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Everything posted by Lato

  1. Name me a pvp game with a polite and nice community
  2. if you don't agree with me, you are wrong!111!!1
  3. And this is why Lo should stop wasting """milions""" for anticheats..there will always be bad players complaining. You guys really think the 500 average players, playing the game right now, are different from the 500 playing BEFORE LO took over? Also do you not think they would reroll over and over and over? Also how many times do people have to repeat you that there is no perfect anti-cheat, especially for a small game with limited resources?
  4. N-TEC Do i need to say anything else?
  5. Stop putting effort in this, nobody cares lol Why would people play this mode and not pubg, fortnite, apex? FOCUS ON APB, improve this trash game, rework what needs to be reworked....You don't need a new engine to change a damn login screen or change some values on the joker store, these are like two examples but there is so much you could do to this game to make it better. It pisses me off because i can tell Matt cares, but jesus..have some common sense, i'm tired of having to mentally spank you every time
  6. The only two things that really matter.
  7. Talk to him, let him know you're not interested on him anymore then move on. He is too old for you, you need fresh air zombie girl
  8. Same thread every month, you guys know this threat system sucks already..why don't you make a poll with suggestions instead?
  9. does this look like a spanish forum to you?
  10. It's worth it if You still like it, if you don't then..move on?
  11. Just counter it, like the Yukon before nerfs!
  12. So it's confirmed a BR? lmao is this the big plan they had in mind for APB? pretty funny we called it as soon as LO took over
  13. uninstall until the engine is up, sbam..your solution
  14. i enjoy shitposting once in a while, i uninstalled long ago don't worry. This game is the definition of trash, yes
  15. Reinstall the game? try updating the drivers? throw your pc out of the window?
  16. So another year without the engine probably, alright no problem, i'm enjoying shitposting here
  17. yea but, why not play a different game you know..why torture yourself with this trash lol
  18. lmao, imagine if they decide to rework everything, it's gonna take at least 10 years
  19. perhaps they should stop wasting "milions" in anticheats and get something interesting done..people complain about cheaters anyways
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