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Everything posted by Lato

  1. Why can't LO just copy from bigger games? Is it that difficult?
  2. poor baby probably can't win anything so decides to do that
  3. doesn't matter if the prices are still so high
  4. 5 seconds into the game and he said gta 10 times already, fucking normie
  5. will people still make posts about cheaters when the playerbase will go down to 100? i wonder when you'll start to realise there are players with 10k hours that know this game as well as they know where to find the bathroom inside their own house
  6. Why don't you take a deeper look and feedback into the suggestion section of the forum?
  7. still not worth wasting them in gambling
  8. I hope this post will get into these people head, the ones that constantly complain about their opposition..howhever..there is a big gap between new players and the veterans. Having to face way better players isn't always fun, especially in APB where you have no headshots and objectives to complete, newbies often finish the match with 0 points. I don't wanna say these matches are a waste of time but..they are not rewarding and so encourages people to quit the game/complain. ps: I love your posts!
  9. br or not, imo just add good rewards to it
  10. We are all here waiting for the mythical Engine Upgrade, You are not alone!
  11. Game is back at 500 players online, pretty sure you're facing the same players you were up against 4 months ago, before the mass unban. Nothing changed
  12. Dead by Daylight, it's easy and fun...and not actually dead
  13. You can meet cheaters in every single videogame, deal with it or play something offline
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