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Everything posted by ninetenduh

  1. FFA is a Reskin, Volcano is not straight up better, The OSMAW still does more Damage per Shot and has more range. Nano's can be acquired in-game, rare but they can and most of the time the nano isn't even better and the Ursus is Vastly worse than a Normal Ntec at literally any range. So, come again?
  2. You kind of understood what Legendaries are just to throw that away, they are supposed to be gimmick Weapons. Not straight up better.
  3. tbh, leave the Swastikas and Nazi imagery in, if anything you will upset the 3-4 SJW Germans here. I am a German myself and I don't see a reason to forbid that. The Swastika is a Religious symbol, to begin with.
  4. Yes, VAC bans only come when the game is VAC protected and having VAC is like having nothing at all. And Valve won't ban your entire account just because of a VAC ban, what i like to see are HWID bans, oh those would be wonderful.
  5. No, I can assure you it won't look as bombastic as that. The Limitations of APB are clear, you cannot run the game with such a High poly count of character and objects, it would counter the thought of optimization. You sure can Expect a Difference, not as big as some might hope but that only due to the fact and I hope LO keeps that in mind that the game stays Playable for a vast majority of people. As Shini said, you can expect better Optimisation, and the move is needed, desperately, a lot of things in the original APB code weren't available back then, RTW had to basically create their own engine based on the Unreal Engine to make APB work. With a Switch to a Newer Engine, the Developer will have it far easier to deal with Problems, add content more frequently and so on. Currently, it's impossible to do anything and simply wasted time. All we can do is wait, all these changes won't be coming anytime soon. We can be lucky if it's this year. Haven't worked much with UE4, all my experience with Game development was in BF1942 and a bit of UE2.something. And some other lesser known in-house engines in some Private server setting. And all that is like 10+ years ago. But overall the game should with UE4 in place be a more well-rounded slightly better looking Massively better working Game.
  6. If it helps getting rid of the Clowns, yes bring it on. None got anything against an Anti Cheat that eventually works. And I am not even a Fan of BattleEye IMO it is inconsistent but it gets the job done I guess.
  7. Nah, anyone who was cought cheating should already know that Little Orbit makes this a Case by Case thing. Whoever got banned over ToS Violation, be it cheating or so can count on never seeing his sorry patootie account back ever again. And hey, these losers would go ahead and cheat again anyways.
  8. No. Just no it is not better when the Playerbase points out things, it's the absolute opposite. The only thing that needs to be fixed or removed is quick switching. Currently, the balancing is good and has been good. Anything else like Nerf N-Tec or HVR Damage bla bla is just whining and nothing else. Yes, we get it, you get owned by a weapon, we simply chose to not give a damn and git gut. Balancing is where it should be. Leave the Weapon balancing alone.
  9. I do see where the senseless Trust in LO comes from, I for my part take it all with a grain of salt, I said it before and I say it again. We have heard all of that, for years. Actions speak louder than words. But so far, LO showed that they actually want to get something done. The changes done so far are good. None of those is for the game which still is an absolute mess. while everyone is high af, I sit here sipping my tea with a raised eyebrow waiting for things to happen or not, I couldn't care less for both at the moment. If they do something to the game that isn't absolute nonsense i might occasionally raise the other brow a bit. Until then I am more than sceptical, I have trust issues anyway so there is that. They have 2 Options, fuck it up all the way and finish what the Original Cast of Clowns almost managed to complete or turn it around. About the Lootbox situation, these Laws mostly are a case by case thing and investigations are only done on predatory loot boxes, the APB loot box System is relatively fair, even if you don't get a Legendary you can still get things worth the disappointment, I think I got 2 Lifetime Vegas 4x4 out of it, my bloody crim has 3 Permanent Vegas 4x4, and even a couple hundred days ones which obviously ran out ages ago. the Case is that the APB boxes are not Predatory. Even the overwatch loot boxes aren't predatory. And that's partly thanks to the fact that you can sell the Legendaries if you remove that option you will inevitably strengthen the Pay 2 Win argument.
  10. Well, had to happen again. Do we really need to talk about correct Placement of Traffic Lights again?
  11. This nonsense happened? Must have been the day APB realised it can fall far further than it already did.
  12. Oh you have no idea. Just because you played for a few hours doesn't mean there isn't a crapton of them.
  13. lol wasn't SPCM done in when those people started abusing the name to scam and cheat?
  14. Well, make it a suggestion for the future, an option to disable music and annoying ambient sounds. I am totally in for that. But well, if TankBal got banned then for something completely different.
  15. A Little while? almost 2 years ago is a little to you?
  16. 50/50 Servers will surely come back once they got some servers that aren't powered by a Peacock.
  17. BattleEye will probably ban them instantly again so no worries.
  18. and never will be lol.
  19. his forum acc got unbanned, not so his ingame acc
  20. IT has to be a troll. none is that ignorant.
  21. Oh oh, i got Questions. Do you want to finally kill the game by making Legendaries untradable you will archive exactly that or how did that Train of thoughts came to be? Rules that forbid Advertising a Stream or Youtube channel pretty much tell you "You are not allowed to have fun and be creative" and "we want no content creator". Can you explain how many nails are in the coffin and how you manage to still get more into it? Can i has animated Avatars? I can make it happen even without you but hey, a rule is a rule.
  22. Well, rip Creative corner where streamer was allowed to make an introduction thread and all. Anyone got some spare nails for this coffin?
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