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  1. Firstly, am I able to link my pc account with the ps4 account like tiggs promised? Secondly, is there an aim assist function? Thirdly, the graphics are not what I had hoped for, no anti-aliasing, pastel colours, bad shadowing, no anti-aliasing... I see why this version wasn't brought to pc. Now I know it's a work in progress and I'm hopeful still, but at this point I can't see myself starting over just so I can play a worse looking version. If I was able to link my pc account I could see myself getting into streaming it. But it's definitely sub-par compared with the pc version.
  2. Pretty sure they already said that it is not possible to connect PC accounts to console and vice versa.
  3. There should never be a cooldown on sending Legendaries around on your own account. Honestly, I wish they'd let you do this with money too. Then I wouldn't even care about the trading system.
  4. Please consider to make rare daily Nanos and STAC 10 mailable between characters on your own account, some players own multiple STAC 10's and duplicate Nano variants on a same character.
  5. Still waiting on a reply, I think I've spent over $1000 on this account and it got banned ><
  6. Would be nice to get my account back :)
  7. Oh well I was unbanned then. I transferred all my stuff from all accounts to one account. I love the new developers and I can't wait to rebuild to rebuild a new pc just to play APB.
  8. Lol, all cheater get unbanned. And me and other people was banned by pre-gm or pre-FF no. I have one account banned for scam, and i never scam players. And one account ban for cheat, without reason. I have two banned account, where i spend money, and not are reasons for ban. GG old gamefirst.
  9. I hope this company feel us like how much peaple paid and trying to help us please be fast @Selali because peaple got unbanned for cheating and some of us got ban for nothing still waiting for unban while cheaters playing and us stil cheking every 10 mins if we got unban please feel out pain it was our favorite game u dont know how happy we will be when we get out accounts back i wont leave the game for sec 24 hours playing for fun ans this game make me smile doesnt matter win or lose its for fun best game ever so please little orbit be little faster
  10. This is what i like about apb, amongst all the shooting and killing, we can still band together and do something nice like a car show sad to hear that a greefer had to show up, it was bound tho as he must of been unhappy he had a growl and couldnt be involved so he had to destroy everyones car. also that first pic, kinda looks like the girl crossing the street is checking you out lol
  11. I'm already spending too much time on this and i don't really have the patience right now to teach how to hold a logical argument from the ground up. identical /ʌɪˈdɛntɪk(ə)l/ adjective adjective: identical 1. similar in every detail; exactly alike. This is what you're arguing for, that TDM and BR are the same. For starters its not even my job to prove how they're different because its your first claim they are the same. Even when i did point out one significant difference that make BR and TDM different (IE. Not the same) you say its irrelevant. Which is disingenuous because either way its evidence against the contrary and to say that its irrelevant is biased to your own argument. I have to reiterate things multiple times because you're obviously missing what I'm saying. Here is another example of missed information. Respawning itself is not an arbitrary piece of information on your screen when you look at the scoreboard. Respawning has always been a gameplay mechanic in game modes such as TDM. Unless you think that no matter where you spawn nothing changes. Once a game has been running you can spawn in a safe location, you can spawn away from where you know action/enemies will be, you can spawn with a separate load out to combat your enemies loadouts, you can spawn in a location that you are more familiar with to gain an advantage over other players. Even if you dont have a choice, knowing where you are on the map means you know where you died and can move in the safest way possible into a more advantagous position. When you die you are still able to use all of that information from your previous life to change how you play upon your next life and you can use all of that information to win even if you were on the bottom. Majority of which you can not do reliably in BR. Once you die, you lose all relevant information about the players in your immediate vicinity. Starting a new match is not the same as respawning in a ongoing firefight because all of that information you had earlier is irrelevant because you are starting from scratch which every "life". New players, new tactics, new ideas, new starting positions, new favoured items, weapons and styles. Not sure if you were reading what i said. Its not about whether a person participates or not, its about what they have to do to "win". Two very different things, do you understand that? Then do you also understand if a player doesnt participate at all and does nothing towards the goal of the game mode, that is the same as them not being there at all? If they hide and never concede one death/point to the enemy and never contribute one kill/point to your team they cancel themselves out. So you being a sick 2v1 player means nothing because whether or not those players were in your team you would have been able to beat those players anyway. Hiding and suriving exists in all game modes, not just BR and TDM so it doesnt make BR and TDM the same based on that trait alone. Arguing that because some things share a certain trait and without other traits they would be the "same" is not a valid argument. Why? Starting with a few simple examples. ‘Hitler, Stalin and Mao were evil atheists; therefore all atheists are evil.’ "There's no difference between a pet cat and a pet snail, because besides all of their other differences, they're both living animals that metabolize chemical energy." See how taking away all other variables and only comparing similar traits leads to all the wrong types of conclusions and inconsistencies? Using your own "rundown" formula. Based on your forumla its not just TDM and BR that are based around "gunning" down your opponents, we should be calling all these things the same then i guess. Old TDM modes with guns around the map we're changed by design because people wanted more readily available options, due to balancing it came at the cost of overpowered map weapons. Thats just another reason TDM's are different to BR now they no longer have them. There was no such thing as "the storm" in the past, that is simple map design. When games started opening edges of the map for asethetic reasons (because up until this point games that didnt have maps on the top of large buildings had closed in maps with large walls, buildings or invisible walls you couldnt see past), they still needed a "boarder" to stop people from running out into the distance. Thus "out of bounds death". You seem to be mixing me up with other people. - The outcome of a game mode is not what makes game modes different. - What you have at your disposal is not what makes game modes different. What you have to do and what your goal is during the start, middle and end of a match, is what determines what a game mode is. Now, if you and your powers of assumption and bad arguements want to have a good argument in the future, i'll be happy to come along and discuss anything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSBBgJd2cG0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Xr78Z9aUw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGi4sCg-a18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMSLUWLimNc My personal Favs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kDJeZkKXnA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGc5HrH538c
  12. The difference is, you have to play missions to get to rank 30, its required work, no matter what. With 10 hours, you can easily just do whatever and not actually play, make 20 or so accounts, run the game multiple times and afk them all in social for a night, with LOs banning records of about a month thats nearly a years worth of game play for a single night of effort.
  13. But this is taking into consideration that you have premium on your account hence it'll speed up the process of ranking up to R30.
  14. I would have preferred a lock based on account age other than rank. Rating does not reflect experience, account age somehow does (except for rerollers). As for the teamkilling issue ... remove it in Fight Club. Personally I have a R9 without any intent of raising it's rating, which was a personal challenge to complete all roles with it, and obviously relied a lot on Fight Club.
  15. And playing til r30 isn't "too easy?" R30 takes a couple of hours to get. 1-3 hours is less than 10. If it takes 10 hours to enter FC districts, that's an extra 7/8/9 hours it'll take someone who's cheating to make a new account and borg in fc.
  16. Once LO got APB, I just got all my lewd symbols without a warning. They just entered my account without telling and deleted them, I though someone was hacking my account so I started changing the password until they blocked the account, then unlocked it once they finished deleting the symbols. Got a email about that.
  17. Don't cry about me wall hacking when you ran past my car with mobile radar tower......5 straight times in a row without blowing it up. Also, I am using spotter. Please don't tell me my account is going to be banned for wall hacking. I generally just reply "k" now because I don't have time to tell them how my mods work.
  18. There has to be someway to drive players to support the game, we cant all just live on wellfare and expect the game to continue to survive. Adding premium to your account cant just be adding layers to you clothes and cars. The minor ingame cash increase, and customization benefits are not enough for some people. Sure adding armas discounts increases future purchases, but ingame cooldowns adds to the reason to be premium. If they were to remove the 2x cooldown, what would you replace it with? I remember back in the day, maybe 1 or 2 people in say a 8 person match (4v4) wouldnt be premium, now its just the opposite 1 or 2 are premium, the rest arent, so it cant be that big of a factor in game to lose the 2x cooldown. IMO.
  19. It used to be but I can't find it on the Paymentwall account at the moment. Will disable that option and ask them as well...
  20. You get the version for whatever character you have selected on the ARMAS page. So female character would get female boots, male character would get male boots. There is no way to exchange, and no option for account-bound.
  21. fucking please, i hate having it on one account and not others
  22. With how they've been giving them out for previous events to the owners of those packs, i'd assume so. Personally, my account is seemingly bugged, i own both packs and haven't received any of the symbol packs LO has made(Like the Christmas & Halloween sheets). Sent in a support ticket, they'll "let me know as soon as possible when with find a solution to this issue". Presumably has something to do with the fact those packs were gifted to my account from another. So if anyone out there is wondering why they haven't received any of the symbols but own the KTTC/ Designer VIP pack, probably the same issue i'm having.
  23. Why... would i lease weapons, if i own them for my entire account...and get premium freely on top, and tons of Joker box leases that i never touch because...i own them permanently...so...what da eff??? Oh... you mean... in game weapons yes? Those that cost like 30k $APB? Piece of cake, but you gotta make your pick and stick with it. You'll hardly find yourself spending more than you make though, those 30k are the work of a few hours at best. To tell you the truth though: The main reason for starting Armas purchases for me was to have no bother with buying (maintaining) ingame weapon leases and other deadlines, i am a casual player, so i don't see why i should spend 30k one day only to return and find that weapon with 50 hours left.
  24. i don’t have anything left to buy altho if they added a puchaseable account merge option i’d snag that
  25. redhill is an institute of technology that got its webpage hacked by a group of hackers and no body knows why, but there were some hints in morse code in that page that led us to the name of a cat, "clawdia" that always screams to his owner for food in the morning, the name of the cat was the owner's password and we managed to hack her redhills account and there we found the blueprint of a BOMB would you belive that? also in that blueprint was an armas code that gave us a token and the tiers will be given tomorrow to each player that used the code. your welcome.
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