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Everything posted by Lato

  1. Game is dead, they shouldn't be scared of nerfing meta real hard
  2. Time to play something else
  3. You guys have anything new to say about it? Is it gonna take another year?
  4. Useless patch, you can't please everyone, stop changing weapons. Focus on more important things
  5. I understand where you are coming from, i would also love to have new content for this game, the problem is that you can't put a cheese cake on top of a trashcan..it's not appealing. They will make a small amount of money, this game seriously needs big changes. People will appreciate when something gets reworked or fixed. I've played a lot of small "pay2win" dead games like APB, all they do is add new level so they can keep the small community tight and the players base slowly decreases until they shut down the servers..it's just reality, content wont make any long term difference
  6. Buff or nerf the ones existing instead of coming up with new shit..you guys forget that this game still sucks to the eyes of everyone that's not playing it all day
  7. it's no new for us, LO will change matchmaking after the Engine upgrade(if it will ever happen)
  8. this topic again? jesus this community
  9. i wonder if i'm gonna die before this engine upgrade comes out
  10. There is a trade system now and you can get some permanent weapons from the joker store, other than that..game is basically still the same
  11. This game will never die lmao this is so funny
  12. I've learned that it's better to group up with guys, at least they wont fall in love for you after a few games..jesus christ i had weird experiences
  13. Egoismo e ipocrisia, l'emblema dell'Italia
  14. Stai solo rosicando senza usare la logica..SALUTI
  15. Non ci arrivi che rovina il senso del gioco? Non tutti voglio fare soldi con le rapine
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