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  1. in all fairness i stopped trusting LO after more then once i saw gms or support threaten players with bans for reporting or asking simple questions. hell i was even told to delete my account via support by a certain memeber here. i think it boils down to the they took up a big project, relized they lacked the funds, and now are stuck in a rut were they can not back themselfs out of so there just hoping to kill both games to get rid of them. lets face it who would buy these games in this day and age.
  2. i can not tell what my username is on fallen earth if i log in here, or gamersfirst. i am trying to launch the game fallen earth using steam, but not using steam authentication. i have been possessing the gamersfirst account for the entire time the game was vanished, but i can not figure out with what username have i registered to the game. i was trying to reset my password, but in the e-mail it did not show me my username which i can use to log in to the game my suggestion is, that if i log in to the webpage of either gamersfirst.com, or other fallen earth related pages, i can see my actual username that i can use to log into the game. at least create a "forgot username" button please. while i am writing this post, i have meneged to log in to the game finaly. the problem was, that in the game's launcher "use steam authentication" was checked by default, but both "username", and "password" was empty. i was trieing to fill these entries to log in to no avail. i solved the isssue by basicaly turning off this checkbox, then turned it on, such that the "username", and "password" entries disappeared. now i can just press log in, and the game launches.... i suggest a new launcher. best wishes, good bye!
  3. I perfectly understand your indignation, while some use configs to disable the effects of explosion and smoke, macros, cheats, you and I get incomprehensible locks. My account was blocked after 11 years because I had a stencil on my PC to make the pictures transparent, which made it easier to create symbols and cars. My comrade from clan, account from the time of the CBT was blocked because at the time of the game he had a telegram web running and he got a call there from work. There are more and more such cases as we have with you every day. Alas, the administration of this game does not dare to help us somehow. They only care about the streamer from twitch who are sycophants. If such a sycophant is unreasonably blocked, then only then will they take any action. We can only hope for the best in this matter or stop playing this project forever.
  4. I remember the time when we patrolled the streets together, it was wonderful. It's a pity that my account was unfairly permanently banned(
  5. No, unfortunately, here it only says right at the A press account login failed! The authentication server could not be reached (error code <ErroCode>).
  6. As you’ve no doubt been told, any time you use a 3rd party program you risk your account. It’s always been this way. That being said, APB customization is nothing without overlays so hopefully something can be done about this. In the meantime I’m not making any symbols, too much risk, and that’s the advice I give to everyone.
  7. why do you need 3rd party software for this, there are plenty of ways to do it without risking you account
  8. I was blocked after 11 years of playing, because there was a program on my PC to make pictures transparent, it helped me in creating symbols and cars. In the last 6 years I have been using this small but primitive program. I haven't played for 2 months and a week ago I went in and out, after I saw a message about blocking. I am still trying to challenge the blocking. EAC support is not responding. I am ready to challenge the blocking even now and provide all the logs from my PC. I am very outraged and saddened by this blocking, I put my soul into this account, so to speak. My friend from the clan was blocked because he had a telegram web running during the game, a fucking messenger. Unfortunately, there is no support from the community, we applied to different communities with petitions, but I only saw ridicule. The administration of the discord channel only made fun of us and blocked us. We demand a more thorough investigation of such cases, and we also want a fair solution to this problem in our favor. Don't make us hate you and your company. This is very unfair, some players from twitch disable the effects of grenade smoke, and play with clay potato graphics. There is no reaction from the administration to this, when we provide links and evidence to these violators, we are told that we violated privacy. But at the same time, we are blocked essentially for nothing.
  9. email adress then password. if you made it the same as your steam account you should be allowed to click log in with steam, and it should process it that way. if not uncheck the box then email and password like email@emailfallenearth.com and password fallenearthaccountpassword and you should get in. your "user name" is what ever 1-4 toons you make in which you have no real set one other then your main toon Or what ever nick name you end up with like thana cow or yaf,
  10. They need 3rd party payment statements to prove you're the owner. There really isn't much support can do without that. If you contacted support with the same IP address that your account was originally on, you might stand a chance, but most ISPs have Dynamic IP addresses, meaning it changes. LO need to improve their account security systems. The dual factor authentication requires you to install an app on a smart phone, or have the technical knowledge to maintain an Android virtual machine. Maybe set up a system to send SMS or call any number, like how Microsoft and Google do it? Not as secure, but better than no dual authentication.
  11. account history meaning the account being transferred multiple times and different IP's indication of the account being sold and owned by multiple people. That is what they usually mean with that.
  12. Why not cut all progression altogether and leave the game as a pure team death match? Just leave the $ earnings and stuff locked behind roles to unlock, leave everything else open for grabs as soon as you finish the tutorial. I mean, progression and grind is just useful to sell premium accounts. It has been over 3 years since that's not a thing. The contact is there just to hamper and slow the fun for those trying the game right now. The cash grind and roles progression should be more than enough to keep players entertained at this point. And maybe rise the price of OSMAW and OPGL so it doesn't become a permanent explosives gun game.
  13. Hello, I have moved this topic to the Bugs & Tech Issues section of our forums. When logging into Fallen Earth, the username refers to the e-mail address you have used to create your GamersFirst account. - Azukii
  14. Huh.. First well it's true you havent directly told APB is P2W game, but seeing the posted review I assumed you was indirectly agree of the same opinions, my bad and apoligize for assuming wrong. About free and several permanent weapons directly No , as we know the satisfaction of E A R N I N G something by my/ourself has always a bitter but flavouble invaluable taste, the speech worth also in game, it's not a good idea in my weak opinion cut this and give all for based/free , if you want to talk about the possibility of reducing subtiantaly or in proportion the prices of renting weapons, well for that I am agree... the fact the prices are always indifferently the same despite the level of weapon role or character rank... yes that's a lack from a certain point of view. There tons of very good suggestions for new players or seasoned ones, like this on below posted from @Frosi here suggesting the weapon role at max or higher level shall be shared between the several characters in one account... but I doubt we'll never see something like this in the game such as DEVS as usual dont read the game suggestions at all since forever Then, The fact is Free to play players have already full freedom to choose weapons, they have just to progress and pay the renting. it's not a secret, make tons of money is relativily easy exploit to do in APB, both crims and criminals, especially when they work togheter if you know what I mean, anyway in half hour you make a lot of money safely for renting anything you want for forever renting anything you like , New Players, they have just to have their properly matchmaking and play their first weeks, ??or first 150 ranks maybe ??, ""safely"" between noobs as it should be right, changing weapons everytime you change location is something I will not encourage to how a new player may play, if I was a new player I will find this way you suggest of playing stressfull and annoying , they shall have their time getting confident weapon by weapon as me and you very probabily do at the beginning. Yes I meant mayor.. anyway the lore is still stagnant and so full of plotholes, it's shame they havent done further development because the story has a really interesting starting and some characters are really interesting... if you have the patience of reading mails of gibberfish english with 30 rows
  15. It's not little orbits fault. The tool probably hooks in a malicious way into the game. 10 years ago we didn't have a anti cheat well it was there but, it let everything trough. Well all i can say is good luck trying to get the account unbanned.
  16. I installed the game on steam, and now it wants me to login, I created a gamersfirst account, but the in-game login wants me to imput a username, but they didn't gave me an option to create a username on the account creation So I use my steam account to login, it says wrong username or password.
  17. Why apb support wont help when i provided them all account informations and proved that my account was cheated? Hydrin keeps saying that due to account history they wont help also he dont say what doest it means, what account history i dint make "illegal things" in this game its like just we wont help you without reason.
  18. keeps saying my character is stuck in district or my account is logged into on another client idk why its doing this but its annoying and everytime i have to wait 15+ minutes then it works but it keeps happening everytime i login
  19. Is it? I can either pay once with my real money for a rental gun that has 3 open slots that will cost a ludicrous amount iirc. Or I give LO 30$ for an account bound permanent version of it. It's definitely not a clear answer. Like sure you can get that gun in game for free. But until LO allow players to either make more OR make these rentals cost less. It will always feel P2W, the W is very general in this context where "Winning" is just being able to keep more money every week instead of spending it on weapon rentals. I mean shoot, I have a huge arsenal and can't remember the last time I rented a gun. Imagine trying to rent just 3 guns for 1 week. (all 3 open slots)
  20. I have a vpn but even when it's turned off the website gets my location wrong. I've even opted to give that website my accurate location and the next day or week it will be wrong again. Idk maybe it's built into windows 11 or some shit. Or maybe my isp. Well... it's a cold comfort but at least your account it's not banned.. well ofc that doesnt change the fact it's sucks. From one side,I would like suggesting you to insist and insist annoying weekly sending mail on mails or trying group, regroup again and pick other similar experience from others in gamefirst and steam , you know the tell "if you cant win alone with your voice despite your reasons... try with increasing the numbers" but sincerly ... I dont suggest neither the first nor second way unless you are ready to consider the possibility of losing your account. It's strange things like that you can be resolved with quick checking of the purchase chronology, when you make online purchase, also by prepaid cards, be sure 99% of cases companies register everything and they will know not only who you are but also where you are...
  21. Nah support won't talk to me anymore sadly. They just reply with generic "we will be unable to provide you with an further assistance regarding this acount" blah blah blah. And then they close my ticket. They have yet to give me a clear answer about why I was permanently trade locked. And I don't think they ever will. They should be ashamed of the way they treat us. Shit support team too lazy to do any actual investigating into customers issues. I would post my support tickets in here but they would just delete my post or ban me from the forums. They aren't doing their jobs and there's literally no way to hold them accountable. The support team and decided to stonewall me and not answer any of my questions, and it's impossible to contact anyone higher up than stichly (who I've spoken to a couple of times about it). I have a vpn but even when it's turned off the website gets my location wrong. I've even opted to give that website my accurate location and the next day or week it will be wrong again. Idk maybe it's built into windows 11 or some shit. Or maybe my isp.
  22. I didn't say I didn't understand your criticism; I said it wasn't constructive. I could have just replied to what you said with "stupid post" . But alas, that's not constructive. A: Why are you logging out so much? B: Phasing shouldn't log you out of your account, unless you mean it happens when you disconnect from a district too many times. I'm sure phasing will change how that works under the hood anyway. If they are properly testing, it should become clear that the disappearing HUD elements bug will need to be fixed. To be clear, your whole argument is right. not (to me) is that you want the game to be stuck in the past and that the game shouldn't receive fundamental fixes. So far, since you have not actually given any constructive criticism, I feel you should re-read what the end goal of phasing is. As it will be a multi-step process until it is fully realized (that is, if they succeed with it) https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2023/3/8/apb-2023-roadmap
  23. Try with TS as told above, staff or devs dont read reddit. steam etc apb forum... same for the main one. since your a major patootie of the 3rd jackass division . i was asked the following or have heard the following Watch out the bait, I was in warning/ half banned until yesterday for BS like that... anyway whatever he is just a ruffian sick for keyboard attentions, dont waste your time with him To the thread author @xShadowx told about some purchases, LO shall have a chronology data of the purchase linked with that account and if the ID is of the same person/ data of the actual new account he wanted to merge on steam. the case is closed with a little headche for the guy at the HR office for pressing a pair of keyboard keys on the clients search bar... And anwyway, I suppose you have told something like you know at least the old email of the steam account, recovering you steam id and account shall be kinda easy peasy staff, are you sure have you tried all the routes for recovering it?
  24. If I'm remembering correctly, GM's aren't allowed to play as GMs in matches and what not, their GM account is separate from their actual gaming account.
  25. Steam ID's are publicly available, so long as you know the profile URL, you can easily access the steam ID. So even if you don't have access to the old Steam Account, you can get the Steam ID64. steamid.io/lookup has a tool to pull all the relevant data from an account, just used it on mine to see if the id64 was available, it is... Though if you lost access to a steam account, Valve is pretty well known for their support in aiding customers regain access to their accounts - and probably would be both faster/easier than G1 support.
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