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Everything posted by RCooper

  1. He is calling that becuase the source is from nfs payback,also who cares ,knowing that is not going to make him a better designer
  2. LOL U are killing people in the game and complain about cursing
  3. Ramraiding is by far the most toxic and unfair thing i have ever seen in a game
  4. Funny u said that when they are already testing weapon balance but cant fix something that worked perfectly fine before they broke it. In my opinion a very annoying problem becuase not everyone have FBW-SD
  5. Since RIOT it is broken ,fbw kills dont count in fight club ,gunslinger role or daily activities. Many people have complain about it but u LO ignore them basically. Fix it.
  6. RCooper

    Kevlar 3 NVHR Bug

    Kevlar is very useful in cqc because of the 30 % more health but u are slower ,it is perfectly balance Yeah lets make the hvr hit less than the scout
  7. RCooper

    Stuck at 60 fps

    disable "smooth frame rate" in video options, in order to have more than 62fps.
  8. The same happen with the hvr ,the player is giving up mobility(he could use scout) for that 850 shot Dont return rn the games is like a nfas fest
  9. Give them a break they are working on RIOT
  10. Same i havent got mine either
  11. Yeah phasing will be the only things that can fix this mess or the game will die
  12. I love how everyone makes it like it is everyones error but not themselves ,the games is DEAD becuase playing it is not fun,golds playing in silver have the same fault at silvers playing in bronze,new players that are actually good at the game would hit silver and face 255 golds(they dont use the advance tab) as a bronze would face 255 silvers,and if u are high silver and go silver is the same u will get destroyed by the golds and quit the game same as bronzes in bronze district.
  13. Las armas pasaran a ser inutiles como el nhvr por ejemplo
  14. wangan midnight I personally like old rwd jdm cars
  15. I think it is a good idea XD
  16. What it is fun about RIOT it is the how ramdom the mode is,but having the ability to buy your loadout still TOO powerful,spawn more weapons when the trucks appear,dont make people spawn far away from the last stage because people like to camp and kill in the border of the zone
  17. When summer finish population will go down again
  18. The problem is that thanks to golds there is no intermediate server in apb so people has to decide between getting rekt or rekt others
  19. Ready to challenge ur CALABRIA the MIRAGE
  20. Yeah it is time they add a proprer rwd car to drift they should the gtr not the gts version
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