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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. - It is unreasonable because the game is already heavily leaning towards teamplay, to the point where it is so easy and coordination isn't even heavily needed to neutralize a target. 'Playing chess & checkmating the target' is indeed the way to go, but going one in at a time still does the trick quite easily, so we don't need to skew the game more towards teamplay. It is already there. - Yes, the disparity would lessen but won't make APB a better game as garbage weapons will still remain the same. Clunky and slow and that's why it is a weak solution. - Lowering damage per shot wont help the netcode against ghost-shots as that will only change the weight of the shot upon being registered. Reducing rate of fire won't either as there are a lot of 1-shot weapons that get their shots ghosted (e.g snipers, pig and even shotguns every now and then). It is a matter of the server being ready to receive input at the time of the shot. Therefore, by increasing ttk, the chances of ghost-shots per fight would actually increase as well and they'd be slightly more common. - Bloom and spread should go down but they will never be fully removed like some suggested in a previous thread, because 'we're not allowed to have real recoil'. It is either this or that and that's the problem. More importantly, reducing bloom doesn't also mean ttk should be increased nor objectively supplements that stance in any capacity. The benefits don't outweigh the costs. Longer ttk is a mistake and would only be an indication of "skill" if time-to-kill was instant like a P90-SMG in Counter Strike. An average ttk of 0.75 is fine as is and happens to be on the lengthy-side for a shooter. People such as qb mentioned APEX in a previous thread alongside wanting wall-jumps in APB (heh). Little he knew opponents in APEX can be dealt with much faster than 0.7s because headshots exist (unlike APB of course) and I already showed him a video on YouTube that shows ttks across weapons, that's why he couldn't say a word here or debunk anything and resorted to emotional-wars, which won't do him any favors. Any game with long-ttk either happens to take place in an open arena or have a higher-damaging mechanic to emphasize "skill" through being able to aim to the head. He really has no clue to what he's talking about. I'm certain it will take another 11+ months to revert the long-ttk mistake and that's exactly what they want, see APB go into the grave because they can't leave it and move on otherwise. You were meant to debunk what I've said but we both know it is un-debunkable, hence you won't even make an attempt. Simply because you can't. I'm glad you realized your mistake. At least try to be more civil next time or just come back after learning how to debate with facts. Your manners are as weak as your arguments, you are already a meme in the community. - The pool won't be enough in a 40v40 district, that's why LO is working towards "Phasing" in the first place and even then, a premade is still a premade. Better Matchmaking doesn't mean solo-players would magically get forced to become a premade. - That's because you still have to sponsor/buy them better servers. LO succeeded in getting EAC to integrate into the client but the server-side of things didn't go well as MattScott himself explained: You made an appearance on that thread so you should already be aware of this. @Hexerin should also see this because he was bluffing before bailing when he claimed that "LO dropped EAC because Epic was attempting to hike the price up while also cutting half the product away from the contract. It had nothing to do with being "too expensive"". It is in fact the opposite, LO attempted a price-reduction and that didn't fly. And even now EAC is free for Game Developers but you still have to help LO with the server integration. We will all be grateful to you if you do. Just "fix the net code and servers" 5Head :monkaS:. - Having even longer ttks than what we currently have doesn't mean we should go back there. The game also had epicly-tanky vehicles at one point, which didn't support "more skill" when it comes to dispatching vehicles. More time doesn't always equal more skill, because there is a point where too much of it will have the negative effect and that's what needs to be seen, we are already at that point for BOTH infantry and vehicles.
  2. You better not since you don't know who you're addressing. I have laid out exactly why longer-ttk in APB would be the last thing APB needs but it seems you also did not read a word. You also didn't objectively lay out why longer-tkks would work for APB, simply because you can't. I don't see you people using CCG or a "skill based" weapon that actually takes time to neutralize targets, so learn your place and yes, I have arrested some of the best players in both NA and EU, with Fragile equipped nontheless. Now who are YOU to talk? What are your achievements other than empty forum replies with a smiley face?
  3. That's the most weak argument I've seen in a while. You wouldn't do a better job if you were the one in charge of balancing. Making the meta weaker to give more weight to garbage weapons won't make them any less garbage and won't make the game better. The game simply doesn't accommodate for more ttk. There are cars and walls everywhere. Currently even the dominant strat is to tank everything and heal it off with CA3 behind walls or get back in a car, like it never happened. If you increase ttk, no one will die at the top-level but you clearly aren't good enough to have experienced it. You're only good at providing false-feedback to be able to 'compete', So no, you aren't the person with enough "competency" to discuss such things because you ignore every factor other than the one you want. Nothing but sheer simplicity, which never worked historically for APB nor will ever work. Hiking the price up has nothing to do with "expensive", wow, just wow. Statement of the century right here, Ladies and Gentlemen. You can't even troll right. So you want longer ttks because you can't drive a car worth only $100 per spawn, okay. That is horribly wrong and a hard disagree. 3rd-person always gives the advantage to the one holding the corner. If ttk is lengthened, by the time the pusher reaches the corner, he/she will have to fight with reduced HP anyways because they tanked some shots along the way. If anything, you'd only be delaying the inevitable and making it even easier on the camper. If anything, lower-ttk makes the player holding the corner more vulnerable if they make a mistake and they would think twice about peeking all the things, because any damage they receive matters. And you still have the tenacity to tell people to think, astonishing. You don't even think yourself before puking words. No, take your rage elsewhere. This isn't APEX nor Quake. Take your longer-ttk nonsense to a game where it belongs or just go and play them. Familiarize yourself with APB and play against actual good players before further making a fool out of yourself.
  4. - "Always" isn't right and can never be true. The longer the time-to-kill the greater the premade advantage. We should be getting less of that, not more. - Better dedicated servers cost money. Recall that LO dropped EAC for BattleEye because it was expensive. Perhaps if you'd be so kind and sponsor/fund the servers for LO then that could be feasible. - There will be nothing to track when it is so easy to find a wall/car to hide behind. This isn't APEX, this is APB. The spatial-design doesn't accommodate for longer ttk.
  5. Higher ttk would be the last straw for APB. Anyone who vouches for longer time-to-kill clearly wants to see the game dead for good. APB unquestionably has: - Epicly easy time for premades. They don't even need good-cohesion. They can be seconds upon seconds apart and still finish the target (assuming the target isn't hiding behind a wall). - A handful of weapons that are in massive need for a buff to compete against the meta (if you haven't noticed, these weapons are garbage because THEY TAKE TOO LONG TO KILL). - Servers are already suffering to run APB's heavily-modified Unreal-code. Districts used to feature 50v50 Players but were lowered to 40v40 and ghost-shots are still a common sight. Increasing the average tkk would make things more RNG-dependent. - Weapons already have massive roleplay-like bloom that will continue to exist because APB is an 'RPG' and thus we can't have nice things such as real-recoil (APB being RPG is the reason why it can't stand in the market, because it is frantically done in a non-appealing way for a shooter). Increasing the general time-to-kill will indirectly make all of these worse. A lot worse... No thank you. That's the last thing this game needs.
  6. If ExitLag doesn't improve it then it is the best it can be.
  7. The last time threat segregation was disabled, population counts went down the drain. Here we are for round 2. But every coin has 2 sides. I guess it is now open season on Dethreaters again, let them get their Karma and be farmed just how they farmed the new blood to the uninstall button.
  8. Only if you play standing like the 'RealBungo'
  9. It is about time they add the condition: Invalid if objective within 55m.
  10. Please elaborate on your "established baseline" from November 24, 2020. Also revert Med Spray
  11. Yes, that's right. I presume that one in specific has the same range as OCA because of the "Silverado" and "Iron Reaper" modded variants, which have Cooling Jacket 2 and 3 respectively. Thanks for bringing the difference up. Yeah, that would be the end, lol
  12. You should know if you read the Anniversary Letter's Thread yourself. I have the 2nd reply there, not sure how you missed it.
  13. Birds probably think we built Power Lines as places for them to socialize.
  14. That would make sense with other Publishers but Little Orbit here has been giving everyone free premium since COVID started.
  15. A dog living in the basement is a subwoofer.
  16. Yes, effective range was nerfed for both silenced and non-silenced OCAs. For Silenced OCA specifically, it lost 20m range on everything (Effective Range: 50 -> 30 || Min damage Range: 55 -> 35) The purchase of Silenced-OCA might seem like a bad deal at first, but you must remember that previously it had an accuracy at 10m of 36cm (now buffed to 33cm). With that base accuracy, it was impossible to compete with the silenced OCA anywhere 30m+ because it just can't reliably hit at that distance. It will easily lose to Rifles and Assault Rifles and other weapons that excel at those ranges. The strat was to stretch a bit with the PMG as that weapon was able to extend a bit with crouching. Now... LO simply reversed the table around. They made the PMG OCA and OCA PMG. Better even Silenced OCA is now more reliable within 30m with its slightly better base accuracy and less shot modifier cap (it slightly doesn't bloom as much = more accuracy at full-automatic fire). You did NOT make a bad purchase, in fact you were lucky. Yes and no. It now kills in 0.672s rather than 0.7s so ttk is lower but yes, it doesn't always beat the non-silenced version. Both can kill in 0.672s but SD is more accurate and can extend further, the non-silenced CAN BE MODDED to kill even faster with Cooling Jacket, that's why it is a hit or miss. If you can get close with it then it becomes a beast and will outperform the silenced version in Close Battles, but most of the time, if you just want to play without getting in the habit of changing weapons throughout the mission when needed (you should change weapons as the situation demands), the Silenced-version is more reliable for the simple fact that losing almost half of your range as well as accuracy just to change ttk from 0.672s to 0.62s isn't really that much worth it. Silenced OCA has too much going for it and will serve you better overall. Yes, you might be having some hitreg issues or packet loss as there are no known cheats that affect player health. If such cheats existed you'd see people standing like Supermen, GTA style and tank everything. Rest assured, such cheats do not exist.
  17. This I can agree with. While the range of OCA was reduced, it gained accuracy and rate of fire. It also gains 20% more accuracy from crouching now but you won't need it with how quickly it can kill Players. If OCA's range is too short for you try the 'Whisper' variant. It deals full-damage up to 30 meters. The weapon is on a tier of its own and is objectively more cheesy than the previous PMG... the fact that they didn't buff weapons alongside the OCA is baffling.. an all-around buff would've been nice especially to non-meta weapons but that's a whole discussion on its own. You got your answer
  18. What would be more incredible is for the Player to actually control their fire-rate when that's due yet still retain full-fire-rate up close for a chance against the almighty CQC-weapons (because balancing in this game takes extra measures to bias for the range in question for whatever genius reason, which is flawed in essence because there should be 0% bias in "balancing"). But if that mod is to become its own thing at the Player's discretion then it won't really harm anything, so why not. Nothing wrong with more options.
  19. I recall when the Improved Rifling with slower fire rate was swiftly reverted yet here, for whatever reason, it is taking Med Spray months to get reverted... Please revert Med Spray already.
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