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Everything posted by Bambola

  1. I'd give you mine if I only could since I am sure I'll never use it. Unlucky, indeed.
  2. I admit I do not play enough to know them, especially if they are only playing in the bronze. Was talking based on my previous experiences, when I was way more active and complaining about the same thing until I realized things I am trying to explain now. I am aware I could be wrong, though. Unfortunately true, I know.
  3. Once you move to the silver district and start playing there exclusively, from time to time you get to see those familiar names, "op players" from the bronze districts, playing (not dethreating) and legitimately struggling to have a positive kdr. They usually end up being their team's deadweight, with some exceptions, when they are opposed low to mid gold opponents like themselves who aren't dethreating on a regular basis but play in silver instead. That's why I can't be entirely convinced by those arguments for going back to the bronze district like "Too many cheaters in silver", "I am bored of tryharders", "I have a huge latency", etc; I believe skill-wise they belong more to the bronze than to the silver district. Now, when we speak of them stomping on new players in bronze, that's a completely other subject of personal moral code.
  4. Here we go again~ Just because they appear to be gold, doesn't mean they are really gold. I am ready for this post to be disliked so I will say it again, for the n-th time, there are no golds in bronze districts. Like 99% of "golds" you see there are just silvers at best, people stuck in a limbo between silver and gold, too good for bronze, too bad for the silver district. As Ketog has stated, they join as silvers and thanks to high scores, the silly threat system assigns them with the gold threat. Yes, some of them could be playing in silver districts, although not quite well, hence they chose not to. Truth is, with thousands of hours in the game, game knowledge, R195 modifications and slotted weapons they surely have an advantage, but they lack the aim and tracking skills which gives you a good chance of beating them, just do not despair.
  5. You and your silly ideas, but always positive and entertaining. I like it.
  6. I simply love when they pull out the Showstopper and the show ends with them dying to N-FA9 before they even realize what's going on. What a convenient name.
  7. I played one night, closed the game, tried to connect the next day and ran on the same issue you have. Literally nothing changed in between. I found numerous threads on this topic, yet no solutions. Contacted the Support to get a generic reply, tried everything but with no success. I can't log in for more than a year now, from any device (can access the lobby, but no world servers). And no one seems to have a solution or cares to help. Hope you will manage to overcome this issue and preferably post the solution. Good luck~
  8. A lot of players complain how switching characters or accounts causes the loss of indicators for the objectives and teammates/opponents, apparently they are shown only on map when your press M and the only way to fix it is restarting the client.
  9. The mentioned location (ironically, in the Silver Street) can be easily cleared of campers in several ways, but perhaps the easiest one is having two shooters with high-velocity weapons, one positioned on the highway, from the Eastside Joker Gunworks direction, other on the top of Border High School, I have marked it on the map. If it is 4:4 match, the other two players could be just distractions, pushing from Shianxi Blvd. or Silver St. Usually, it's enough to kill a VIP once to force them to change the spot and then change your loadout/tactic for the next camp spot, correspondingly. I do not know, personally I never liked those who go from one to the next "OP camp" spot, it's just silly and time consuming. Anyway, there's no single spot (thank God) which you cannot conquer with the right approach.
  10. It's all about a kink one has. Some like to cuff, some to be cuffed. Apparently, there are more of those submissive types.
  11. Not sure if that could be exploitable in some way (I am sure someone will always find a way) but I'd love Joker Tickets to be account-bound instead of character-bound. I have a lot of characters with 3-4k JTs but none with 10k+.
  12. Спокойно, это нормально. В настоящее время, время ожидания составляет около 17 дней. Иногда это занимает больше времени.
  13. I do not think it is, unfortunately. Otherwise, I'd gift something... to myself, on the other account.
  14. Someone's threat and skill level have nothing to do with the way they cope with losing matches and situations they perceive as personal failures. If you have problems to even understand the subject of the topic .. you are just a bad forumer, lol. So gitgud.
  15. Back in the day, I used to play a PvE game which had an intense PvP system integrated and most of the time it was fertile ground for all sorts of dramas, bring forth the community's toxicity. One of my closest male friends, who was an outstanding PvPer, told me his secret to stay calm yet always focused and in control of a situation is a quick onanism before having huge battles. I do not know if it would help to everyone, but it makes sense to try, given it reduces stress and releases feel-good hormones such as dopamine, endorphins, prolactin and oxytocin.
  16. You can use literally any weapon if you're a sneaky person (I play with DMR-SD mainly). I win matches against people who are evidently and indisputably way better than me, have amazing aim and tracking skills, just because I always flank or attack from behind, unless I am sitting hidden somewhere at 90m+ distance, sniping. If you know the map well and can sometimes predict spawn points, the general direction the opposition will come from or the direction they expect you to come from, being sneaky turns your threats in to unaware victims. My biggest enemy is gosh darn Spotter
  17. Brace yourself for a lot of negative feedback, but essentially you're right. However, I always thought the simplest solution is - one shouldn't be allowed to join a district below their threat level, only above, which would force golds to gold district, silvers would either join gold or stay in silver (given how tedious can be dethreating to bronze), whilst bronze players would be able to choose from 3 available threat districts, but I am afraid maybe the Jericho's low population would have issues with such system.
  18. Very well said, however, even if all progress begins with wishful thinking, I doubt this is attainable. This community is the main obstacle to solving most issues it complains about.
  19. Unfortunately, not many are able to comprehend this. This is 100% correct. There are some exceptions though, namely, when an actual gold-tier player makes a new account and starts in bronze for a quick level up to R40 or so, but they never come back. All rest "golds" in bronze are just decent silvers who just appear to be gold, yet not really being that.
  20. I abstain from use of that term, or any other people tend to habitually use in the game, just because apparently everyone has their own definition, just as I do. When I think of a "tryhard" I usually see a person showing bad sportsmanship, poor ethos, someone who doesn't hesitate to trade everything, even their own integrity and dignity, for a few in-game points and a place on the scoreboard. There's absolutely nothing wrong with striving for the best possible result, it's important to win but more importantly, how you win. For me, cheap wins are personal failures, I'd always go for more style points where a "tryhard" doesn't seem to care about it, they go for a win by all means necessary.
  21. I agree it's a bit too low, especially if you are a lower rank, moreover a new player. It's better than nothing though, but if they will keep it as low as it is now, I'd suggest providing more viable ways to earn some JTs. I remember when (highly abused) daily events were a thing, it kept me busy, I was logging in each day. Perhaps rewarding players daily upon login, or weekly if they have logged and played each day with some tickets would encourage new and old players to be more active and earn more tickets at the same time. Anyway there should be something, like a small amount of Joker Tickets, or G1C occasionally, maybe some cheap Armas items like skins or clothing, anything offered as a reward to the loyal community on a daily, weekly or monthly basis upon fulfilling some prerequisites determined by the company, just some sort of gamification to make you say 'Oh, I have to log in today and play'.
  22. As much as I realize one can 'carplay' with any other weapon - OCA, JG, PMG and their variants or rifles, snipers and explosive weapons. They either sit in their car and rush you with cqc weapons, or fall back once when you are trying to reach their sniping/launching point. This has nothing to do with NFAS, it's just a playstyle some people resort to which makes your argument pretty much invalid, sorry to say. Edit: And yeah, the admittedly annoying 'carplay' playstyle can be countered as well.
  23. That actually makes perfect sense, it's like a comforting hug for sore losers. Anyway, I have to agree with Cookie, it should stay as it is, a random reward. The only issue with the Joker Tickets at the moment is the distribution on lower levels due the shared reward pool.
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