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Everything posted by Lato

  1. Too bad all these weapons are from the armas..idk how many people will play them once the changes will be live
  2. I'd wait the engine upgrade and eventually new content before taking a look at the statistics and bashing on the company that bought your crappy 10 years old favorite game. I mean think about it, you wouldn't even be here bitching on the New forums
  3. 90% of the golds are cheating, proven stat. This will always be my favorite APB meme, i had a nice laugh, thanks OP
  4. Good luck on completely fixing the threat when you have 800 veterans and 200 new players
  5. Do people really think this game's dead just because of the cheaters? lol, we didn't get any big changes in 10 years, no real content and no adversiting at all. Also game is boring and slow as hell, if you don't spend money on it
  6. You waste your time bud, most of the players abuse those mods..they desperately need to see "win" on the scoreboard and make the game unfun for everyone else
  7. This will never happen, too many tryhards with a potato aim using them
  8. Yes, but she didn't use the character for testing..
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