed extensively throughout the next months by LO's team; but in this case that was not what happened: he admitted to have been banned due to legit hacking. If he gets unbanned, that would open a precedent to other "legit hackers" to come here, cry a river about getting banned and that "i was a teen" and get a free pass. We get the game was and still is at "a near death state", but a lot of players including myself, didn't get the desire to "oh its dying, let's hack boisss", we just stopped playing and kept following the forums for any new news. That's my opinion, BUT it's good that you regret what you did. I hope LO's support team attend your request well, with fair judgement.
  10. That's a shame, your account sounds familiar..I think I've seen you on jericho before.
  11. You guys may not understand that they probably need the likes loaded to profile for the reason i mentioned (this may be abused too, like tobii does with about 50 profile likes). I honestly think profile rating its stupid. What it needs to be rated are the posts. But if they like the profile rating so bad i just come with this idea: rate the post with emojis (infinite, only 1 per post); rate profile and post with likes or dislikes (dislikes not loaded to profile). And 10 per account may be huge for those who has more than 10 accs... i would say 1-3 to rate very important posts. I already been dissuaded to log into my accounts and dislike everything tobii says with only reducing them to 10.
  12. Then you should get banned to preserve the integrity. I thought it was about 1 JMB per one person not 8 accounts?
  13. This wasn't any exploit because system allowed you freely to do it. Also there was nothing about it in TOS unless you creatively bend the rules like in creative accounting. Thing is it wasn't even anything new. JMBs were given away for years and no one ever got banned for it and G1 never issued any warnings. It would be fair to let people know when you changed the rules especially when you decide to not ban those with 15 accounts and ban those with 20. It's simple. If you don't want people to benefit on more than one account then release acc bound codes or at least make a sticky on the forums.
  14. Dude he cheated in a forgotten internet videogame, he didn't murder a guy. You can't equate a few hours of someone hacking for a giggle to cold-blooded killings. Second chances for hacking are a-ok and if Little Orbit didn't think they'd be able to catch people out again they'd just maintain the bans. If the people who come back decide to do it again, they'll be removed - or they'll just reroll a new account, which would've happened if the bans were maintained anyway.
  15. this is fucking stupid, what about those that never cheated and got their games ruined throughout the years bacause of closet tryhards that took over 1 year to ban? thats not how the world works. you do something bad, you get punished and the punishment here was permanently losing your account. you cant just lift that and act like nothing happened. i cannot give less f***ks about them being cheaters again or becoming a "grown" person but i'd much rather leave the 2% unfair bans than unban 98% of the cheaters.
  16. I think the problem is thst the spawn system cannot take into account the geometry of the map at all, it just finds what spawn points are closest to the objective and puts them up as available, as well as some less preferred ones. From what I recall, the spawn point it defaults to uses the same algorithm as the old system, except now you can choose if you want it or another one. It needs to be reworked to accommodate more options or "smarter" ones at least. I'm pretty sure it's not possible for it to take into account the geometry of the surroundings and possible routes to the objective from the spawn point, but maybe something else to improve its selection it gives you? I think one spawn point option should be the nearest car spawner location to the objective that's a minimum of 200m away.
  17. they believe him after he apologizes ? hahaha i cant believe it. So now i can buy a hack and cheat a little bit and apologize befor the patch come with battleeye and get my account after bann back ?
  18. As long as BattlEye is up and running BEFORE they unban everyone then it will be fine. P.S. Matt Scott covered this topic in the stream with Kempington. There were improper bans. So the dumpster fire that was Gamer's First banned legit players because their awful at their job. In order to right a wrong of that magnitude you have to wipe the slate clean AFTER putting a system in place to stop it from happening again. It's not feasible to go over all the stupid bullsh!t that Gamer's First did with their garbage anti-cheat, they have to just do a full wipe of the cheaters accounts and start over.
  19. Age no, but maturity yes. One of the hallmarks of maturity is taking responsibility for one's actions, and not blaming someone else for the choices you have made. G1 of old being a bad company is no excuse for bad behavior. Plus, what kind of dumb dumb risks their account over a shittier version of the Obir? Sorry, no sympathy for me. And hey, at least G1 decided to let these players simply pay for all the boxes they stole!
  20. I am not a fan of actual cheaters getting unbanned either, but the fact that I am getting back my account that I have spent around 2000 hours on, acquired some premium weapons through fair trading with some lovely people, purchased a bundle I liked, and to finally experience those *APB moments* yet again just give me an utterly unexpected, overwhelming bliss. The unjustified suspension of my account had happened completely unexpectedly just the same, was shocking, random and ultimately simply outrageous, with no explanation as to why. I had to ask for some kind of reason behind my penalty multiple times, on two different accounts... So when I noticed G1 was finally "out of the picture" and another company took over my heart skipped a beat. Was really hoping I could get a chance at getting my "life" in APB back, and it finally seems to come true! Additionally, after reading a lot about the takeover, some news about future plans and watching the whole Q&A stream with Kempington and MattScott I am filled to the brim with HYPE. Thank you! @LittleOrbit, I am in . #faithrestored #loveatfirstfight #nohomo
  21. I understand how a streamer can benefit, but again...everyone uses Summit. He has played APB before so his viewers are aware of it. He can tweet about it, post it to his feeds, etc. I don't want to see the game changed because some noobs feel like griefing the guy whenever he plays once every 3 months. While APB was supposed to be a triple A title with 100,000+ players it isn't. It's a niche game at this point. Niche games gain population from word of mouth. Like I said before, I've recommended the game before the Little Orbit purchase and brought in 4-5 players and from what they've told me, they have spent some money on the game as well....around $200 maybe? They all are enjoying it and have played over 100 hours. I assume their close steam friends have noticed their game activity. This is how the population grows. The deadzone thing could be a good idea if implemented correctly. I am sure the trolls will still find a way to exploit it or grief whoever they want to grief. They will just block the zone with their cars anyway or whatever. You aren't going to get instant bannings, but I am sure they will receive a temp ban if reported with video evidence. As for players rerolling after their grief ban, they are going to grief regardless but I think full time griefers are a very small minority in this population. In my 5000+ hours in the game I have never been griefed to the point where it's an issue that makes me not want to play. If a sore loser takes their griefing overboard, hit them with a temp ban. Anyone with armas stuff and hours on their account will want to keep it and most likely change their way. Generally in the past griefing reports were just ignored. While I understand big time streamers are a different animal and attract different kinds of griefers, what is wrong with my idea of them (or anyone) being able to spin up their own custom district? I am sure the big time streamers have enough friends and/or followers they can invite into their district and play the game with it's core elements. Summit can still stream and play the game and not get griefed. It will still showcase the game that his viewers supposedly will play. My suggestion also benefits any player/clan who want to do scrimmages or host clan only or any other custom event. I just don't think griefing is a big of an issue for 99% of the players so I don't want to see Little Orbit concentrate their efforts on this while there are much greater issues with the game at the present time.
  22. okey cool if that i so easy to get his main account back again after hacking, i think i buy a hack and cheat a litte bit becouse i apologize and become a secound chance... tzzzzz what is wrong with all this cheating idiots, it was hard for Everyone in APB to play like a normal guy in the time who Apb died and all cheating. It was Hard for Everyone and the thanks for your strength not to cheat is NOTHING. only players are unlocked for cheating! That is not Fair! this is unfair for anyone who has tried to play the game in his last breath. I understand LO with the profit with the player who get unbanned. but this shows that LO is more about Profit than on a fairly player base. this is like i punch my sister in the face and say ": sorry, but everyone is punching his sister with a mother like this (G1)" No one will ever trust a cheater again. At least not me! Little Orbit wants justice, i understand this. but people who have cheated are weak. No profit for Apb. Untrustworthy. disgusting people have to cheat to be better like other. I have to puke. I find that disgusting to dare even to say open that you have hacked, that is not courage or insight. that is a desperate person who knows that Apb will be beautiful and wants to have ingame puchases back, do not want to start again new. Zero tolerance for cheaters No mercy for cheaters that is the only way to make the Games World to a better place. i never heard that banned palyers get unbanned its oke to unlock wrong banned players, but not the real cheaters who use hacks for 20 $ or a selfmade cheat from a Apb player. just ridiculous! please leave me a dislike there i want to be the most hated person in this forum!
  23. As I wait for my ticket to be answered so I can access my account, I can’t help but wonder what changes are going to be added to the threat system and how all the OG cheaters are gonna acclimate to the changing game. Either way it should be interesting
  24. what exact email are you looking for? how do you lose the email you registered to? have you ever bought any stuff for your APB Account wiht soem non prepaid methods? if yo you could write support with the informations about the characters you have and your payment information and they could possibly change the email associated with yoru account. You people REALLY should be more carefully with handling your email adresses. MAYBE, you could also ask Steam support about how the accounts are linked. But i am not sure if they store the G1's Acoounts email.
  25. Hi guys, Again, I think the OP has gotten enough answers, so I am going to lock this thead. But first, I'll answer this as definitively as I can. The Code of Conduct says: "Racial slurs, hate speech, threats, spam, and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated." The Nazi symbol and the confederate flag are two different issues: Displaying the Nazi symbol is illegal in some European countries where this game is sold. We are simply complying with the law when we find it used in game. The confederate flag is a question of intention. If you use it to recreate the General Lee from Dukes of Hazard - go for it. If you use it to harass another player, we will enforce the Code of Conduct. Personally I don't want to get caught up in legislating policy and making subjective decisions related to creative content. If something is reported by another player as offensive, then we're going to look at you're actions. Creating knowingly questionable content puts you at risk. If you want to take that risk, then you put the decision of your account's future in our hands and you should accept the consequences. Thanks, Matt
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